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Renaissance and Reformation
This individual discovered the
planets moved in an elliptical
motion around the sun.
• Johannes Kepler
This man is credited for
creating the Scientific Method.
• Sir Francis Bacon
The belief that the Earth is the
center of the universe
• Geocentric
This was the name of the
Church of England.
• Anglican Church
He was a Danish nobleman
who made very accurate
observations of stars without a
• Tycho Brahe
• “Mr. Silvernosebladderbust”
What was the surname (last
name) of Henry VIII, Mary I,
and Elizabeth I?
• Tudor
Why was Mary Tudor called
“Bloody Mary”?
• She executed many Protestants after
gaining power
An opinion or a doctrine
differing with established
religious beliefs.
• Heresy
T/F: Queen Elizabeth was
disliked by the citizens of
The model community of
Geneva prohibited dancing,
fighting, and laughing in
church....But not
• Theocracy
The Act of Supremacy was
declared by this man, making
him the head of the Church of
• King Henry VIII
I am, I am
Who is the head of the Roman
Catholic Church?
• Pope
Why did the Catholic
Reformation occur?
• The Catholic Church wanted to gain
back current Protestants who had been
What notion is synonymous
with Sir Isaac Newton
• Gravity
A government run by religious
leaders is called.
• Theocracy
Who was the notorious
reformer of the Church?
• Martin Luther
Why did Henry VIII want his
marriage to his 1st wife,
Catherine of Aragon, annulled
after 18 years of marriage?
• She did not give birth to a male child
The spread of Calvinism led to
what event?
• The rise of theocracies
This famous artist created the
“Creation of Adam”
• Michelangelo
What did Lutherans believe
about salvation?
• It is achieved through faith
As compared to the Italian
Renaissance, the Northern
Renaissance began:
• 100 years later
The “Pieta” is a famous piece
of art depicting what?
• Mother Mary with Jesus dead across
her lap.
What famous artist from the
Renaissance period created
the painting the “School of
• Raphael
What issue led people to
move towards the Protestant
• The Catholic Church was too powerful
and full of abuses.
Machiavelli wrote a guidebook
that was controversial
because it:
• Indicated that kings should use any
means necessary to maintain power.
Why did Martin Luther write
the 95 theses?
• He was denouncing the sale of
The Renaissance was during
what time period?
• 1300-1500
The growing Middle Class
began to demand books
written in what language?
• The vernacular
Copernicus challenged the
traditional European view of
the universe by theorizing
• The sun is the center of the universe.
The Renaissance immediately
followed what time period in
• Middle Ages/Dark Ages
This famous artist created the
Mona Lisa and the Last
• Leonardo Da Vinci