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The hearing mechanism
1. The text you are going to read is dedicated to the hearing
mechanism. What do you already know about it? If you were to deal
with such topic, what would you speak about?
2. Look at the picture. Give Russian names to the parts of the ear.
3. Pay attention to the following words in the text:
to detect – определять;
balance – равновесие;
the entire organ – внешний орган;
the visible portion – видимая часть;
vertebrates – позвоночные животные;
to localize – определять местонахождение, находиться;
sound sources – источники звука;
аudition – слух;
waves of pressure – воздушные потоки под давлением;
to perceive – осознавать, понимать, постигать, воспринимать;
ощущать, чувствовать;
a cell – клетка;
to amplify – расширять(ся), увеличивать(ся), усиливать(ся);
medium – проводник;
ear canal – ушной канал;
middle ear – среднее ухо;
inner ear – внутреннее ухо;
hollow – пустой, полый;
temporal bone – височная кость;
dense – жесткий, упругий;
epithelium – верхний слой кожи, эпителий;
to stud – усеивать, покрывать( обычно для украшения);
hair cells – клетки волоски;
structural protein filaments – структурные белковые нитевидные
to release – облегчать, освобождать;
bend over – гнуться, сгибаться, двигаться в определенном
to fire – поджигать, воспламенять; зд. приводить в действие;
the eighth cranial nerve – восьмой черепной нерв (предверноулитковый);
to sensе balance – держать равновесие;
the vestibular portion – вестибулярный аппарат;
frequencies – частота звука;
pinna – ушная раковина;
the ear canal – слуховой ход;
the ear drum – барабанная перепонка;
cartilage appendage – козелок, хрящевой аппендикс;
to damp – смачивать, увлажнять; ухудшать(ся);
еar wax – ушная сера;
glands – гланды(особые лимфатические узлы);
the anterior – передний(яя часть);
concave side – выгнутая сторона.
II .1. Find the following English equivalents in the text:
- различать звуки;
- играть главную роль;
- чувство равновесия;
- видимая часть;
- располагаться симметрично;
- по обоим сторонам головы;
- передвигаться по воздуху;
- нервные импульсы;
- возбуждение нервных клеток;
- чувство равновесия;
- не иметь особого влияния на слух;
Use dictionary if necessary.
2. Read the text:
The ear is the organ that detects sound. It not only acts as a receiver for sound,
but plays a major role in the sense of balance and body position. The ear is part of
the auditory system. The word "ear" may be used correctly to describe the entire
organ or just the visible portion. Vertebrates have a pair of ears, placed
symmetrically on opposite sides of the head. This arrangement aids in the ability to
localize sound sources.
Audition is the scientific name for the sense of sound. Sound is a form of
energy that moves through air, water, and other matter, in waves of pressure.
Sound is the means of auditory communication like spoken language. Although the
ear is the vertebrate sense organ that recognizes sound, it is the brain and central
nervous system that "hears". Sound waves are perceived by the brain through the
firing of nerve cells in the auditory portion of the central nervous system. The ear
changes sound pressure waves from the outside world into a signal of nerve
impulses sent to the brain.
The outer part of the ear collects sound. That sound pressure is amplified
through the middle portion of the ear and, in land animals, passed from the
medium of air into a liquid medium. The change from air to liquid occurs because
air surrounds the head and is contained in the ear canal and middle ear, but not in
the inner ear. The inner ear is hollow, embedded in the temporal bone, the densest
bone of the body. The hollow channels of the inner ear are filled with liquid, and
contain a sensory epithelium that is studded with hair cells. The microscopic
"hairs" of these cells are structural protein filaments that project out into the fluid.
The hair cells are mechanoreceptors that release a chemical neurotransmitter when
stimulated. Sound waves moving through fluid push the filaments; if the filaments
bend over enough it causes the hair cells to fire. In this way sound waves are
transformed into nerve impulses. The nerve impulses travel from the left and right
ears through the eighth cranial nerve to both sides of the brain stem and up to the
portion of the cerebral cortex dedicated to sound. This auditory part of the cerebral
cortex is in the temporal lobe.
The part of the ear that is dedicated to sensing balance and position also
sends impulses through the eighth cranial nerve, the VIIIth nerve's Vestibular
Portion. Those impulses are sent to the vestibular portion of the central nervous
system. The human ear can generally hear sounds with frequencies between 20 Hz
and 20 kHz (the audio range).
The outer ear is the most external portion of the ear. The outer ear includes the
pinna (also called auricle), the ear canal, and the very most superficial layer of the
ear drum (also called the tympanic membrane). In humans the only visible portion
of the ear is the outer ear. Although the word "ear" may properly refer to the pinna
(the flesh covered cartilage appendage on either side of the head), this portion of
the ear is not vital for hearing. The outer ear does help get sound (and imposes
filtering), but the ear canal is very important. Unless the canal is open, hearing will
be dampened. Ear wax (cerumen) is produced by glands in the skin of the outer
portion of the ear canal. This outer ear canal skin is applied to cartilage; the thinner
skin of the deep canal lies on the bone of the skull. Only the thicker cerumenproducing ear canal skin has hairs. The outer ear ends at the most superficial layer
of the tympanic membrane. The tympanic membrane is commonly called the ear
drum. The pinna helps direct sound through the ear canal to the tympanic
membrane (eardrum).
The framework of the auricle consists of a single piece of yellow fibrocartilage
with a complicated relief on the anterior, concave side and a fairly smooth
configuration on the posterior, convex side. Human beings localize sound within
the central nervous system, by comparing arrival-time differences and loudness
from each ear, in brain circuits that are connected to both ears. This process is
commonly referred to as EPS, or Echo Positioning System.
III.1. Answer the questions:
1) What is an ear? Does it have any other meanings?
2) What does it act for?
3) Where are the ears located?
4) What is audition? How does it work?
5) What parts does an ear consist of?
6) Which part of the ear really “hears”?
7) Which parts of an ear are vital for hearing?
8) How does the brain help hearing?
2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:
1) Audition is the scientific name for the sense of balance.
2) The ear is the organ that detects sound. It not only acts as a receiver
for sound, but plays a major role in the sense of balance and body
3) The ear is part of the vestibular system
4) Vertebrates have a pair of ears, placed symmetrically on opposite
sides of the head.
5) The ear is the vertebrate sense organ that recognizes sound, although
it is the brain and central nervous system that "hears".
6) The outer part of the ear collects sound.
7) The hollow channels of the inner ear are filled with liquid.
8) The auditory part of the cerebral cortex is in the temporal lobe.
9) The part of the ear that is dedicated to sensing balance and position
sends impulses through the eighth cranial nerve.
The outer ear is the most external portion of the ear.
The outer ear helps get sound, but the ear canal is not very
3. Continue the sentences:
1) Audition is….
2) The ear is….
3) It not only …
4) The ear is part …
5) Vertebrates have …
6) Although the ear is
7) The outer part of the ear
8) The hollow channels of the inner ear
9) The nerve impulses
This auditory part of the cerebral cortex is….
The part of the ear that is dedicated to …
The outer ear is the most external portion of the ear.
The outer ear …
The framework of the auricle consists of…
Human beings localize…
4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:
The …is the organ that detects sound. It not only acts as a … for sound, but
plays a major role in the … of balance and body position. The … is part of the
auditory system. The word "ear" may be used correctly to describe the entire … or
just the visible portion. Vertebrates have a pair of… , placed symmetrically on
opposite sides of the head. This arrangement aids in the ability to localize sound…
Audition is
the scientific name for the … of sound. Sound is a form of energy that moves
through air, water, and other matter, in waves of pressure. Sound is the means of
auditory communication like spoken language. Although the … is the vertebrate
sense organ that recognizes sound, it is the … and central nervous system that
"hears". … … are perceived by the brain through the firing of nerve cells in the …
… of the central nervous system. The … changes sound pressure waves from the
outside world into a signal of … impulses sent to the brain.
part of the … collects sound. That … … is amplified through the middle portion of
the … and, in land animals, passed from the medium of air into a liquid…. The
inner … is hollow, embedded in the temporal … , the densest bone of the body.
The … are mechanoreceptors that release a chemical neurotransmitter when
stimulated. … waves moving through fluid push the filaments; if the filaments
bend over enough it causes the … to fire. In this way sound waves are transformed
into … impulses. The nerve ….travel from the left and right … through the eighth
cranial … to both sides of the brain stem and up to the portion of the cerebral
cortex dedicated to… . This auditory part of the cerebral cortex is in the … lobe.
5. Give synonyms from the text:
- one of the two parts at the sides of the head that you hear with;
- the smallest part of a living structure that can operate as an independent
- the part of the ear that is on the outside of the head;
- a part of the brain that is responsible for hearing, memory, and speech;
- the nerve in the scull.
8. Make up one sentence with each word from ex I (3) and II (1).
9. Make up five types of questions on the text.
10. Render the text in English:
Ухо — сенсорный орган у животных и человека служащий для
восприятия звука. Ухо человека воспринимает звуковые волны длиной
примерно 16 — 20 000 Гц (колебаний в секунду).
Анатомическое ухо делится на:
наружное ухо, систему среднего уха и внутреннее ухо — лабиринт, в
котором различают улитку, преддверие и полукружные каналы. Улитка,
наружное и среднее ухо представляют собой орган слуха, в состав которого
входит не только рецепторный аппарат, но и сложная звукопроводящая
система, предназначенная для доставки звуковых колебаний к рецептору — в
неё входят барабанная перепонка и три миниатюрных косточки,
«молоточек», «наковальня» и «стремя».
Полость внутреннего уха связана с носоглоткой
посредством Евстахиевой трубы, через которую выравнивается среднее
давление воздуха внутри и снаружи от барабанной перепонки. При
изменении внешнего давления иногда «закладывает» уши.
11. Make the written translation of the text.
12. Make a report about
a) Human outer ear and culture;
b) Damage to the human ear
c) Outer ear trauma
d) Middle ear trauma
e) Inner ear trauma
f) Non-vertebrate hearing organs
The causes of hearing loss
I . 1. The text you are going to read is dedicated to the causes of hearing loss.
If you were to deal with that topic, what would you speak about?
2. Pay attention to the following terms used in the text:
to expose – выставлять, подвергать действию ч.-л.;
approximately – примерно, приблизительно;
permanent – постоянный, не изменяющийся на протяжении
длительного времени;
noise-induced hearing loss – потеря слуха, вызванная длительным
воздействием громких звуков;
to reverse – повернуть назад, обратить процесс;
ear plugs and muffs – индивидуальные приспособления для снижения
уровня шума;
the hair cells in the inner ear – волоски внутреннего уха;
ear ringing – звон в ушах;
subtle high-pitched sounds – резкие высокие звуки;
acoustic trauma – травма вследствие воздействия громкого звука или
diminished hearing – ослабленный, сниженный слух;
rustle of leaves - шелест листьев;
exchange rate – с переменной частотой;
Industrial solvents - промышленные растворители;
lead – сталь;
ear canal disease – инфекции или заболевание ушного канала;
to mitigate – нивелировать, делать незаметным;
the chinchilla – «улитка»;
to bind – вязать, связывать, завязывать.
II.1. Find the following English equivalents in the text:
- на рабочем месте;
- то, что надо;
- искажение звуков;
- неразборчивые, не явные симптомы;
- измерение частоты звуков;
- первопричина;
- нарушения слуха;
- производство лакокрасочной продукции;
- использование слухового аппарата.
Use dictionary if necessary.
2. Read the text:
Cause of Hearing Loss
Exposure to loud noise is the second most common cause of hearing
loss. Approximately 30 million Americans are exposed to high intensity noise in
their workplace, in one in 4 of these workers (or 7.5 million Americans) a
permanent hearing loss will develop. Much can be done to prevent noise-induced
hearing loss but little can be done to reverse it. Sometimes a single exposure to
loud noise is all that is needed, a single hunting trip without ear plugs. Loud noise
damages the hair cells in the inner ear and can cause hearing loss, ear ringing and
distortion of sounds. The symptoms of noise induced hearing loss are subtle in the
early stages. Hearing loss tends to occur first for high-pitched sounds
only. Consequently, the volume of sound heard may be unchanged but the quality
of it lessens. Speech may be heard but not completely understood. The presence
of background noise can make speech hard to understand. Noise induced hearing
loss has been reported to be accompanied by a ringing in the ears (tinnitus) in 23%
of subjects. Tinnitus can often be more annoying than the hearing loss
itself. Treatment of tinnitus is often unsatisfactory. There has been an association
between acoustic trauma (noise induced hearing loss) and Meniere's disease which
has been reported in a few research articles and text books. However, more recent
literature has shown that acoustic trauma is not a causative factor.
Physical measurements of the sound can determine whether it exceeds
dangerous levels, and most factories have access to the necessary
equipment. Radio Shack also sells a sound level meter for under $40 which will
measure noise levels using the "A" Scale. (This is what the designation dBA refers
to -- decibels measured in the A Scale.) However, without noise-measuring
equipment, the following basic rules can be followed:
#1. If it is necessary to shout to hear yourself over a noise, the level of the sound
can be damaging.
#2. Should ringing in the ears occur after exposure to a loud sound, damage has
been done and that sound should be avoided or ear protection used in the future.
#3. If diminished hearing or a sense of fullness in the ears is experienced
after noise exposure, the level of that noise is damaging.
There are several federal guidelines for noise exposure.
The NIOSH recommended exposure limit (REL) for occupational noise
exposure (85 decibels an 8-hour time-weighted average) was reevaluated using
contemporary risk assessment techniques 4000-hertz (Hz) audiometric frequency
in the definition of hearing impairment. The new risk assessment reaffirms support
for the 85-dBA. With a 40-year lifetime exposure at the 85-dBA REL, the excess
risk of developing occupational NIHL is 8%considerably lower than the 25%
excess risk at the 90-dBA permissible exposure limit currently enforced by the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Mine Safety and
Health Administration.
Decibel Levels of Environmental Sounds
Source--Dangerous Level
Produces Pain
Jet Aircraft During Takeoff (at 20
Tractor Without Cab
Rock Concert
Pneumatic Drill
Home Lawn Mowers
95 to 100 dB
Semi-trailers (at 20 meters)
Discomfort Level
Above 80
Heavy Traffic
Automobile (at 20 meters)
Vacuum Cleaner
Conversational Speech (at 1 meter)
Quiet Business Office
Residential Area at Night
Whisper, Rustle of Leaves
Rustle of Leaves
Threshold of Audibility
There are also many agents found in industry which can also damage hearing
in addition to industrial noise exposure. The most common is tobacco.
Industrial Solvents: The combination of solvents and noise exposure exceeds the
damage produced by either also. The effect of solvents is potentiated even more
by exposure to ethanol. Organic Solvents found in Industry which are ototoxic
--Toluene: Found in paints, thinners, rubbers and in the printing industry.
--Stryene: Found in plastics, rubbers, resins, insulating materials.
--Carbon Disulfide: Found in the textile industry and insecticides.
--Xylene: Found in paint and lacquer industry
Metals: -- Lead may also cause hearing loss
Asphyxiants: Carbon Monoxide
Since there is little that can be done to treat noise induced hearing loss,
prevention by avoidance of loud noises is the best course. Compressible foam ear
plugs (not water plugs) and ear muffs WHEN FITTED PROPERLY can decrease
the noise exposure level by over 20 dB. EAR Classic plugs have a properly fitted
noise reduction rating of 29 dB. When given to subjects to fit themselves the
average attenuation was found to be 17 dB. Ear plugs and ear muffs are about
equally effective. Muffs cost more but can be used in patients with ear canal
disease. Muffs are also hot in warm weather.
For hunting, electronic plugs and muffs can be obtained which make
surrounding noise louder so game can be heard, but when firing a gun they muffle
the loud noise. Many people will not wear ear plugs in a noisy environment
because they think it will make it more difficult to hear others talking. Actually
the reverse is true. Ear plugs reduce noise most efficiently in the low frequencies,
below the speech range. This will increase the signal to noise ratio of the speech
New research indicates that several types of drugs when taken before or
immediately after noise exposure may mitigate the damage to the inner ear. These
drugs fall into three categories:
Anti-oxidants: These drugs may be protective based on the theory that one
of the mechanisms in noise inducted hearing loss is the generation of free oxygen
radicals. Vitamin E given at 10mg/kg/day to 40mg/kg/day in the guinea pig was
protective. ; Acetyl-L carnitine a mitrochondrial stabilizer for damage induced by
free oxygen radicals, and N-L-acetylcysteine an antioxidant, has been shown to
Glutathione is an antioxadant which has been shown to reduce the damage of noise
exposure. Researchers have also found that noise induced hearing loss is
characterized by a glutathione deficiency state and increase glutathione levels may
be protective. Glutathione monoethylester and in combination with R-N6phenylisopropyladenosine has also been studied in the chinchilla and has been
found to be protective.
Glutamate Receptor Antagonist: These drugs may be protective based on
the theory that one of the mechanisms in noise induced hearing loss is the
generation of Glutamate which binds to post-synaptic glutamate receptors which
leads to degeneration of the neurons. Investigated drugs include: caroverine;
Neurotrophins: There is also evidence that neurotrophins (neurotrophin-3)
may also be protective.
Remember the most common outcome to noise exposure is a permanent
hearing loss. When this occurs the only effective treatment is the use of hearing
aids. This is why prevention by avoiding loud noises and wearing ear protectors is
so important.
III.1. Answer the questions:
1. What noises are dangerous?
2. What is the main way to prevent hearing loss?
3. What treatment for hearing loss is the most common?
4. What industries are the most dangerous from the point of view of hearing
5. How medicines affect hearing? Which of them are harmful?
2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:
1) Hearing loss is a very frequent disease in the United States.
2) Exposure to loud noise is the most common cause of hearing loss.
3) Noise induced hearing loss has been reported to be accompanied by a
ringing in the ears.
4) Physical measurements of the sound can determine whether it exceeds
dangerous levels, and most factories have access to the necessary equipment.
5) If diminished hearing or a sense of fullness in the ears is experienced
after noise exposure, the level of that noise is not damaging.
6) There are also many agents found in industry which can also damage
hearing in addition to industrial noise exposure.
7) The most common cause for hearing loss is tobacco.
8) The effect of solvents is potentiated even more by exposure to ethanol.
9) Compressible foam ear plugs (not water plugs) and ear muffs WHEN
FITTED PROPERLY can decrease the noise exposure level by over 20 dB.
Ear plugs reduce noise most efficiently in the low frequencies, below
the speech range.
New research indicates that several types of drugs when taken before
or immediately after noise exposure may mitigate the damage to the inner
3. Continue the sentences:
1) Exposure to loud noise ….
2) Noise induced hearing loss ….
3) Physical measurements of …
4) If diminished hearing …
5) There are also…
6) The most common …
7) The effect of solvents …
8) Compressible foam ear plugs …
9) Ear plugs …
New research indicates that …
4. Fill in the blanks with the words from the text:
Exposure to loud … the second most common …of hearing
loss. Approximately 30 million Americans are …to high intensity … in their
workplace, in one in 4 of these workers (or 7.5 million Americans) a permanent …
loss will develop. Much can be done to prevent noise-induced hearing … but little
can be done to … it. Sometimes a single … to loud … is all that is needed, a
single hunting trip without ear…. Loud … damages the hair cells in the inner …
and can cause … loss, … ringing and distortion of sounds. The symptoms of …
induced hearing …are subtle in the early stages. Hearing … tends to occur first for
high-pitched sounds only. Consequently, the volume of sound heard may be
unchanged but the quality of it lessens. Speech may be heard but not completely
understood. The presence of background … can make speech hard to
understand. Noise induced … has been reported to be accompanied by a ringing in
the ears (tinnitus) in 23% of subjects. Tinnitus can often be more annoying than
the … itself. Treatment of tinnitus is often unsatisfactory. There has been an
association between acoustic trauma (noise induced… ) and Meniere's disease
which has been reported in a few research articles and text books. However, more
recent literature has shown that .. … is not a causative factor.
5. Give synonyms from the text:
- a small piece of equipment that someone wears in the ear to help to hear;
- disability to hear sounds;
- two parts of the body to the sides of the head that help to hear;
- the trauma related to high level sounds or music;
- a tube of fur or thick cloth which you put into the ears to protect them from
sound damage.
8. Make up one sentence with each word from ex I (2) and II (1).
9. Make up five types of questions on the text.
10. Render the text in English:
Taк как лечение потери слуха, вызванной длительным воздействием
громких звуков практически не поддается лечению, лучше всего избегать
их. Индивидуальные приспособления для снижения уровня шума (не для
плавания), сделанные из специальной пены, могут снизить уровень шума до
20 dB, если они правильно установлены; тогда как классические
индивидуальные приспособления для снижения уровня шума понижают его
до 29 dB. Все приспособления для снижения уровня шума действуют
примерно одинаково, однако те, которые сделаны из специальной пены,
стоят дороже и сильно нагреваются при высокой температуре, но также
могут быть использованы пациентами с заболеваниями ушного канала.
Например, во время охоты могут быть использованы электронные
индивидуальные приспособления для снижения уровня шума, которые
поглощают шум именно от выстрелов, в то время как
окружающие звуки слышны. Большинство людей отказываются от
использования индивидуальных приспособлений для снижения уровня шума,
так как считают, что они могут затруднить восприятие речи окружающих
людей, но на самом деле это не так, потому что редукции подвергаются
только звуки, находящиеся в диапазоне ниже человеческой речи.
Исследования отмечают, что также при приеме некоторых групп
медикаментов сразу после воздействия высокого уровня шума или незадолго
до этого могут нивелировать негативное действие или повреждение
внутреннего уха. Это касается следующих групп препаратов:
антиоксидантов, антагонистов глютамина рецепторов и нейротрофинов.
Важно помнить, что основным и самым распространенным следствием
воздействия высокого уровня шума является полная потеря слуха. В таком
случае единственным возможным лечением может быть использование
слухового аппарата. В связи с этим следует отметить, что профилактика и по
возможности избегание негативного воздействия высокого уровня шума и
использование индивидуальных устройств для снижения уровня шума
жизненно важно.
11. Make the written translation of the text.
12. Comment on the Quotations
*"Blindness cuts you off from things; deafness cuts you off from people." —
Helen Keller
*"What matters deafness of the ear, when the mind hears. The one true deafness,
the incurable deafness, is that of the mind." — Victor Hugo
*"Deaf people can do anything except hear." — I. King Jordan
13. Make a report about
a)Audism, discrimination against Deaf and hard-of-hearing people
b)Auditory brainstem response (ABR) test
c)Closed captioning
d) Deaf culture
e) Hearing loss with craniofacial syndromes
f) Models of deafness for a comparison of the medical, disability and cultural
models of deafness.
g) Post-lingual hearing impairment
h) Pre-lingual deafness
i) Tinnitus
j)Unilateral hearing loss
k) the influence of genetics and medications on hearing
14. Read the article “Guarding against hearing loss”. Make the summary of
the general advice.
Guarding against hearing loss
Simple precautions can protect ears of music lovers
From Neil Curry
Thursday, March 18, 2004 Posted: 4:09 PM EST (2109 GMT)
(CNN) -- If you've ever experienced ringing in your ears after a night of
clubbing or attending a gig, tune in now. There are simple measures you can
take to avoid permanent hearing damage.
People love music, and many people love it loud. But whether you're a
performer or promoter, roadie or fan, if you want to continue enjoying music, you
need to protect your hearing.
"Once the hearing's been damaged due to noise, there's no
remedy at all," said professor Mark Lutman, an audiology expert at the University
of Southampton in England.
"Once the hair cells in the inner ear are damaged, they never recover. There's
no mechanism for replacement or recovery, so the hearing loss is there for life."
London-based charity Royal National Institute for the Deaf conducted a
study on hearing damage caused by music and launched a campaign called "Don't
Lose the Music," aimed at educating fans on how to protect their hearing while
enjoying music.
RNID has lobbied fans at music festivals and offered earplugs to clubbers
jetting off to dance meccas such as Ibiza, Spain.
The group's top tips for hearing loss prevention include standing away from
speakers, taking regular breaks from the music in quieter areas of the venue and
using proper earplugs, rather than makeshift toilet tissue plugs.
"Three out of four people who go clubbing regularly experience the signs of
permanent hearing damage and that's a great concern for future young people,"
said Brian Dow, of RNID.
Warning signs
DJ Louis Millichamp suffers from tinnitus, or ringing in the ears.
"It's there 24 hours a day. It's [there] when everything gets quiet and there's
no noise around," Millichamp said.
He had been DJ-ing for about seven years when he first started noticing a
slight ringing in the ears -- the kind of ringing people may experience coming out
of a nightclub after sitting too close to a speaker.
It took Millichamp a while to realize he had a problem and that it was tied to
loud music. That response is not unusual, according to Dow.
"The research showed that the majority of people were not aware that
ringing in the ears can be a sign of permanent hearing damage, and that's a concern
because it's often experienced by people who are going [to gigs or clubs]
regularly," Dow said.
More than a reduction in volume, the effect of noise on hearing is a
reduction in clarity, Professor Lutman said.
Patients with hearing loss due to noise often report that they have more
difficulty than they used to hearing against background noise.
"So, for example, if they are in a pub, and there's a lot of people talking in
the background, they may miss out on conversation when their friends are able to
follow it," Lutman said.
Taking precautions
Many nightclubs will pump out music at around 100 decibels -- a level
similar to having workmen drilling right next to you. Hearing damage can occur at
a mere 85 decibels. Turning down the volume would seem to be the simplest
But it's not that simple, according to Rob Barton. Barton is the production
manager at Egg Nightclub in London.
"People come to clubs to listen to their favorite music and hear it as they've
never heard it before. ... They come to a club to hear it on a big loud sound system
with lots of flashing lights and have an experience that they don't normally get,"
Barton said.
So the music is loud, but the Egg takes measures to protect both clubbers
and staff. The venue is designed so that customers can see upon entry quieter areas
they may want to take a break in later. They also have signs warning people that
they're entering high decibel areas and letting them know where to get earplugs.
Part of the problem, Lutman said, is that young people minimize the warning
signs of hearing damage.
"Young people tend to push risk aside quite readily, and as we all know,
many people go to nightclubs and don't protect their hearing."
Tinnitus sufferer Millichamp urges music lovers to wear earplugs. "It's not
very attractive, and they do reduce the noise, but it's better than having a constant
noise 24 hours a day," he said.
Dow agrees that simple precautions are the best defense.
"Keep going to clubs, go to festivals, enjoy music. That is what it's there
for," he said.
"But when you are doing that, take some sensible steps. Don't expose
yourself to long-term hearing damage because if you do that, pretty soon you're not
going to enjoy the very things that you love."
Speech and language development of the deaf
1. You are going to read the text “Speech and language development of
the deaf”. What do you know about this handicap? What teaching difficulties
do such children present?
2. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations used in the
speech habits - речевые навыки;
environment - среда, окружение;
«the deaf and dumb» - глухонемые;
to lisp – шепелявить;
to verbalize - выражать словами;
bright child - способный ребенок;
average child - ребенок средних способностей, обычный;
severe or profound hearing losses - большая или глубокая потеря слуха;
remnants of hearing - остатки слуха;
tactile sense - чувство осязания;
hearing aids - слуховая аппаратура;
clinical entity - пациент, рассмотрение ребенка как клинического
acquired fluency of speech - приобретенная беглость речи;
congenitally deaf child - глухой от рождения;
the establishment of speech patterns - овладение речевыми навыками;
to acquire deafness – оглохнуть;
residual hearing - остаточный слух;
to suffer from - страдать от ч-л.;
infectious diseases - инфекционные заболевания;
accident - несчастный случай;
significant hearing loss - значительная потеря слуха;
profoundly deaf - совершенно глухой;
varying degrees - разные степени (глухоты);
to a great advantage - с большой пользой;
educational treatment - медико-педагогическое воздействие;
ability – способность;
II.1 Find English equivalents in the text to the following:
- свидетельство справедливости этого принципа;
- стандарт речи;
- взаимосвязь между словарным запасом и интеллектом;
- средства выражения;
-отставание в обучении;
-полная глухота;
-курс обучения;
-полное отсутствие опыта;
-базовые навыки владения языком .
2. Read the text.
Speech habits are not instinctive, they are acquired. The evidence of the truth
of this principle is the fact that children develop the particular language used in
their home environment, irrespective of nationality background. Thus, if a child
born of parents who speak French is brought up in an English-speaking home, he
will speak English.
Another evidence is the fact that children who are totally deaf from birth do
not learn to speak because they do not hear. The so-called «deaf and dumb» are
only deaf. This principle is significant for teachers. Frequently, a child lisps
because his mother, an older brother, or a sister does. Children learn that standard
of speech which is spoken at home. This does not mean, of course, that speech
habits cannot be modified at school.
Speech develops more slowly in boys than girls. Boys begin to speak about
the fifteenth month, girls about the fourteenth. Similarly, speech defects are more
prevalent in boys than is girls.
In society today, ability to verbalize is considered to be an index of
intellectual ability. Studies show a relationship between intelligence and
vocabulary. The bright child uses and recognizes more words than does the
average child. In general, the amount and kind of a child's vocabulary are indexes
at any age level of intelligence. A bright child surpasses the average or subnormal
child in amount of speech and length of sentences.
Language is developed first as an oral then as a written means of expression.
Speech and language come slowly to the deaf child because of his hearing
handicap. The slow process of acquiring language means a great retardation in
education. The child is dependent upon his teacher for the very thinking-language
process. Deafness imposes a barrier to comprehension. Emotional development of
the deaf and hard of hearing child is also effected by this barrier to comprehension.
Children with severe or profound hearing losses depend not only on the remnants
of their hearing to gain knowledge of language and speech, but also on their visual,
tactile and kinesthetic senses. The use of powerful hearing aids has initiated a new
era in their education.
The pedagogic classification of the deaf and hard of hearing child and his
educational development is of even more vital importance than his consideration as
a clinical entity.
This classification is dependent on:
a) the age of the child,
b) degree of defective hearing,
c) acquired fluency of speech.
There are two types of deaf children. One type is a congenitally deaf child
who has never heard speech. The other type is one who has acquired a hearing
defect after the establishment
of speech.
There are also two types of acquired deafness in children. First, the child
who has acquired deafness before he has sensed fluent speech. The other, the child
who has acquired deafness after fluency of speech has been established.
The first type of children with total deafness which has come in before
speech has been developed is to follow the same course of training as the
congenitally deaf who has never heard speech.
The child who has acquired deafness before the age of 3 years may be placed
in the same class for training as the child who has never heard speech. It is
interesting to note that a large percentage (30%) of children with biological
congenital deafness also have sufficient residual hearing that may be used as a
nucleus for re-education.
The other type of child who has acquired deafness after development of
speech is one who has suffered from infectious diseases such as meningitis,
influenza etc.
Children in the first of these groups present the most serious educational problems
due to their total lack of experience with natural speech or language. Children in
the second group have a foundation of language usage and of natural speech upon
which education must be helpful to them.
III.1.Answer the questions:
What are the evidences of the fact that speech habits are acquired?
What is the difference between boys’ and girls’ speech development?
What problems does slow speech development cause?
What is taken into consideration in the classification of the deaf?
Why do congenitally deaf children present the most serious educational
2.Make the plan of the text. Here are the titles in the wrong order. Make the
order correct:
a. intelligence and vocabulary
b.types of death children
c. development of speech habits
d. the principles of the classification of the deaf
3. Say whether the following statements are true or false:
a. Speech habits are not instinctive.
b. Children who are totally deaf from the birth can learn to speak.
c. Children with profound hearing losses depend only on the remnants of
their hearing to gain knowledge.
d. The pedagogic classification of the deaf is not based on the reasons of
e. Children who have acquired deafness before the age of 3 years may be
placed in the same class with the partially deaf.
4. Give synonyms from the text:
-to change
-to influence
-to start
-to get
-a base
- children with total deafness
5. Make up ten sentences with words from ex I (2) and II(1).
6. Make up five types of questions to the text.
7. Fill the blanks with the words from the text:
Children who are … … from birth do not learn to speak.
This classification is … for teachers.
… develops slower in boys than in girls.
The bright child … and … more words than does the average child.
The use of powerful … … has initiated a new era of education.
Deaf children present serious … … .
Children in the second group have a foundation of … … .
8. Render the text in English:
Речь не является врожденным навыком, она приобретается в
процессе развития. Например, ребенок, рожденный от русских родителей, но
выросший во франкоговорящей среде, будет свободно говорить пофранцузски, но не будет знать русского языка. Дети усваивают тот образец
речи, который слышат дома, однако речевые навыки могут быть
усовершенствованы в школе.
Навыки устной речи быстрее развиваются у девочек, чем у мальчиков.
Сначала развивается устная речь, а затем письменная.
Способность выражать устно свои мысли является показателем развития
интеллекта. Научные исследования показывают взаимосвязь между уровнем
интеллекта и шириной словарного запаса. Способные дети используют
больше слов, чем дети со средними способностями.
9. Translate the text into Russian in writing.
10. Read the article about Laurent Clerk and make a report about any
other outstanding people in surdopedagogics.
Laurent Clerk: American Pioneer Deaf Teacher
Laurent Clerk was one of the most influential in the American deaf. He was
born on Dec.26, 1785 in south eastern France. When little Laurent was about a
year old somehow he fell into the fireplace and was extremely burnt on his right
cheek. When Clerk recovered from the fever which followed, it was discovered
that he was deaf and lost the sense of smell. It seemed Laurent could never expect
to follow his father in the office or learn to read or write. For most deaf children in
those days were unable to get any education. When Clark was 12 years old in
1797, his uncle took him to Paris to the Royal Institution for the Deaf. Clerk
proved to be a hard working student. Besides his school subjects, he learned
drawing and painting.
After only eight years as a pupil, Clerk was chosen to be a teacher. In 1816
Clerk began to teach the highest class in the school. Once Clerk agreed to come to
America for three years to help to organize a new school, to be its first experienced
teacher and to teach others how to teach the deaf.
Clerk`s education, culture and seriousness of purpose quickly won the
interest of people.
In 1818 Laurent Clerk was married to Miss Eliza Boardman, who had been
one of the early students of the school. She lost her hearing at about the age of
three, but had some speech. Attractive, intelligent and of graceful manners, Mrs.
Clerk was a good reason for her husband to spend the rest of his life in America.
The Clerks had six children, all with normal hearing. During the rest of his life he
made only visits to France. Schools for the deaf had been established in many
states by 1850. Clerk`s last years were spent peacefully.. He enjoyed visiting the
library reading rooms, meeting his friends and keeping an interest in schools. He
passed away on July 18, 1869 at the age of 84. The deaf people of America are still
thankful to Clerk as the man they couldn`t have succeeded without. They follow
Clerk`s teaching: to stand on their own, to solve their problems in a realistic
manner and never to feel sorry for themselves.
Perhaps, the most important of all, he brought us the sigh language – a
beautiful, expressive and fascinating way of communication. Deaf people raised a
beautiful memorial to Laurent Clerk, but his best monument is in the hearts of the
deaf of America.
Hard of hearing children
1. You are going to read the text about hard of hearing children.
Why do people lose hearing? What can help a hard of hearing child
to study?
2. Pay attention at the following words and word combinations used
in the text:
hearing loss - потеря слуха;
hearing aid - слуховой аппарат;
auditory training - тренировка слуха;
lipreading - считывание с губ;
guidance – руководство (советы);
background – подготовка;
to be considered - быть принятым во внимание;
hearing loss - потеря слуха;
hearing aid - слуховой аппарат;
to be avoided - быть исключённым ;
handicapped child - отсталый ребёнок;
II. 1. Find English equivalents in the text to the following:
термин был заимствован;
речевой опыт;
независимо от типа и степени нарушения;
реабилитационная программа;
восприятие речи;
особое внимание и контроль;
обязанность учителя;
ненужное внимание;
2. Read the text:
Until the early 1900's everybody with a hearing loss was classified as «deaf».
The term «hard of hearing» has been adopted from the German expression
The hard of hearing is sometimes called «the partially deaf», «deafened» or
«partially hearing».
In school practice the fundamental difference between «the deaf» and the
«hard of hearing» is established by the amount of speech and language they
possessed, established before the onset of the hearing handicap.
The hard of hearing child has a distinct advantage over the deaf child in
having some experience with speech and language.
Regardless of the type and degree of his impairment, the hard of hearing
person must learn to listen attentively if he wishes to learn to hear properly again.
The use of a hearing aid is fundamental to any program of re-education people
with residual hearing.
The hard of hearing are provided with a rehabilitation program including
auditory training, lipreading.
The hard of hearing children are expected to use the combined sense of
hearing and sight in the perception of speech as they are instructed in lipreading
and auditory training.
In almost all classes for hard of hearing children there are pupils of varying
degrees of intelligence and language backgrounds. The academic group is
composed of those who wish to continue through high school. The vocational
group is for those who wish to go work soon after they have reached the limit of
the compulsory school program.
Children with slight loss of hearing can sometimes study at a usual school,
but they always need special attention and supervision.
Guidance for class teachers and others on the proper treatment of children
with defective hearing at school.
1. Place the child so that he or she can hear what is said in class by the teacher and
by the other children. There are, therefore, two factors to be considered. It is by
no means certain that the front desk will be the most suitable - unless the degree
of hearing loss is such that the child would otherwise be unable to hear what is
said from the teacher's desk. The second or third desk in a row by the window
would in most cases be suitable.
2. Place the child so that he or she can see what is said during the periods. If the
child sits at the second or third desk in the row by the window the light will fall
on the teacher's and the other children's mouths and he will be able to lip-read.
3. Turn your head whenever possible so that the child can see your mouth. This is
particularly important when telling a story or dictating or when asking
questions. In mental arithmetic it is essential.
4. Always speak clearly, but if the child is using a hearing aid be careful not to
speak above the normal level. Shouting must be absolutely avoided, for this is
unbearable to anyone using a hearing aid.
5. It is the class teacher's duty to tell other children in the class of the difficulties
of a hearing handicapped child. Other teachers who take the class should also be
6. Contact with the handicapped child's home is always desirable.
7. A child with impaired hearing may require to be treated in the same way as
other children and not be shown unnecessary attention or consideration. What a
hearing handicapped child wants above all else is to be like others.
1. Answer the questions:
a. What is the advantage of hard of hearing children over the deaf?
b. What does the rehabilitation program include?
c. What senses do the hard of hearing use in perception of speech?
d. What must be taken into consideration when choosing a place for a
child with defective hearing?
e. What is important when speaking to a hard of hearing child?
f. What are pedagogical aspects of teaching the hard of hearing?
2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:
a. In school practice there is no difference between the deaf and the hard
of hearing.
b. The use of a hearing aid is very important in any rehabilitation
c. Lipreading is not usually included in a rehabilitation program.
d. Teachers must always speak above the normal level.
e. It is very important to contact with child’s family.
f. The hard of hearing don’t like to be like others.
3. Give synonyms from the text to the following words:
- important
- to have
- understanding
- control
- very loud speech
- problems
- to inform
4. Make up sentences with words from ex. I (2) and II(1).
5. Make up five types of questions to the text.
6. Fill the blanks with the words from the text:
The hard of hearing child has a … … in having speech experience.
The use of a … … is very important in any rehabilitation program.
The rehabilitation program includes … … and…. .
In … of … they use both sense of hearing and sight.
Teachers must always speak … .
Children with …. hearing want to be like others.
8. Render the text in English:
Важное различие между слабослышащими и глухими детьми состоит в
том, что у слабослышащих детей есть речевые навыки. Реабилитационная
программа для слабослышащих детей обычно включает обучение чтению с
губ, тренировку слуха и использование слуховой аппаратуры.
При восприятии речи слабослышащие дети используют чувства слуха и
Дети с небольшой потерей слуха могут обучаться в обычной школе, но
им нужно особое внимание. Важно правильно выбрать место для такого
ребенка в классе. Он должен хорошо видеть и слышать учителя и других
Дети с нарушениями не любят ненужного внимания и хотят быть как
другие дети.
9. Translate the text into Russian in writing.
10.Think of some additions to the guidance for teachers.
Lip reading
1.You are going to read the text about lip reading. What is it? What
people use this method?
2. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations used in the
Lip reading or speech reading - чтение с губ;
by watching the movements - наблюдая движения;
facial muscles - мускулы лица;
careful enunciation - правильное и тщательное произношение ;
teeth and jaw - зубы и челюсть;
vision – зрение;
sight – зрение;
reception of speech - восприятие речи;
to be visible on - быть заметным;
kinesthetic method - кинестетический метод;
to imitate – подражать;
sense of touch - чувство осязания;
to reproduce – воспроизводить;
continuous repetition - постоянное повторение;
to average - доходить в среднем;
a substitute for hearing - замена слуха;
hearing handicapped - с недостатком слуха;
a legitimate part of - основная часть;
adults – взрослые;
readily – охотно;
to acquire more skill - получать большие навыки.
1. Find English equivalents in the text to the following:
подготовительный этап к любой языковой работе
способность понимать звучащие слова
артикуляция звуков
поток речи
вибрация и давление
шестое чувство
систематическое обучение
основной инструмент
2. Read the text:
The deaf child as well as the hard of hearing represents an educational
problem involving the teaching of speech, language, and lip reading (it is
sometimes called speech-reading).
The most important element involved in the education of deaf is lip reading, since
they cannot hear the spoken words.
Lip reading is preparatory step to all language work and it is quite
independent of speech development.
The words learned in speech-reading must be associated with printed and
written words and thus reading and writing are developed. Lip reading is the ability
to understand spoken words and sentences by watching the movements of lips and
other facial muscles without hearing the speaker's voice.
It is important to speak naturally. Lip reading is made evident not only by
the articulation of sounds, but also by the movements of the lips, tongue, muscles
of the face, by the positions of the teeth and jaw.
Speech-reading is dependent upon vision. Reception of speech can take
place only when speaker and listener are quite close to each other so that the eyes
may focus upon the speaker's face and the lip-reader is required to derive meaning
from the partial clues he observes. The stream of speech is made up of a series of
consonants and vowels placed in well coordinated syllables. Some of the
consonant sounds such as k, g, and are not visible on the lips because they are
produced within the mouth cavity.
There is a kinesthetic method of teaching lip reading which consists in the
following: the child must not only imitate the lip movement of the teacher but must
use the sense of touch as well as that of sight.
The pupil places his hand on the teacher's throat as a word is pronounced,
then places it upon his own as he attempts to say the required word. The child must
get the «feel» of the vibration and pressure felt by the hand when it is placed upon
the jaw, the throat or the lips of the teacher.
He is made to realize that the movements he feels must be reproduced, as
well as lip movements that he sees. It demands consistent and continuous
repetition. Lip reading is recommended to all school children whose hearing loss
averages 20 db or more in the better ear.
Lip reading is possibly a sixth sense and it can be looked upon as a substitute for
hearing only in the case of the totally deaf.
For all partially deaf it can and should act as support to hearing and is
universally helpful to those handicapped in hearing and its systematic teaching is a
legitimate part of the special educational curriculum of all ages. A few can learn to
lip-read in a year or two but for the majority a longer period of practice is needed
and practice day in and day out, on every type of mouth.
Success in learning lip reading varies. Children learn more readily than
adults. Women acquire more skill and learn more quickly than men.
Methods used in lip reading changed in the last 50 years. It has started from the
Alphabet system and has gone through syllables and words to the «whole thought»
method. The wider use of hearing aids has not changed the need of lip reading.
Lip reading remains a basic tool in the communicative process for all deaf
and hard of hearing people.
2. Answer the questions:
a. Why is lip reading so important in rehabilitation of deaf children?
b. What does the kinesthetic method consist of?
c. What is important for perception of speech in lip reading?
d. Can a person learn to lip-read in a short period?
e. What changed in the method of lip reading in the last 50years?
3. Make up the plan of the text.
4. Say if the following statements are true or false:
Lip reading depends on speech development.
The person can lip-read only if the speaker is quite close to him.
Some sounds cannot be lip-read.
Lip reading is recommended only to totally deaf children.
A person can learn to lip-read in a month or two.
Methods used in lip reading didn’t change in the last 50 years.
5. Give synonyms from the text to the following words:
to include
to perceive
to repeat
to understand
6. Make up sentences with words from ex. I (2,3).
7. Make up five types of questions to the text.
8. Fill the blanks with the words from the text:
a. Lip reading is very important in education of the deaf as they cannot hear
the … … .
b. Lip reading is the … to understand spoken words without hearing the
speaker’s voice.
c. The child must … the lip movements of the teacher.
d. Lip reading can be a … for hearing for the deaf.
e. Children learn more … than adults.
f. Lip reading is a … … in the communicative process.
9. Render in English:
Чтение с губ является важной частью обучения глухих и
слабослышащих детей. Для восприятия звучащей речи необходимо, чтобы
говорящий и слушающий находились близко друг к другу. Для чтения с губ
важна не только артикуляция звуков, но и движения лицевых мышц, языка и
губ, положения челюсти и зубов.
Обучение чтению с губ рекомендуется всем детям с потерей слуха. Для
слабослышащих чтение с губ может быть поддержкой слуха, а для глухих
является его заменой.
Обучение чтению с губ – это долгий процесс включающий постоянное
повторение. Широкое использование слуховых аппаратов не повлияло на
важность этого метода для обучения глухих и слабослышащих.
10.Translate the text into Russian in writing.
11. Make a report about other methods of teaching the deaf and hard of
Problems of social adaptation of the deaf
1. You are going to read the text about problems of social adaptation
of the deaf. What are these problems? Who and how can help them?
2. Pay attention to the following words and word combinations used in the
complaint – жалоба;
isolate – изолировать;
empathy – сопереживание;
acquiring – овладение;
equals - равные;
irreversible – необратимый;
upset - нарушать, расстраивать, выводить из душевного равновесия;
be inclined to - быть склонным к, подвергаться ;
temporary - временный ;
relief – облегчение;
grief – горе;
identification - отождествление, установление, определение ;
embrace - охватывать, включать;
pain – боль;
benefit – польза.
1. Find English equivalents in the text to the following:
чувство близости между людьми;
обмен информацией и чувствами;
попытка разобраться с проблемами родителей;
точный диагноз;
ставить диагноз;
ранняя диагностика и реабилитация;
2. Read the text:
One of the main complaints of deaf children and adults is the isolation they
feel from their families and community. Such complaints are no less frequent from
deaf people educated in traditional oral programs. We shall demonstrate why the
many hours spent acquiring an oral technique do not necessarily establish feelings
of closeness between human beings. Closeness comes from exchanges of
information and feelings: in short, from understanding and empathy.
But without adequate language, we cannot do these things. This is why deaf
people are isolated. They grow in silence, but they must not grow alone. For
centuries, the deaf have been one of nature's "experiments" on the effects of
cultural isolation. But for all its years, this "experiment" has resulted in little to
bring the deaf into the mainstream as equals. The results, when examined honestly,
are not encouraging. By early appropriate intervention at the social and educational
level today and tomorrow, the deaf child and his family must not continue to be
strangers in the same house.
There are practically no professionals who are prepared or who will attempt
to deal with the parents' primary need: to discuss, ventilate and understand their
feelings toward their deaf child. It is not uncommon for the busy physician or
audiologist to feel that his responsibility has been fulfilled once he has established
the diagnosis of irreversible deafness. This is only the beginning of the time of
parents' greatest need.
When parents have been informed that their child is deaf, the feelings of
grief following definite diagnosis must be acknowledged. What actually happens in
individual cases after deafness is diagnosed depends upon whom the parent gets
for counseling and the age of the child when the advice is given.
It has been almost universally recognized that the early identification and
rehabilitation of the deaf child bring the best results. The principal problem lies in
the nature of the rehabilitation recommended. The most common advice is the use
of early amplification and instruction in oral speech and lipreading.
Once having discovered their child's deafness, parents naturally wish to help
the child have what they believe will be a "normal" life. If they are led to believe
that methods exist to do so, will eagerly embrace and support them. It is not until
too late that the parents come to another painful realizations teaching speech and
speech-reading alone will not develop adequate language comprehension.
It is a universal observation of those who have constructed programs for
special groups of young disabled children that unless the parents' emotional needs
are adequately dealt with, the programs themselves have limited benefit for the
1.Answer the questions:
What brings the feeling of closeness between people?
Why do deaf people feel isolated?
What do parents feel when they are told that their child is deaf?
What is the most common advice for the parents?
2. Make up the plan of the text.
3. Say if these statements are true or false:
a. There are specialists who are prepared to deal with parents’
primary needs.
b. The deaf child and his family are often strangers in the same
c. Early rehabilitation brings the best results.
d. Deaf people often feel isolated from the community.
e. The rehabilitation programs can be beneficial for children even
when the parents’ needs are not dealt with.
4. Give synonyms from the text to the following words:
- loneliness
- to show
- to try
- to tell
- usual
- to want
- small
5. Make up sentences with words from ex. I (2) and II(1).
6. Make up five types of questions to the text.
7. Fill the blanks with the words from the text:
a. Isolation is one of the main …. of deaf people.
b. Closeness between people comes from …. and …. .
c. There are practically no … who can help parents to … … their
primary needs.
d. … … and … bring the best results.
e. Specialists … programs for handicapped children.
f. Parents ….. to help their hard of hearing children not to feel
8. Render in English:
Социальная изоляция - это одна из основных проблем людей с
ограниченными возможностями. Чувство близости между людьми
возникает из понимания и сопереживания. Однако для людей с
ограниченными возможностями барьер в общении часто становится
барьером для понимания.
К сожалению, специалисты к которым обращаются родители
детей с нарушениями, часто бывают слишком заняты, чтобы заниматься
их эмоциональными и психологическими проблемами.
Но, согласно исследованиям, реабилитационные программы часто
приносят мало пользы, если не решены эмоциональные проблемы
внутри семьи.
9. Translate the text into Russian in writing.
10.Make a report about methods which help handicapped people to overcome