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World History
III. End of the Republic & Rise of the Empire
A. Julius Caesar
1. In 60 BCE a military leader named ____________________________ joined forces with Crassus, wealthy Roman, and Pompey, a
popular general.
2. In 59 BCE Caesar was elected Consul. For the next 10 years these men dominated Rome as a ________________________, a
group of three rulers.
3. Caesar was a strong leader and a ____________________ genius. After serving the traditional one year as consul he appointed
himself _____________________ of Gaul (now France).
4. Pompey, who had become Caesar’s rival, feared Caesar’s ambition so he convinced the senate to order Caesar to
________________ his army and return home.
5. Caesar marched with his army toward Rome and Pompey _______________. Caesar’s troops defeated Pompey’s armies in
Greece, Asia, Spain and Egypt.
6. Julius Caesar took advantage of the chaos in Rome & was named ____________________________ in 46 BCE by the senate.
7. He initiated a series of ___________________________ . He offered Roman citizenship to conquered people, created new jobs
through building projects, started colonies where people without land could own property, and he increased pay for soldiers.
8. Many Senators __________________ Caesar’s ___________________________ & power as dictator of Rome.
9. Several senators led by _______________________ and _________________________________, plotted his assassination.
5. In 44 B.C., Senators _______________________________________ Julius Caesar.
6. The assassination led to another _________________ led by Caesar’s adopted nephew __________________________________
& his best general, _______________________.
7. Caesar’s death changed Rome: People no longer ______________________ the Senate to rule Rome & the Roman Republic
came to an end & the empire began
IV. The Second Triumvirate
1. Three of Caesar’s supporter’s ______________________________ to crush the assassins. They were Caesar’s 18 year old
grandnephew/adopted son Octavian, experienced general Mark Antony, and powerful politicianLepidus.
2. They formed the ______________________________________________________ & ruled Rome for 10 years.
3. The Second Triumvirate ended in jealousy and violence. Octavian forced ____________________ to retire. Mark Antony &
Octavian then become rivals.
4. Octavian defeated the combined forces of ____________________ and ______________________ at the naval battle of Actium
in 41 BCE. Later Cleopatra and Antony ________________________________________.
V. The Roman Empire
A. Augustus & the Beginning of the Roman Empire
1. Octavian emerged as the unchallenged ___________________ of Rome, was given the title _______________________________
(“Exalted One”), & became Rome’s first ___________________________
2. Under Augustus, Rome was ruled as an empire; the _______________ still met but the emperor had all the real ______________.
3. The bad Emperors were ________________________________, _____________________, ____________________________.
The good Emperors were _________________, _______________________, _________________________,
_________________________________, and __________________________________.
B. The Pax Romana
1. Augustus’ 41 year reign marked the beginning of a 207-year era of _____________, _______________, & expansion known as the
__________________________________________ (“the Roman Peace”) from 27 B.C. to 180 A.D.
2. During the Pax Romana, the empire expanded to its _______________________ & brought great wealth to Rome
3. The Pax Romana became the “__________________________________” of Rome as emperors like Augustus built ____________
& a ______________-based bureaucracy to rule the empire.
4. Roads connected the Roman Empire to far-flung places such as _________________ and _________________________________.
5. Roman _____________________________ brought water to cities.
6. Roman architects used new styles like _________________ & concrete to beautify cities.
7. __________________________ was the most important industry in the Roman Empire; ________ of people in the empire farmed.
8. The denarius, a ________________________, was used throughout the empire which made _____________________ easier.
C. Roman Way of Life
1. There was a large _______________ between the rich and the poor, and classes had __________________ in common.
2. The rich spent large amounts of money on ____________________, ________________________, _______________________,
and ____________________________.
3. The poor (most people) barely had the _____________________. The _________________________ supported these people with
daily rations of grain (food).
4. To ______________________ and ___________________ the masses Emperors built arenas, like the ____________________, &
used chariot races, gladiator events, & theater to entertain the poor.
5. Sometimes strong healthy male slaves became ___________________________, and could earn their freedom.
6. ____________________ was a significant part of Roman life, and was important to the economy.
7. Slaves made up _______________________ of the population. Slaves tried to rebel but their revolts were unsuccessful.
C. Conclusions: Rome expanded from a city, to a republic, to an empire
1. The era of the Roman _________________________ introduced representative democracy
2. The era of the Roman _________________________ sparked the Pax Romana & the “golden age” of Roman innovation & culture