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Name: __________________________
Section: ____________________________
Seventh Grade Social Studies
ROME: “The Ultimate Empire”
Movie Questions
Below you will find questions that can be answered by watching the movie: “ROME: The Ultimate
Empire.” Watch the movie, and answer the questions as you follow along. You do not have to use
compete sentences.
1) For how long did the opening ceremonies of the games at the Coliseum last?
-lasted for 100 days
2) About how many people could be it into the Coliseum?
-about 50,000 people fit in Coliseum
3) During the time of the games, Rome had what fraction of the world’s population under its control?
-about 1/5 of the world’s population was under Rome
4) Name three types of animals that were brought from all over the world for the games in the
-hippos, rhinos, antelope, lion, elephants
Founding an Empire:
5) After conquering Spain and North Africa, what two areas did Caesar conquer next?
-Caesar went to Greece and Asia Minor
6) Under Caesar, about how many square miles did the Roman Empire cover?
-about 2 million square miles
7) About how many different languages were spoke in the city of Rome?
-12 different languages in city of Rome
Engineering and Architecture:
8) What is the name of the only building from Ancient Rome that remains in tact?
-only building; Pantheon
9) Who was responsible for this sturdy structure?
-Hadrian (in 2nd century CE)
10) In apartment buildings, how was it determined who was going to live on what floor?
-the richer people lived lower, the less money you had, the higher in the apartments you lived
The Rise of Emperors:
11) In what year did Caesar declare himself dictator?
-Caesar becomes dictator in 46 BCE
12) About how long did Caesar rule as dictator in Rome?
-he ruled for about a year and a half
13) Who took over power as dictator after Caesar?
-Augustus (Octavian; adopted son) took over after Caesar
14) About how long did the “Pax romana” last?
-lasted for about 2 centuries (200 years)
Roman Roads:
15) About how many miles of highways ran through Rome?
-50,000 miles of highways
16) About how many miles of roads ran through Rome?
-200,000 miles of roads
17) What sort of items did the Romans get from Syria?
-got Chinese silks and glassware from Syria
18) What sort of items did the Romans get from south of Arabia?
-exotic perfumes and incense from S. Arabia
19) Why was Petra so important to the Romans spreading their power east?
-only passage through Jordanian Mtns; controlling this means they could control flow of luxury
goods from east
The Roman Army:
20) How many pounds of gear were Roman soldiers expected to wear?
-carried about 60 pounds of gear
21) About how many miles were the soldiers expected every five hours?
-soldiers walked 24 miles/5 hours
22) At this pace, about how long would it take to get from both ends of the empire (from Petra to the
British Isles)?
- it would take about five months
23) What is the name of the structure that lay at the northern border of Rome’s empire on the British
-Hadrian’s wall
24) How big is this structure?
-wall was about 73 miles long