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Activity 38: _Beneath the Earth's Surface_ Cornell Notes Challenge:
What is beneath the Earth's surface? What is "On the Earth's surface" about? A volcano is the opening in the earth from which magma and gas erupt.
Once magma has erupted onto the earth's surface it is called lava.
Some eruptions are gentle, others violent
Different volcanoes have different shapes.
Mountains can form from extinct or dormant volcanoes. Diagram 1: Summarize: A scientist who studies volcanoes is a volcanologist. (They can measure temperatures of active volcanoes.)
Diagram 2:
Summarize: There are three types of volcanoes: shield, cinder cones and composite. Sheild are less explosive but have fast moving, gassy lava (safer to be near). Cinder cones and composite have explosive eruptions. Composite are also known as stratovolcanoes ­ an example is Mt. St Helens in Washingon.
What is "Inside the Earth" about? • Early evidence came from volcanic eruptions
• Now, we use technology that detects earthquake information. EQ waves move at different speeds through the earth in different materials (ex. faster through solids than liquids)
• Scientist measure the speeds and build models to predict the layers size and composition.
• Rocks are only a tiny fraction. Earth is like an egg.
• Crust, mantle and core.
• Core is both solid (inner core) and liquid (outer core) • Magma erupts from the mantle.
• Uppermost part of the mantle is more solid than lower.
• Lithosphere includes the crust and upper mantle and describes the "stone" or rocky later from 0­100 km below the surface.
Diagram 3: Summarize: Scientists study earthquake waves to understand what the inside of the Earth is made up of (like when we shook the mystery box to figure out what was inside).
Diagram/Table 4: Summarize: The layers of the Earth are divided into the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. The crust is the top layer and the inner core is the bottom layer. The crust is the thinnest, the mantle is the thickest (if Earth is divided into four layers). The outer core is thicker than the mantle. All parts are solid EXCEPT the lower mantle and the outer core. The crust is the coolest, the inner core is the hottest. The core is made of iron and nickel. The crust is where rocks are found and the mantle is part solid (top) and part liquid (bottom).
Back Side: Analysis Questions:
1. Which is layer is:
a) Hottest = inner core/core
b) Center = inner core/core
c) Completely solid = lithosphere, inner core, crust, upper mantle 2. Outer core mantle crust solid lithosphere
c. Outer core is liquid, so it doesn't belong. The mantle, crust and lithosphere are all part solid, so I circled solid.
Explanations/Drawing of the Earth:
Lithosphere (brown): "stone" crust & upper mantle