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This training presentation is part of FHM’s
commitment to creating and keeping safe
Be sure to check out all the training programs
that are specific to your industry.
Hearing Conservation for
General Industry
These materials have been developed based on applicable federal laws and regulations in place at the time the materials were created. The program
is being provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute and is not intended to provide OSHA compliance certification,
regulatory compliance, a substitute for any "hands on“ training required by applicable laws and regulations, or other legal or professional advice or
services. By accessing the materials, you assume all responsibility and risk arising from the use of the content contained therein.
©2010 Grainger Safety Services, Inc.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this presentation, you will learn:
► Effects
of noise on hearing
► Purpose
► Positives
of hearing protectors
and negatives of hearing protectors
► Selection,
► Purpose
fit, use, and care of hearing protectors
of audiometric testing
Today’s agenda:
► Introduction
► Occurrence
► Noise
of hearing loss
► Hearing
conservation program
► Elements
► Your
Section 1
Hearing Loss
Why Talk About Noise?
OSHA estimates approximately 30 million people
are exposed to hazardous levels of noise:
► Noise
induced hearing loss is a common
occupational disease
► Second
most self-reported occupational injury
Common Effects of Noise
Noise pollution - to constant presence of noise:
► Exposure
► Noise
to high noise increases stress levels
can make you feel tense
Some Sobering Statistics
Industry specific studies have indicated that:
► 44%
► Half
carpenters reported hearing loss
the plumbers reported similar problems
Workers exposed to noise include:
► Agriculture
► Mining
► Construction
► Manufacturing
► Utilities
► Transportation
► Military
The Facts About Hearing Loss
Hearing loss can be temporary or permanent:
► Temporary
- exposed to noise sources
► Permanent
- exposure to high noise levels
– Permanent - cumulative process
How Hearing Loss Occurs
Ear is divided into three parts:
► Outer
– External part of ear canal that captures sound
► Middle
– Contains ear drum and several small bones
► Inner
– Contains cochlea, and hair
cells connected to nerves
– Sound vibrations stimulate
hair cells sending signals
to the brain
Symptoms of Hearing Loss
Symptoms of hearing loss:
► Can
not distinguish words
► Trouble
► Strain
► Feel
following conversations
to hear
sounds being annoying or loud
► Hearing
noise in one or both ears
Section 2
Measuring Sound
Sound Terminology
Understanding terminology of noise energy:
► Noise-created
► Frequency
► Ear
by sound pressure waves
of sound waves determines its pitch
is capable of hearing vibrating sound waves
Intensity is a term for loud noise:
► Higher
the intensity-louder
the noise
► Noise
intensities can damage
your hearing
Typical Sound Levels (dBA)
Section 3
Our Hearing
Hearing Conservation Program (HCP)
HCP elements:
► Noise
► Annual
audiometric testing
► Provision
of hearing protection
► Employee
training programs
► Recordkeeping
Exposure Monitoring
Measuring noise levels:
► Surveys
► Retain
are conducted
survey documents and review periodically
► Consider
engineering and administrative
controls before hearing protection
Audiometric Testing
Audiometric testing is test of hearing:
► Performed
in a sound booth
► Respond
to a series of tones
► Baseline
exam is performed on hire
► Baseline
exam is used for comparison
Audiometric Testing
Audiometric test:
► Threshold
of hearing
– Level when a tone becomes audible
► Threshold
– Changes in threshold of hearing
► Standard
Threshold Shift (STS)
– Shift of 10 decibels or more
in certain frequencies
Hearing Protection
Use protection at 85 decibels or more:
► Irritating
► Raising
► Having
► Speech
► Ears
sound in the work area
your voice to be heard
hard time hearing someone
sounds dull or muffled
ring or hurt after noise exposure
Available Hearing Protective Devices (HPDs)
Three basic types of protective devices:
► Earplugs
► Canal
► Ear
How HPDs are Rated
Hearing protection devices are:
► Designed
► Have
to block noise energy
different capabilities and applications
Issue regarding hearing protective device is:
► Noise
reduction rating (NRR)
is a measurement for noise
blocking devices
► Higher
NRR - better protection
Earplugs offers noise reduction rating (NRR):
► Good
in most temperatures and humidity
► Formable
► Earplug
► Get
types are inexpensive
can be uncomfortable
dirty when handled in dusty environments
Canal Caps
Canal caps are quick fit and compact:
► Convenient
► Offer
► Due
for workers
an NRR of 20
to re-use it must be kept clean
Ear Muffs
Ear muffs offer maximum comfort:
► Easy
to take on and off
► Makes
► Can
cleaning and maintenance easy
be combined with earplugs
Fitting and Use of HPDs
Hearing protective device is used a specific way:
► Formable
► Custom
earplugs are used by rolling the plug
fitted earplugs do not require rolling
► Wear
canal caps by placing pad over ear canal
► Wear
ear muffs by placing cups over ears
Care of Hearing Protectors
Hearing protective devices need:
► To
be maintained to avoid problems
► To
be discarded after each shift
► Reusable
► To
earplugs need cleaning
be stored in a secure place
Care of Hearing Protectors
Care of hearing protectors:
► Inspect
► Band
Canal caps before use
should be evaluated
Care of Hearing Protectors
Care of hearing protectors:
► Ear
muffs require care and maintenance
► Replace
► Ear
cushions of the muffs periodically
muff exterior should be periodically cleaned
► Inspect
ear muffs for damage before use
Employee Training
HCP requires affected workers get training yearly:
► Employees
► Prevent
► By
must know noise is hazardous
damage by wearing hearing protectors
participating in audiometric testing
Maintain noise exposure measurement records:
► Audiometric
► Records
test results must be maintained
shall be provided upon request to:
– Employees
– Former employees
– Representatives designated
by the individual employee
Section 4
Your Responsibilities
Reviewing responsibilities:
► Be
aware of noise-hazardous areas
► Make
► Wear
proper hearing protection
► Avoid
being exposed to noise
Your Responsibilities
► Clean
► Take
non-disposable hearing protection
annual audiometric examination
► Protect
hearing should be done at all times
Additional Information
Additional Resources:
Hearing Conservation. OSHA Publication 3074, (2002)
Preventing Occupational Hearing Loss – A Practical
Guide. National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) Publication No. 96-110, (1996, June)