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Heart and Lungs…and Cells Quiz Document (5 pts. each)
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1. parts of the respiratory system include the nose, mouth, airways, and
a. heart
b. arteries
c. lungs
d. veins
2. Within the lungs are tiny air sacks called
a. alveoli
b. arteries
c. lungs
d. veins
3. Which two gases are exchanged in the lungs
a. oxygen and carbon
b. carbon dioxide and water vapor
c. carbon dioxide and air
d. oxygen and carbon dioxide
4. Oxygen enters the body and carbon dioxide leaves the body through the
a. skeletal
b. excretory
c. circulatory
d. respiratory
5. Oxygen the body needs moves to every cell in the body through the
a. skeletal
b. excretory
c. circulatory
d. respiratory
6. The
is the organ that pumps blood throughout the body.
a. heart
b. arteries
c. lungs
d. stomach
7. Which of these is known as a “windpipe”?
a. alveoli
b. lungs
c. diaphragm
d. trachea
8. Where does oxygen get absorbed into the blood?
a. diaphragm
b. alveoli
c. windpipe
d. capillaries
9. What does the term circulation refer to?
a. the movement of oxygen
b. the absorption of oxygen
c. the movement of blood
d. the production of red blood
Heart and Lungs…and Cells Quiz Document (5 pts. each)
Do NOT write on this document. Choose the BEST answer for the questions below.
10. When the heart muscle contracts (squeezes), which of the following occurs?
a. Blood gets pumped.
b. Oxygen gets absorbed.
c. Lungs inflate.
d. Diaphragm expands.
11. What does the term circulation refer to?
a. the movement of oxygen
b. the absorption of oxygen
c. the movement of blood
d. the production of red blood cells
12. Which is not a heart structure (part)?
a. left ventricle
b. right ventricle
c. medial ventricle
d. right atrium
13. Blood returns from the body with carbon dioxide and enters the right atrium then right
ventricle. Where does it travel to next?
a. left ventricle
b. the lungs
c. medial ventricle
d. right atrium
14. Oxygenated blood arrives from the lungs and enters the heart through the left atrium then
the left ventricle. Where does it travel next?
a. back to the lungs
b. throughout the body
c. to the brain first
d. medial ventricle
15. Which declarative sentence is false?
a. Capillaries connect veins to arteries.
b. Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart.
c. Veins return carbon dioxide carrying blood to the heart.
d. None of these statements is false.
16. Esther is looking at a cell through a microscope and sees a cell wall. Which declarative
sentence is true?
a. Esther sees an animal cell.
b. Esther sees a plant cell.
c. Esther cannot identify this cell by the cell wall alone.
d. None of these statements is true.
Heart and Lungs…and Cells Quiz Document (5 pts. each)
Do NOT write on this document. Choose the BEST answer for the questions below.
17. Ethan is looking at a cell through a microscope and sees a nucleus. Which declarative
sentence is true?
a. Ethan sees an animal cell.
b. Ethan sees a plant cell.
c. Esther cannot identify this cell by the nucleus.
d. Ethan doesn’t know how to use a microscope.
18. Which organelle is not present in animal cells?
a. chloroplasts
b. vacuole
c. mitochondria
d. nucleus
19. Which organelle is not present in plant cells?
a. chloroplasts
b. cell wall
c. mitochondria
d. all of these are present
20. On the back of your answer document, explain why plant cells have cell walls (5points).