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Chapter 14: Evolution: A History and a Process
Section Goal: The student will explain the significance of gene pools in understanding evolution, tell how
genetic drift, gene flow, mutation and natural selection contribute to changes in a gene pool, explain what is
meant be the term fitness and describe recent evidence for microevolution on the Galapagos Islands.
1. Gene Pool2. Microevolution3. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium4. Genetic Drift5. Gene Flow6. FitnessConcept 14.4 Microevolution is a change in a population’s gene pool
I. Populations and Their Gene Pools
A. A _________________ is the ___________ level at which ____________________ can occur
B. The ______________________ consists of all the ____________ in all the individuals in a
II. Changes in Gene Pools
A. Natural selection is _________________________
B. ________________________ is a change in the _________________________________ from
generation to generation
C. The ______________________________________ is when a populations gene frequencies are not
changing, i.e. not evolving
III. Genetic Drift
A. A change in the gene pool due to ______________ ______________________________________
The smaller the population the __________the impact
The _________________________________ is when a disaster____________________ the size of
a gene pool
D. The __________________________ is when a few individuals colonize _____________________
IV. Gene Flow and Mutation
A. The exchange of genes with another _____________ is called ______________________________
B. A ______________ is a change in an organism’s DNA
V. Natural Selection and Darwinian Fitness
A. Natural Selection is a blend of __________________ ____________________________________
B. _____________________________ is the contribution of one individual to the gene pool compared
to others
VII. A Return to the Galapagos
A. ______________________________________ have studied finches on Daphne Major in the
B. Their data has provided clear evidence of ________________________________________
Lesson Reflection:
 Read and answer the questions for: The Cheetah--The race for survival and Flesh Eating Bacteria &
Necrotizing Fasciitis
Lesson Assessment:
1. What is a gene pool?
3. Describe what is meant by a "biologically fit" organism.
5. What are the two main forces of evolutionary change in gene pools?
Summary of Key concepts: Summary of Key Concepts for 14.4
Technology/Application/Connection to real-world:
 NOVA: What Darwin Never Knew