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 Chapter 3 Ancient Egypt and Nubia Objectives -­‐ Find out how the geography of the Nile changes as the river runs its course -­‐ Learn about the types of communities that first appeared along the Nile -­‐ Learn how the Nile was used for trade -­‐ Learn about the history of kingship in ancient Egypt -­‐ Find out about Egypt’s accomplishments during each of the three kingdom periods -­‐ Understand what characterized the rule of Egypt during the New Kingdom period -­‐ Learn about Egyptian gods and goddesses -­‐ Find out about the Egyptians’ belief in the afterlife -­‐ Discover how and why the pharaohs’ tombs were built -­‐ Find out about the everday life of the ancient Egyptians -­‐ Learn about writing in ancient Egypt -­‐ Discover advances made by the Egyptians in science and medicine -­‐ Examine the relationship between Nubia and Egypt -­‐ Learn about the Nubian kingdoms centered in Kerma, Napata, and Meroe Name: ________________________________ Homeroom: ___________ Using the map on page 69, answer the following questions. 1. The waters of the Nile River flow through Nubia and Egypt and spill into the Mediterranean Sea. Use a Compass Rose – In which direction does the Nile River Flow? Explain 2. Use the map key to support this statement: Water always flows downhill. Complete the boxes below after reading each section of your textbook! Section 1: The Geography of the Nile (pages 70-­‐75) 1. What basic truth did Herodotus learn while trying to locate the source of the Nile? 2. Look at the picture on page 70, what gifts of the Nile are shown in this painting? The Course of the Nile River How long is the Nile River? _________________ What are the two main sources of the Nile? Nubia – cataracts – The Nile Through Ancient Nubia (page 71) Why did the people of Lower Nubia live close to the Nile? delta – The Nile Through Ancient Egypt (page 72) Why was there fertile farmland in the Nile delta? Why were the floodwaters each summer so important? Gifts of the Nile (page 72) silt – Why did the ancient Egyptians call their land “the black land?” Black Land and Red Land (page 73) What was the “red lands?” Why didn’t Egypt and Nubia face many invasions? Desert Protection (page 73) The Growth of Communities and Trade Along the Nile Living Along the Nile (page 74) A Highway for Trade (page 75) Routes Through Nubia (page 75) Nubia had less farmland than Egypt. How did they add to their diet? Besides traveling on the Nile River, how else could goods be traded? Why did the Nubians have to develop trade routes over land, instead of using the Nile River? Section 2: The Rulers of Egypt (pages 76-­‐81) pharaoh – Egyptian Kingship From Dynasty to Dynasty (page 77) Egypt is Unified (page 77) All-­‐Powerful Pharaohs (page 77) dynasty – The kingdoms (Old, Middle, and New) are _________________ not places. When did Egypt’s first dynasty begin? absolute power – The Three Kingdoms The Old Kingdom (page 78) The Middle Kingdom (page 79) The New Kingdom (page 79) What caused the crumbling of Egypt’s unity and weakening of the dynasties toward the end of the Old Kingdom? What did the pharaohs spend the nation’s wealth on? What started the New Kingdom? Why did the pharaohs build huge armies? Rule During the New Kingdom regent -­‐ The Pharaoh Queen (page 80) Thutmose III Rules (page 81) Ancient Egypt After the New Kingdom (page 81) Why was Hatshepsut’s reign good for Egypt? Why was Thutmose III unlike most rulers? What caused the decline of Egypt during the New Kingdom period? Who was Cleopatra VII? Section 3: Egyptian Religion (pages 82-­‐89) afterlife – Egyptian Gods and Goddesses Regional Differences (page 83) Important Gods (page 83) Sun God = _________ Falcon God = ____________ Who was the chief god and what was he believed to do? Describe the following: Osiris – Isis – Horus – Belief in an Afterlife Journey to the Afterlife (page 84) Preparing the Dead (page 84) How did spirits get to the afterlife? Describe what ancient Egyptians did in the afterlife. mummy -­‐ Why did ancient Egyptians bury their dead with food and other possessions? The Great Pyramid (page 85) What did the builders of the Great Pyramid at Giza do to keep out grave robbers? The Pharaoh’s Tombs The Pyramids (page 86) The Building Process (page 86-­‐87) Teamwork (page 87) pyramids -­‐ The Great Pyramid was build in the ancient city of ___________ for _______________. Why were pyramids built on the West bank of the Nile? Describe how blocks of stone were put into place to build a pyramid. Section 4: Ancient Egyptian Culture (pages 90-­‐95) The Lives of the Egyptians Social Classes (page 91) Who made up the upper class? Who made up the middle class? Why do you think the peasant class was the largest class in ancient Egyptian society? Slavery (page 91) Lives of Peasants (page 92) Women of Egypt (page 92) A New System of Writing (page 93) Writing Materials (page 93) Unlocking a Mystery (page 94) Keepting Track of Time (page 94) Where did the Egyptians get their slaves? How were the lives of Egypt’s peasants ruled by the seasons? Do you think that ancient Egyptians felt that women had an important place in society? Why or why not? Writing in Ancient Egypt hieroglyphs – Why did Egyptians begin using hieroglyphs? papyrus – What was the significance of the Rosetta Stone? Science and Medicine astronomers – Why was it important for the Egyptians to figure out the length of their year? How did mathematics help the ancient Egyptians? How was religion and medicine closely related? What is herbalism? How did ancient Egyptians use it? Mathematics (page 95) Medicine (page 95) Section 5: The Cultures of Nubia (pages 98-­‐102) Nubia and Egypt Land of the Bow (page 99) Valuable Resources (page 99) Where is Nubia located? Why did the Egyptians call Nubia the “land of the bow?” ore – Lower Nubia – Upper Nubia – Why did Nubia and Egypt become rivals? Kerma’s Wealth (page 100) Conflict With Egypt (page 101) The Capital of Napata (page 101) The Capital of Meroë (page 102) The Kerma Culture artisans – Why did Nubian culture and Eqyptian culture mix around the 1500s B.C.? Napata and Meroë In which ways did the Napatan kings show their admiration for Egyptian culture? How did the people of Meroë use iron ore?