Download Components of fitness 2011

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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project

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Recap last lesson…
Identify and give examples of different
types of decision making for different roles
within –
a) Invasion games (eg football) (3marks)
b) Target games (eg golf) (3marks)
Peer assessment…
Mark scheme…
a) Player selecting which skill to use, manager
selecting tactics/strategies, officials making
decisions in game.
b) Player deciding which type of shot to play,
groundstaff deciding on how to prepare
conditions, officials enforcing rules within
Learning Objectives…
1) To know/be able to define 5 components of
2) To link components of fitness to different
3) To understand how a warm up/cool down
affects our body.
Components of fitness…
Which key process are components of
fitness linked to?
Physical and mental capacity
Components of fitness…
Link the components of fitness to the
Components of fitness…
Cardiovascular endurance
 to be able to finish physical jobs; to not be too tired
by the end of the day.
 is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to
deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues
Muscular endurance
 to be able to carry out repetitive tasks without tiring
easily; to be able to finish an exercise programme.
 is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to
sustain repeated contractions against a resistance for
an extended period of time.
Components of fitness…
 to be able to perform a physical activity quickly; to
get physical jobs done quickly.
 The ability to move your whole (or part) body from
point a to b.
Muscular Strength
 to be able to lift and carry heavy objects safely.
 a muscle's ability to perform a maximum contraction
time after time
Components of fitness…
to be able to sustain physical activity without
straining muscles; to be able to reach for
The possible range of movement at a joint.
Components of fitness…
Exam question….
Explain how 5 components of fitness are evident
within a sport of your choice.
Learning objective 1 & 2?....
What were they???
Have you achieved them??
Warm up…
Order of an effective warm up…
1) Pulse raiser
2) Dynamic stretches
3) Static stretches (optional)
Warm up…
What does a warm up do to our body?
to prepare for performance.
increases flexibility.
improves speed/strength of muscular
reduce risk of injury.
Cool down…
What does a cool down do to our body?
speeds removal of lactic acid/waste products.
prevents stiffness/soreness.
prevents injury.
Warm up & Cool down…
Exam question….
Give a practical example of a warm up activity
and explain why it is important before
exercise. (4marks)
Complete the extended quiz on components of
It is very hard!! So make sure you research your
You have until next Monday…