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Intro to World Geography
What is Geography?
Geography is the study of ___________ and ____________.
Study of human activity, the natural environment, and the relationship between the two (humanenvironment interactions).
Geographers look at _____________ things are and __________________ they are there.
Physical v. Cultural Geography
Physical Geography is the study of the _____________ Landscape of the Earth
Cultural Geography is the study of the _____________ Landscape of the Earth.
What types of tools do geographers use?
Maps and Globes – What’s the difference?
Maps – “two dimensional” – usually only show _______________ of the Earth’s surface.
Globes – “three dimensional” representation of the Earth, shows __________________________.
Who makes maps?
What is an Atlas?
Parts of A Map
Title –
Compass Rose –
Legend or “Key” -
Scale –
What main types of maps are there?
PHYSICAL MAPS– Show _____________ _________________ such as landforms and physical borders; lakes, rivers,
mountain ranges, and things that were around before humans
Physical Borders –
Example - Rio Grande River, between USA and Mexico
POLITICAL MAPS - Show features on the earth’s surface that ___________________ __________________.
Examples of things on a political map
Political Borders –
National and State Borders,
City Limits, capitals
Thematic Maps
Thematic maps can be tricky, there are many different kinds.
They all do the same thing… they show information
Some common thematic maps:
___________________ maps
___________________ maps
___________________ maps
___________________ maps
Geographers study the world by looking at
Location - _____________________________?
_______________ Location
is the exact place on the earth where a geographic feature is found.
describes a place in comparison to other places around it.
Place – ________________________________?
describes the physical features and cultural characteristics of a location.
Region – _______________________________?
describes an area of the earth’s surface with similar characteristics, usually more than one.
What defines a region?
________________ (natural) characteristics
landforms, climate, vegetation
________________ (cultural) characteristics
language, religion, ethnicity, population
Further classification of Regions based upon physical features and human characteristics.
Examples: The United States is in the North American Region.
However, the U.S. has several sub-regions: Northeast, Midwest, South, etc.
How and why people, plants, animals, and ideas move through time and place.
Human–Environment Interaction
People learn to use what the environment offers them and to _____________ that environment to meet their
What are important lines on “Geographer’s Grid”?
_______________– Divides the earth between Northern Hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere
_______________– Divides the Eastern Hemisphere from Western Hemisphere
What is a hemisphere?
_____________ of the Earth.
North, South, East, West all have hemispheres
Where are the “The Tropics”?
Tropic of Cancer – ___________________ of Equator
Sun’s most northern location on June 21st
Tropic of Capricorn – ________________ of Equator
Sun’s most southern location on December 21st
What is Latitude?
Run ___________ to Equator
Measures North and South
90 degrees North latitude
90 degrees South latitude
What is Longitude?
Run parallel to ______________ _______________
Measures East and West
180 degrees of East longitude
180 degrees of West longitude
Total = 360 degree circle
All lines meet at North Pole and stretch to South Pole
Earth’s Forces
How many different layers make up the Earth’s structure?
What are they?
____________ Core
What is the Earth’s Core?
What is the Mantle?
What is the Crust?
What is the Atmosphere?
What is the Lithosphere?
What is the Hydrosphere?
What is the Biosphere?
What is Plate Tectonics?
What is the theory of Continental Drift?
1912 theory by Alfred ___________________
Earth once had a supercontinent (all connected)
Called “___________”
Plate Boundaries
Why are the location of plate boundaries important?
Plates _____________ , ____________ , and ______________ along these boundaries
What types of movements are there?
How are Earthquakes measured?
Measures the size of ______________ created by the earthquake
What is the Ring of Fire?
Most volcanoes located around the ____________ of the _____________________ Ocean
What is Weathering?
Mechanical –
Chemical –
What is Wind Erosion?
___________________ is wind-blown silt, sand, and clay.
Can form sand dunes 100’s of feet deep!
What is Water Erosion?
What is soil, how is it made?
Through the process of weathering and erosion of rocks
Humus –
Introduction to Culture
What is Culture?
_____________, _____________, and _____________ shared and passed on by a group
Are you born with culture, or is it taught to you?
Culture is ______________
Who teaches you culture?
family, school, peers
Where do cultures start?
Cultural Hearth –
How do cultures change and spread?
Innovation –
Diffusion –
Assimilation –
Acculturation –
TransculturationToponymy: ________________________________________________________________________________.
Columbian Exchange
widespread exchange of the animals, plants, culture and human populations including slaves, communicable
diseases, and ideas between the ____________ and ________________ hemispheres
What are the 9 Traits of Culture?
1. Language
2. History
3. Religion
4. Food and Shelter (Types / Styles)
5. Education Systems
6. Security/Protection
7. Relationships – Family and Others
8. Political and Social Organizations
9. Creative Expression - Recreation
Aztec, Maya, Inca Comparison Chart
Central America, Mexico
Central America
South America, along the Andes
Time Periods
1200 to 1521
Height: 200-900AD
Tikal, Chichen Itza, Copan, Palenque,
Farming (corn, beans, tomatoes,
squash) - chinampas
Farming (corn, beans, squash)
Farming (corn, cotton, potatoes) Terraces
Many gods, sun god most important,
human sacrifice
Many gods, king’s blood is sacred,
sacrificed animals and some humans
Many gods, some human sacrifice
Social System
Different classes of people, warriors
have high social status
Different classes of people
Different classes of people
Very powerful king, highly centralized,
war was for captives and tribute
Well organized city states each with a
king, war was for tribute
King at the center of empire,
Built monumental architecture,
chinampas, calendar
Writing, math, monumental architecture,
Terraces, irrigation, medicine,
monumental architecture, roads
End of Civilization
Cortes and the Spanish kill the king,
the empire ended
Abandoned cities, disappeared
Civil war and Spanish invasion
Corn, calendar, architecture
Calendar, corn, writing, math, architecture
Medicine, irrigation, terraces
War is for conquest
Brazil Notes
Mexico Notes
Human Geography:
Politics and Religion
What is NAFTA?
What is a Maquiladora?
Urban Geography
Culture - Art, Music,
Human Environment
Europe Notes
 Europe
 Location
 What is Europe?
o Part of “_____________” west of the Urals Mountains
o A big peninsula made of many smaller peninsulas.
o Dense population, crowded with large cities.
o Many wealthy countries.
 A _____________ of Peninsulas
o Scandinavian Peninsula; Jutland Peninsula; Iberian Peninsula; Italian
Peninsula; Balkan Peninsula
 Major Mountain Ranges of Europe
o _____________ – Southern Europe
o Apennines - Italy
o Carpathians – Eastern Europe
o _____________ – Separate France and Spain
o Urals – Mountains in Russia, run north to south. Divides Europe from
 Major Rivers of EuropeW
o _____________ River - France
o Rhine River – Germany, Northern Europe
o Danube River – Southern and Eastern Europe
o _____________ River – European Russia
 Major Islands of Europe
o Iceland
o The _____________ Isles Ireland, Britain, and others
o Mediterranean Malta, Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia, Cyprus
o Greece’s nearly 2,000 islands in the Aegean Sea
 Human-Environment Interaction
o How do the physical features affect humans
o _____________ act like walls, dividing regions from each other.
o _____________ act like roads, connecting regions together. Europe
has many small rivers, useful for transport.
 Climate & Vegetation
o Good soil, good climate, and lots of natural resources.
o Mostly _____________ Continental in the north, drier in the south.
o Once heavily forested, but reduced by expansion of farmland,
population, and timber industry.
o _____________
 Long, narrow inlet with steep sides or cliffs, created by glacial
 Found in Scandinavia
 Mistral and Sirocco
o Powerful seasonal winds that affect climate of Europe.
o _____________ blows from northwest, bringing clear weather
o _____________ blows from Sahara, hot and dusty
 North Atlantic Drift
o The North Atlantic Current is a powerful warm ocean current that
continues the _____________ Stream northeast.
o Keeps Europe warmer
 ________________
o The Netherlands have reclaimed land from the sea, by building dikes,
then pumping the water out of the enclosed area. This becomes new
land, protected from flooding by pumps.
 Movement
 Demographics of Europe
o Population: _____________
o Population is aging, growing very slowly or even shrinking.
o Large immigrant population from Middle East and Africa.
 _____________ Europe
o Dense, urbanized population – 75% live in metropolitan areas
 Place
 Reformation
o An attempt to _____________ the Catholic Church
o “Father” of Reformation is ____________________________
 Renaissance
o A “_____________” of Roman and Greek art, architecture and
o great contributions were made to music, astronomy, painting,
architecture, poetry, drama, and philosophy
o Some Historical European Artists
 Leonardo Di Vinci – “Renaissance Man”, Painter; sculptor, inventor;
Vincent Van Gogh – Painter; Rembrandt – Painter; Monet – Painter;
Beethoven – Composer; Bach – Composer; Mozart – Composer
 _____________ (EU) Established in 1992
o Intergovernmental union of twenty-seven states
o The EU is one of the_____________economic and political entities in
the world
o 502 million people
o Combined GDP $15_____________in 2010.
o North Atlantic Treaty Organization
o Member states agree to protect each other from external attack.
o Currently active in Afghanistan and recently in Libya
 Economy of Europe
o Mostly _____________/Quaternary sectors
o Economy centered around the European Union
o Dependent on foreign oil (from _____________) and nuclear power.
 Religions of Europe
o Predominantly _____________ with atheist tendencies.
o Most of S Europe is Roman Catholic
o Most N Europe is Protestant.
o Many _____________also live in SE Europe (Turkish influence)
o Jewish communities exist in all major European cities
 Regions
 _____________ Europe
o United Kingdom
o British Isles
o Scotland, Ireland, Wales
o Scandinavia
o Arctic and subarctic climate
o Glaciation
o Fjords
o Vikings
o Mostly Secular and Protestant
 _____________Europe
o France- Paris; Switzerland-Bern; Belgium-Brussels; LuxembourgLuxembourg; Austria-Vienna; Liechtenstein-Vaduz; NetherlandsAmsterdam; Germany-Berlin
o The political shape of the modern world is heavily influenced by
Western Europe.
o Nation-State – independent country of people with a common culture.
o Johann Sebastian Bach – German Composer
o Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Austrian Composer
 _____________Europe
o Iberian Peninsula
o Italian Peninsula
o And Greece – NOT the entire Balkan Peninsula
o Greece
 Birthplace of Democracy
o Turkish Cypriot v Greek Cypriot
 _____________ Europe
o The Balkan Peninsula
o Balkanization – Breaking up a region into small, mutually hostile units
o Ethnic Cleansing
o Dissolution of Yugoslavia ( Once Brothers documentary )
o Former Satellite States of the USSR
o A cultural crossroads
o Formerly the Byzantine Empire
o Orthodox Christianity
o Economy of this region is not as developed as other European regions
Physical Geography of Africa
 2nd Largest continent
 ______% of world’s population
 2 ½ times the size of the _________ ( minus Alaska and Hawaii)
What is the largest continent in the world?
Desert (arid)
Tropical Wet and Dry
Which climate zone is home to rainforests or jungles?
-- Grasslands
 Rain Forest
-- Rains up to _______ ft. per year
-- Covers 37 ___________________
-- __________% of the land surface of ______________
What internal forces shape Africa?
 Lots of seismic activity
 Volcanoes
Ups and Downs
Africa’s Plateaus
 Most of Africa is at least ________ ft. above _______ ______________
 Austin, Tx is only ___________ ft. above sea level
 Africa is also called the __________________ Continent.
Basins and Rivers
 Basin = _________________________
 Basins collect water which feeds ____________________.
 Africas rivers are bad for ____________________________.
-- Waterfalls
-- Rapids
-- Gorges
Sahara Desert
 ________________square miles, bigger than “________________”
Temperatures can range from ______________________on the same day!
Only 20% is sand dunes. The rest is ordinary desert.
What is the Sahel?
 Narrow band of dry _____________________________ used for farming and ranching –
separates _____________ from Tropical climate zones and has ____________________
 ____________________________ - ruining of land due to human activities and climate
 Caused by:
-- ___________________
-- Overgrazing of livestock
-- Cutting down too many ___________ for _____________
-- ____________________________________ farming techniques
Kalahari Desert
Located In ____________________ Africa
 Name means “___________________________” in Tswana ( a local language)
 Receives more _______________ than traditional deserts and therefore is host to more
______________________ than most deserts
 Home to the “___________________”
Nile River
 _____________________ river in the world, _______________________
 Two rivers (tributaries) , _______________________ and ________________________,
feed the river, which drains from _____________________________.
Aswan Dam
 _____________________ created by this dam.
 Control floods on the ______________________, sunk ancient _______
 Provides _______________ and ______________ for _______________
Congo River Basin
_________________ Africa
 Covered in ______________________________.
 ____________ longest ____________________ in Africa
“Killer Lakes”
Africa has 3 lakes that are situated atop pockets of __________.
These pockets keep the lake water filled with _________.
- Lake Nyos, _____________
- Lake Monoun, __________________
- Lake Kivu, on the border of ______________ and ____________________________in East
Serengeti Plain
East Africa, between ________________ and ________________________
Most of Africa is __________________ _______________________, home to many wild
animals. The most famous is the ______________________________.
Mt. Kilimanjaro
Located in ____________ Africa, on __________________________________
 ________________________ volcano at _______________ ft. tall.
 Has _____________________ on its peak
 Popular _________________________ destination
Great Rift Valley
East Africa
 “__________________________________” slowly pulling away from Africa
 ____________________________________ pulled apart over millions of years,
________________________________ appeared in the earth – the land sank to form
______________________________________ called _____________________.
 ___________________________ very active, many __________________ and frequent
Olduvai Gorge
 Part of “_______________________________”, which is full of ______________.
 Oldest ______________________ (pre-human) fossils,
-Homo Habilis - Its name, which means ‘__________________’, was given in 1964 because this
species was thought to represent the first ______________. Lived from approximately
_______________ years ago
-Homo Erectus - oldest known early humans to have possessed modern human-like body
proportions. Lived between about _____________________________________years ago
 Discovered by ___________________________________ in the __________. The
whole family were ____________________________.
Human Geography of Africa
African Empires
• During pre-modern era, Africa had some bigger cities and kingdoms than Europe
• Include ______________, Songhai Empire, ____________, and _________________
• Empires traded with Europe, China, and the Islamic world
– Were considered equals!
Early Exploration and Slavery in Africa
• Africa explored and mapped by __________________________ in 1400’s
• Colonization of the Americas created new market for _____________________
• Slavery already existed in Africa – _________________ world used African slave
• Slaves were purchased from African slave traders
 usually _______________________, prisoners, and others
Colonization of Africa
• Colonized, divided up by competing countries of _______________ in the 1800’s.
• Called the “__________________________________”.
• European leaders gathered in Berlin to divide up Africa for colonization and
trade, for the _____________________________________.
• ____________________________ of Belgium convinced much of Europe that
common trade was in their best interest.
Post-WWII Independence
• After World War II, Africa slowly gained _____________________________
from Europe (1950’s-1970’s)
• Because the national boundaries were created by Europeans, they did not match
where people actually lived
• African leaders included people like ________________________, leader of the
Dem. Rep. of Congo, who ruled as a dictator for decades. “One Man, One Vote,
One Time” was common.
Modern Africa
Fewer _________________________ these days, still lots of problems.
Approximately 900 million people in 57 countries*. ( *CIA World Factbook )
Over 1000 different languages spoken in Africa.
Rich in resources, but still poorest part of world due to:
1. _____________________________ (Malaria and AIDS/HIV)
2. Famine and starvation
3. Effects of _________________________ and slavery
4. Warfare and Terrorism
5. Unstable and __________________ governments
6. Difficulty of climate and terrain
7. Poor ________________________________
Regions and Issues of Africa
West Africa
• Three empires in the region, ______________________, Mali, and Songhai –
supported by ___________ and _____________ exports.
• __________________________– Parts of West African culture have spread
throughout the world, due to slavery.
• Many “________________________ countries” here – growing one
• Extremely diverse population – thousands of languages and
East Africa
• Mainly _______________________ and __________________
• Region depends heavily on tourism (in ____________________ and
• Crossroads for many trade routes with Middle East, India, and Asia
• ___________________________ such as coffee, tea, sugar
• Persistent problems with piracy, warfare and ______________________________ in
“Horn of Africa”
Instability in the Horn of Africa
• ______________________ recently had a civil war in a place called _____________,
where Arabs in the north fought Blacks in the south. The northern side tried to
____________________ the south. War was ended by an agreement to split Sudan
into two countries.
• _____________________ has no government, and is ruled by _________________.
These are leaders who control armies and territory by force. Some are
_________________________ who want to impose Sharia on Somalia.
• Many Somali fishermen have turned to _____________ to support themselves or to
help warlords, attacking ships in the ______________________. They take small boats
and raid freighters, yachts, and cruise ships.
Central Africa
• Region centered on the ________________________________.
• Originally home to the ______________________ people, who ______________
across Africa and spread their culture. They lived in “_____________________”
before colonization.
• Region colonized by France and Belgium. _________________________ of Belgium
ran the Congo as his private property, destroying much of it. After independence,
the region fell into civil war.
• ___________________________ Central Africa has not recovered – still in chaos,
with collapsed economies and a terrible war that has killed millions.
Conflict Diamonds
• _________________________________/Blood Diamond – money from diamonds
used to fund wars: buy weapons, hire mercenaries.
• Southern, Central and West Africa, especially _________________________, Congo,
• Forces in diamond areas may use _____________________ to get more diamonds,
more quickly.
• Diamonds regulated by _______________________ since 2003
Rwanda Genocide
• Rwanda was split between minority _______________ and majority
______________. Constant political conflict over power sharing. Frequent civil wars
were fought between the two.
• In 1994, a Hutu ________________________ was assassinated, triggering a massacre
of __________________ by Hutu militias, mostly armed with axes and machetes.
The genocide was apparently pre-planned.
• Between 500,000 and 1 million people were murdered in April of 1994. Europe and
the USA largely ______________________________________________.
Southern Africa
South Africa and the Anti-Apartheid Struggle
From 1948 to 1990, ____________________________ separated blacks and whites.
Political power held by whites – ___________% of population.
_______________________ – blacks pushed into small areas, then made
• _________________________ isolated from international community.
• Resistance led by _________________________ and ___________, despite
imprisonment from 1962-1990.