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Kelley Nghe
Assignment 3
MKTG 490
Assignment 3
2. Describe Freudian personality theory (in your own words). Find three advertisements that illustrate the three
different Freudian concepts of personality and discuss why they do so.
The Freudian personality theory is composed of three elements known as the id, the ego, and the
superego. These three elements work together to create complex human behaviors. The id is the
source of all psychic energy, it is the component of personality that is present from birth and is
entirely unconscious thoughts. The id is entirely unconscious and includes instinctive and
primitive behaviors. It is a primal force throughout life. The ego develops from the id. It ensures
that the impulses of the id can be expressed in an acceptable manner. The ego functions in all 3
minds, conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The ego is the component of personality that
is responsible for dealing with reality. Lastly, the superego provides guidelines for making
judgments. The superego is the consumer's internalized moral standards and ideals that were
acquired through their parents and society. This is like our sense of what is considered right or
1. Id: In this advertisement by Heinz, they are subliminally trying
to “hide” an image that evokes unconscious pleasurable feelings for
the consumer. The tomatoes play into the idea of Heinz's all-natural
ingredients but they are also playing into the imagery of breasts.
2. Ego: works to balance our moral and idealistic standards. It
prevents us from acting on our basic urges (our ID). In this
advertisement. Pop chips advertises that you can eat a lot of chips
but not gain many calories. This will satisfy your ego of eating a
lot of chips and also satisfy your superego of not eating many
3. Superego: will try to do the right thing. This
advertisement from Mom Demands Action, shows two
children holding something that is banned in America.
Kinder Eggs are banned for being a choking hazard, while
guns are not. Your superego is to be kind and protect
innocent children, which is considered the right thing to do.
So this advertisement is causing you as the consumer to feel