Download Mr. Trachtenberg`s Big Chemistry Test Review Part I of III 20pts

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Mr. Trachtenberg's Big Chemistry Test Review Part I of III 20pts Name: Period: Date: 1.) Upon whose ideas is the periodic table based? Dmitri Mendeleev 2.) Which group are the Alkali Metals and how many valence electrons do they have? Group 1. 1 valence electron. 3.) How many electrons do Halogens usually gain in a chemical bond? They gain 1. 4.) What are the Rows called on the Periodic Table and how many are there? Periods. There are 7 Periods. 5.) What are the Columns called on the Periodic Table and how many are there? Groups. There are 18 Groups. 6.) What do the Columns tell you about the elements in them? The number of valence electrons they have. 7.) What do the Rows tell you about the elements in them? The number of electron shells they have. 8.) How are the elements on the Periodic Table organized? By Atomic Number and left to right 9.) Elements in the same Group have similar properties. 10.) Elements in the lower left-­‐hand corner of the Periodic Table have the largest atomic radii. 11.) Elements in the upper right-­‐hand corner of the Periodic Table have the highest electronegativies and ionization energies. 12.) Moving down a group atoms get larger 13.) Moving from left to right in a period, atoms get smaller. 14.) Briefly, what does Electronegativity measure? The ability of an atom of one element to remove an electron from an atom of another element. 15.) What does Ionization Energy measure? The amount of energy needed to remove one electron from the outermost electron shell of an atom. 16.) A(n) element is any material that cannot be broken down into simpler materials by chemical means. 17.) A(n) atom is the smallest indivisible part of an element. 18.) A(n) compound consists of two or more elements united in definite proportion. Sketch the Electron Shell diagram of the element with Atomic Number 8 (2 pts): The element is Oxygen. It has 6 electrons in its valence shell -­‐ it is in Group 16 after all, 8 electrons, 8 protons, and 8 neutrons.