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Introduction to Atoms and the Periodic Table
Atom Learning Targets
I can….
Describe and draw the many models of the atom
Explain the reasoning behind changing older models of the atom as well as the
pro/cons to the various atomic models
Define electron, proton, neutron in terms of mass, charge, location in the
atom, and the affect they have to the identity of an atom
Determine number of protons, electrons, neutrons, valence electrons, mass
number, and atomic number for any element using the periodic table
Determine the elements and number of elements in a given compound
Periodic Table Learning Targets
I can….
Identify general areas on the periodic table including solid/liquid/gas,
metal/non-metal, and properties of massive elements
Define and determine the number of valence electrons for an element
Determine if something is a compound or element based on formula/symbol
Substances and Nuclear Learning Targets
I can….
Explain the effect that bonding has on properties of substances
Describe properties of metals and alloys
Describe and define fission and fusion as well as their uses
Describe why radioactive decay occurs and the effect of radiation
Define and calculate solubility, relative solubility, and homogeneous mixtures.
Lab Safety Learning Targets
I can….
Describe all safety guidelines expected of me in lab
Label and describe the uses of the parts of a Bunsen burner
Describe and draw where the hottest part of the Bunsen Burner flame is