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Ch 37
37-1 The Circulatory System
37-2 Blood and the Lymphatic System
37-3 The Respiratory System
37-1 The Circulatory System
 The Human circulatory system consists of
the heart, a series of blood vessels, and the
blood that flows through them
 The epithelial and connective tissue that
surrounds the heart is called the
Pericardium which protects the heart
muscle called Myocardium
 The upper part of the heart that received
blood is the Atrium
 The lower, stronger part of the heart that
pumps the blood to the body or lungs is
the Ventricle
37-1 The Circulatory System
 The right side of the
heart pumps blood
from the heart to the
lungs, this pathway is
known as the
Pulmonary Circulation (To get Oxygen and
drop off Carbon
 The left side pumps
blood to the rest of the
body which is called
the Systemic circulation
 (To drop off oxygen and
pick up Carbon Dioxide)
37-1 The Circulatory System
 Connective tissue that stops
blood from going from the
Ventricles to the Atriums are
the valves
 An impulse that travels down
the hearts and controls the
contraction of cardiac muscles
in the heart is the Pacemaker
37-1 The Circulatory System
 Oxygen rich blood leaving the left
ventricle enters the Aorta
 As blood flows through the
circulatory system, it moves
through three types of blood
 Arteries- Large vessels that carry
blood Away from the heart
 Capillaries- smallest vessels, only
one cell thick, allow transfer of
 Veins- Large vessels, return blood
from capillaries to the heart
37-1 The Circulatory System
 Atherosclerosis is a condition in which fatty
deposits called plaque build up on the inner walls
of the arteries
 Pg 950- 1-5
37-2 Blood & the Lymphatic
 Blood is 8% of your total mass
 45% is cells
 55% is made of water, dissolved gases,
salts, nutrients, enzymes, hormones,
waste products, and proteins called
37-2 Blood & the Lymphatic
 Red blood cells transport oxygen
 Hemoglobin is the iron containing protein that binds to
oxygen in the lungs and transports it to the cells
 White blood cells are the “army” of the circulatory
system- they guard against infection, fight parasites,
and attack bacteria
 Lymphocytes produce antibodies that recognize tumors,
viruses and bacteria and help prevent future diseases
37-2 Blood & the Lymphatic
 Blood clotting is made possible by plasma
proteins and cell fragments called platelets
 Platelets are cytoplasm enclosed in a cell
membrane and become sticky and release
chemicals when they become in contact
with a broken blood vessel
37-2 Blood & the Lymphatic
 A network of vessels, nodes, and
organs, called the lymphatic system
collects the fluid that is lost by the
blood and returns it back to the
circulatory system
 The fluid is known as lymph and collects
in lymphatic capillaries and slowly flows
into larger and larger lymph vessels
 Pg 955 (1-5)
37-3 Respiratory System
 The basic function performed by the human
respiratory system is to bring about the
exchange of Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide
 Blood & Air & Tissues
 The Pharynx serves as a passageway for both
air and food
 From the pharynx air moves down your
windpipe or your Trachea
 The Larynx is the uppermost part of the
trachea that has elastic folds that produce
sounds as air passes
37-3 Respiratory System
 The location where the Trachea breaks into two
large passageways that leads to the lungs called
the Bronchi
 They split further into Bronchiolies
 The bronchiolies end at small air sacs where gas
molecules are exchanged called Alveoli
37-3 Respiratory System
 At the bottom of your chest cavity is a muscle
that creates negative pressure that brings air into
the lungs called your Diaphragm
37-3 Respiratory System
 Nicotine is a stimulant
drug that increases the
heart rate and blood
 Contains carbon
monoxide which binds to
hemoglobin and prevents
transport of oxygen
 Emphysema is the loss of
elasticity in the tissues of
the lungs
 Pg 963 (1-5)