Download S Ch 2 Notes Abbreviated

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1) ____________________________ movement allows air to
be transported into your lungs and Chemical reactions, where
oxygen is used during a release of energy in your cells.
While enjoying our amazingly
interesting lesson today you are INHALING a lot of
Oxygen and very little Carbon Dioxide. When you
EXHALE we release A LOT of CO2, which is given off to
the plants and trees. The CO2 combined with H2O and
energy causes photosynthesis.
Carbon Dioxide, water and sun are used to make sugar
and give off Oxygen
Cells Give Off Energy
A) _______________________________ _____________________________- occurs in
our cells as a CHEMICAL reaction in order to release energy
B) The Respiratory system works with your Digestive and ______________________
system to make this process possible.
1) __________________________ from foods and oxygen from breathing travel
through your blood vessels in order to release this energy.
2) The Carbon Dioxide is a _______________ _____________________ formed
by this process and it is released when you breathe
A) Our body needs ________________________, which are broken down through
________________________ to allow us to grow, move and maintain homeostasis.
Our digestive system works on 2 ways to move and break down food
B) Mechanical and CHEMICAL digestion begins in the __________________. The
pizza gets mechanically broken down by your teeth and then chemically broken
down by saliva, where it turns starches into sugars.
C) The pizza then travels down the _________________ and into the stomach where
muscles mash the pepperoni and acids further break it down.
D) The pancreas, liver and gallbladder pass food towards the ________________
1) Our _______________ (necessary) is the largest organ in the body
(breaks down proteins).
a) It ____________ blood and stores unneeded nutrients for later.
b) It produces __________, a yellow substance that breaks down fats.
2) Our __________________ (not necessary) stores the bile produced in
the liver.
3) Our ____________________ (not necessary, but has a big job to pick up)
produces chemicals (insulin) needed to move materials from the stomach
to the small intestine.
a) It lowers __________ in the intestine and breaks materials down.
b) The chemicals allow your body to use proteins, fats and starch
for ______________________
E) ____________ help absorb nutrients from proteins in the small intestine
F) The pizza then travels through the ______________ intestine, so water and
nutrients are absorbed.
A) The digestive(solid), _____________________ and urinary (liquid) system help
remove waste
B) Kidneys _____________________ materials and send it to the circulatory system.
a) Some materials leave as waste, while others return to the ______________.
b) Next, liquid waste called _______________ (small amounts travel to the
bladder every 10-15 seconds) travels to the _________________ and then
down to the bladder where it is eliminated through the ________________.
c) Within the kidneys _______________________ are little tubes in the kidneys
that help filter
c) _____________________ is a structure within the nephrons that
filters the waste out of blood.
C) Besides filtering out waste, the kidneys also regulate ________________ in
the body.