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The Project
You are an archaeological historian and are about to embark on a fantastic journey into the past to
discover the mysteries of ancient Mesopotamia. Your goal is to achieve an understanding of what life
was like, what the culture consisted of, how the government developed, details about the religious
beliefs, the development of trade, the development of specialization and social classes, and how the
first written language looked. You will discover that much of what we in the twenty-first century take
for granted in our civilization has roots in the Mesopotamia of 5000 years ago.
1.Title Page:
Create a title page! Include the following things: your name, the class (6-1/2 Social Studies), and my
name (Mrs. Marinello). Do you best to decorate the cover page with images that remind you of
2. It Happened First in Mesopotamia:
Select two things that began or were invented in Mesopotamia, and design a visual that depicts each
of the achievements. The visual should be drawn. Your visual should have labels, be colorful, and be
accurate. Include a short
paragraph describing what you
choice and how it was used.
3. Cuneiform
Use the Cuneiform alphabet to
create a message. First give a
short description of what
cuneiform is. The message
should be at least three
sentences. Include the English
translation in small print, upside
down, and on the bottom of the
4. Gods, Goddesses, Monsters, and Demons
Choose four of ancient Mesopotamia’s gods or goddesses. Write their name in English and in
cuneiform. Explain who they were and what their power was in a short paragraph. Be sure to include
an illustration.
5. The Code of Hammurabi
Select four laws and write them out. After each law, explain in your own words what the law means in
today’s world. Do you know if there are similar laws.? Choose four situations and provide
Hammurabi’s decision on them. Include if you think the law in fair or unfair. If you believe it is unfair,
provide a punishment or rule that you would consider to be fair.
What should be done to the carpenter who builds a house that falls and kills the owner?
What should be done when a “sister of god” (or nun) enters the wine shop for a drink?
What happens if a man is unable to pay his debts?
What happens to the wine seller who fails to arrest bad characters gathered at her shop?
What should be done about a wife who ignores her duties and belittles her husband?
What should be done if a son is adopted and then the birth-parents want him back?
What should happen to a boy who slaps his father?
How is the truth determined when one man brings an accusation against another?
6. Terminology
These terms are important to the understanding of ancient Mesopotamia. Create an encyclopedia
that describes the meaning of 10 terms. You may have to do some research. Include at least three
Tigris and Euphrates
Cradle of Civilization
Sargon I
Hammurabi of Babylon
7. Ziggurats
Write a one page, multi-paragraph report on ziggurats. Include the following information:
1. Explain what a ziggurat is.
2. How and why they were built
3. How does the building function in the culture. How does it affect daily life?
4. Famous ziggurats
On another page draw and label the parts of a ziggurat.
8. The Middle East, Then and Now
Find a map of ancient Mesopotamia and one that is current.
Do your best to redraw this map (don’t trace). Redraw the outlines of the current nations that occupy
the area and label them. Label the major rivers, lakes, mountains, and other major geographical places,
including oceans and seas. Label the capital cities of the nations with a star next to them.
Using a colored pencil, outline and fill in the area that used to be ancient Mesopotamia over the
modern day map. Label the civilizations that were there. Label the major cities of these civilizations
with a dot next to them.
Color in the oceans and other water sources with blue. Make the land area green.