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Mid-Term Review 2011/2012
The following is a list of topics that will be on the midterm. You should begin using your notes,
and handouts to make up YOUR OWN review. The midterm will consist of 180 multiple choice
questions and one essay (230 points). The multiple choice questions will be divided evenly
between the English and Social Studies content, and the essay will be interdisciplinary.
Observation and inference
Definition of culture and civilization (GREASES)
Nomadism, subsistence farming
Ancient Greece
Geography of Greece
Minoans v. Mycenaeans (comparison chart/GREASES)
“Lost Civilizations” video (frescoes, Trojan War, Homer, Atlantis, etc.)
Golden Age (definition)
Development of Democracy (Direct democracy v. representative democracy)
Pericles (who he was, his three goals for Athens)
Areas of achievement during the Golden Age
Philosophy (Socrates, Plato and Aristotle)
Acropolis and Parthenon
Greek Architecture
columns (orders of columns)
values illustrated in the architecture (order, balance and proportion)
Drama (tragedy and comedy, dramatists, theatre)
Values of Ancient Greece
The Renaissance:
Reasons why it began in Northern Italy
Major Renaissance Values: Humanism, Secularism, Patron, Renaissance Man/Woman
Major Artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael and examples of their
Linear perspective: difference between medieval and Renaissance art (technique and values)
Northern Renaissance:
Why did it spread North
Christian Humanists (Erasmus and More): What did these humanists focus on?
Christine de Pizan
Johann Gutenberg’s printing press
Impact of printing press
Renaissance’s impact on Europe
The Reformation:
Martin Luther: Three major beliefs
95 Theses
Consequences of Luther’s actions (Pope Leo X and Holy Roman Emperor’s response)
Council of Worms and Edict of Worms
Peace of Augsburg
John Calvin and Calvinism: Predestination, The “Elect”
Henry VIII and his six wives
Elizabethan England:
Elizabeth’s biography (her parents, her religion, her education, etc.)
Challenges to Elizabeth’s reign (religious conflicts, rival queen, Spanish ambitions and financial
Act of Uniformity and Act of Supremacy
Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots)
English Sea Dogs (Francis Drake),Dutch Protestants and Mary Stuart
Spanish Armada (reasons why Philip II invaded, how did English defeat Armada, final result)
Defeat of Armada is Turning Point in European History (Why? What came out of Spain’s
England’s financial problems/joint stock company
Puritans (Who were they? What did they want? How did Elizabeth respond?)
Divine right of kings
Beliefs/ideas of: Voltaire, Montesquieu (Separation of Powers), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (social
contract), Cesare Beccaria, Mary Wollstonecraft, John Locke (natural rights), Thomas Hobbes
(social contract)
Influence of Enlightenment thinkers on Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution/Bill
of Rights (STUDY CHART)
Impact of Enlightenment
The Three Themes of Africa and examples
Geography of Africa (including geographic locations i.e. Map)
Igbo G.R.E.A.S.E.S. (examples)
Important terms: polygamy, polytheistic, ancestor worship, patriarchy, pastoralism,
nomadism, subsistence farming, urbanization
European influence in Africa (when it began, why began then, why they went to Africa, etc)
Imperialism/Colonialism – definition
European motives (Nationalism, economic competition, European racism and missionary
Social Darwinism “Survival of the fittest”
Internal and External forces that promoted imperialism in Africa (study chart from textbook)
Berlin Conference (which countries dominated Africa)
Indirect vs. direct management (including goals of each)
Positive and negative impact of colonial rule (chart from class)