Download glands of the human body

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Pituitary gland
thyroid gland
suprarenal gland
pineal gland
ovaries and testes
Pituitary Gland
The tiny pituitary gland, at the base of the
brain, secretes hormones that stimulate other
glands to produce their own hormones. It is
often called the master gland because of its
wide-ranging influences, but the real master is
the hypothalamus, linking the endocrine
system and nervous systems.
 Pituitary consists of two anatomically different parts
1. Anterior lobe
2. Posterior lobe
Anterior is the largest component, made from grandular tissue that manufactures hormones.
7 hormones are produced, 4 target other glands (tropic)
-thyroid-stimulating hormone(TSH)
= thyroid
-adrenocorticotropic (ACTH)
= suprarenal glands
-follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)
= sex glands
-luteinizing hormone (LH)
the rest act directly on target organs
growth hormone(GH)
Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH)
= bone, skeletal muscle liver
= skin
= breast
Posterior lobe is part of hypothalamus, stores and realises hormones .
Two hormones are stored in the posterior lobe oxytocin and antidiuretic(ADH).
Hormone Affects
Skin- MSH targets skin cells called melanocytes, which produce the hormone melanin. If produced in excess MSH can casue skin to darken.
Suprarenal gland- ACTH stimulates the cortex of the suprarenal glands to secrete steroid hormones that help the body resist stress, they also affect
the metabolism.
Thyroid gland- TSH stimulates the thyroid to secrete hormones that affect metabolism and body heat production, and promote normal
development of many body systems.
Bone, skeletal muscle and liver- GH promotes the enlargement of bones, increase of muscle mass and tissue building and renewal.
Sex glands- LH , and FSH trigger the sex glands to make hormones in females, they cause egg cells to ripen and stimulate ovulation: in males they
prompt sperm production.
Breast- prolactin helps stimulate milk production by the mammary glands, levels rise before menstruation, which account for breast tenderness.
Breast- oxytocin prompts the release of milk from the mammary gland in breastfeeding.
Uterus- oxytocin stimulates contractions in labour stretching of the Uterus triggers the hypothalamus to make oxytocin, which the posterior lobe
Kidney tubules- ADH causes water to be returned to the blood by the kidney filtering tubules, making urine more concentrated. ADH also affects
blood pressure.