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Ancient Egypt Test (Part A) 30 Marks
Name _________________________
Multiple Choice (One Mark each) CIRCLE BEST RESPONSE
1. The Nile River was important to ancient Egyptians because:
a. It provided drinking water
b. When it flooded it deposited silt which was beneficial to agriculture
c. It was a natural barrier against invasion
d. All of the above are correct
e. Only a & b are correct
2. He united Upper and Lower Egypt and established the capital of Memphis:
a. Mentohotep
b. Menes
c. Amenhotep IV
d. Ramses II
e. Pepy III
3. The most popular fabric in ancient Egypt was:
a. Cotton
b. Wool
c. Rayon
d. Linen
e. Silk
4. Flooding, planting and harvesting:
a. Emergence, Inundation & Drought
b. Drought, Emergence & Inundation
c. Inundation, Emergence & Drought
d. Emergence, Drought, & Inundation
e. Inundation, Drought & Emergence
5. Ancient Egyptian civilization lasted approximately:
a. 5000 years
b. 3300 years
c. 2000 years
d. 1400 years
e. 700 years
6. Which statements are true about the great pyramid:
a. It was built during the Middle Kingdom
b. Its entrance faces north
c. It is the one of the seven wonders of the ancient world
d. All of the above are correct
e. only b & c are correct
7. The Middle Kingdom is best described as a time when Egypt:
a. First developed written language
b. began to use irrigation techniques
c. increased contact with other cultures
d. Both a & c are correct
e. Both a & b are correct
8. Transportation on the Nile was important to the Egyptian civilization because it:
a. Linked Egyptians to form a sense of community
b. Encouraged trade
c. Allowed for Egyptians to take holiday
d. Both a & b are correct
e. Both b & c are correct
9. Ancient Egyptians:
a. Identified five planets
b. Owned slaves
c. Developed a solar calendar (365 days)
d. All of the above are correct
e. Both b & c are correct
10. Which statements are true of scribes in ancient Egypt:
a. Only scribes used hieroglyphics
b. Scribes were only boys and began school at age 10
c. Scribes were educated in reading, writing and math
d. Scribes were below soldiers in the social pyramid
e. All of the above are correct
Fill in the blanks (one mark each)
11. Pharaoh ______________________ expanded trade further than any other pharaoh
12. Egyptians origin story begins with Osiris and Isis and their son ________________
13. The Nile River is ______________ miles long and flows into the _____________________
14. ________________, the boy king, died when he was only _______________
15. __________________and his wife Queen Nefertiti, tried to make Egypt worship only one
16. _________________, the hill people from Western Asia, invaded Lower Egypt using bronze
weapons, ________________ and bows.
17. Unlike the Mesopotamians, Egyptians did not have to use complicated irrigation techniques.
Theirs was a simple technique called ______________________
18. After 150 years of disorder, ________________reunified Upper and Lower Egypt and moved
the capital from Thebes to __________________
19. A reed plant that grows along the Nile, _______________ is used to make paper scrolls
20. The common people in Egypt used a form of writing called ________________
21. In 1799 Napoleons troops discovered _________________ which unlocked the mystery of
22. Egypt conquered _______________ for its gold mines
23. The practice of _____________________, preserving of the body of dead.
True and False (one mark each) CIRCLE CORRECT RESPONSE
Egyptian slaves could own property
The pyramids were built by farmers during the time of drought
Egyptians had “pubs” where they gathered and consumed beer
Cleopatra was the last pharaoh
Bonus (4 marks possible – 1 each for correctly defining terms, up to two marks for explanation)
Unlike the capricious Tigris and Euphrates rivers, the Nile was benevolent. Define capricious and
benevolent and briefly explain what this difference meant for ancient Egyptians.
Ancient Egypt Test (Part B) 10 Marks
Choose 1 of the 3 short essay topics below and answer as thoroughly as you can. Remember to organize
your thoughts briefly before you begin writing.
1. Explain , in detail, the process of mummification and its significance to ancient Egyptian culture
2. Compare and contrast the religious practice and beliefs in Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt
3. Egyptian civilization lasted for over three millennia (a long time); explain the MOST significant
reasons for this occurrence.