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Section 4: The Rise & Fall of Chinese Empires
I. The Qin (Chin) Dynasty (221-206 B.C.) (p. 99)
 _______________________________________ (CHIN-SHUR-HWONG-DEE)—“First
Qin Emperor) at 13 yrs. old
A. Changes under the Qin Dynasty
1. _______________________ was adopted as the regime’s (the gov’t in power) policy
a. if opposed it, __________________________________________
b. ___________________________ books (censorship) against it
2. Highly centralized state (unlike ________________________)
a. _____________________________ division
b. _____________________________ division
c. censorate:
3. Provinces & counties
a. official appointed/dismissed by _____________________________
b. watched by censors & may be _______________________________
4. unified Chinese world
a. single _____________________________ system
b. system of __________________________________
c. capital _____________________________ (SYEN-YONG)—present day Xian
5. Extended the _________________________ border of China
B. The Great Wall
1. In the Gobi Desert (N) lived _______________________________ (SYEN-NOO)
a. a ______________________________ group
b. fought on _____________________________
c. Chinese started to build ________ to protect themselves from invasions/attacks
2. Strengthened existing system of walls
a. added loose stone, sand, piled rubble
b. these walls really don’t ___________________ today
c. the “Wall ________________________ Li (li=1/3 mi.)
3. Massive project
a. thousands of _____________________________
b. many died & might be buried ____________________________________??
C. The Fall of the Qin Dynasty
1. ______________________________ died in 210 B.C.
2. his dynasty was overthrown _______________ years later
3. fall of Qin dynasty was followed by a ________________ war
II. The Han Dynasty (202 B.C.-220 A.D.)
 Liu Bang (LYOH-BONG) “__________________________________________”
A. Political Structure
1. use _______________________________________ (not Legalism like Qin)
2. highly _____________________ government like Qin (divided into same three areas)
3. same officials in charge of (divisions)_______________________________________
4. choose leaders on ________________________, not birth
5. civil service _______________________ & a school to train them
a. Confucianism
b. _________________________
c. law
6. increase population (from _______________ million to _________________million)
7. Increased need for large & efficient _________________________________
B. Expansion of Empire
1. _____________________________ (HAHN-WOO-DEE)
a. “Martial Emperor of Han”
b. added southern regions to coast of S. China Sea (now ____________________)
c. went ________________________
d. died in ___________________ B.C.
e. ____________________ years more of peace
C. Society in Han Empire
1. great ______________________ except for free peasants
2. Land was held by the powerful ___________________________
D. Technology in the Han Empire
1. _______________________ manufacturing
2. water mills for __________________________________
3. Iron casting to make ______________________________
4. paper (p. 102)
5. others (p. 102)
a. _____________________ compass
b. __________________________
c. gunpowder
6. Rudder & fore-and-aft rigging
a. could sail into wind & Indian Ocean for greater _________________________
E. The Fall of the Han Empire
1. ___________________ rulers allowed the power of the central government to decline
2. corruption
3. nomadic _______________________ to the north
4. wars
a. in 190 A.D.—moved capital to _____________________ (LWO-Yong)
5. civil war
III. Culture in Qin & Han Dynasties
A. Confucian classics
B. _____________________ army (p. 103)
1. re-creation of Qin Shihuangdi’s ___________________________ guard
2. dressed in ________________________
3. 6,000+ in first pit of the ____________pits discovered
4. also horses, wooden chariots & ________________________ bronze weapons
5. slightly larger than ______________________ soldiers
6. painted with brilliant colors & very ________________________________