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Tuesday 23rd November 2021
Macbeth Act 2, Scene 1
• Starter task: Self/Peer assessment!
• Please get out your homework task and
swap with the person next to you.
• If you weren’t here last week/have not done
the homework, please read the work of the
person next to you and mark in pairs.
• With different colours, read their
paragraphs and highlight either on their work
or in the margin where they have done the
• AO1: Argument and Quotes to support
• AO2: Analysis – ‘This quote shows…’
• AO3: Context – Discussion on Jacobean
Audience, Regicide, Devine right of Kings,
gender roles and norms for men and
Reading Act 2, Scene 1...
How does Macbeth seem in
this scene?
What are his thoughts and
feelings immediately after
the murder of King Duncan?
Plot Consolidation:
Answer the following questions to ensure you
understand the events of Act 2, Scene 1.
1) What does Banquo say he has been dreaming about?
”The Weird Sisters” (The Three Witches)
2) What gift did the King give Lady Macbeth?
A diamond
3) What lie does Macbeth tell Banquo?
He tells Banquo that he doesn’t think of The Witches, suggesting he did not
believe their prophecy
4) What does Macbeth ‘see’?
A dagger in front of him, leading him to where the King sleeps
5) What does the ringing of the bell indicate?
That it is time to kill Duncan
Time to analyse!
Please re read Macbeth’s Act 2,
Scene 1 Soliloquy and on the
extract in front of you, in
different colours highlight and
annotate the following:
Any literary devices: Rhetorical
Questions, Personification,
Metaphors, etc.
Macbeth’s emotions: moments
where he seems confused,
terrified, angry etc.
Moments where Macbeth
could be considered
determined or ambitious
What does Macbeth’s soliloquy reveal about his state of
mind in Act 2, Scene 1? You have Sentence Starters:
What do I need to do?
• Make clear points that directly answer
the question! (AO1)
• Use quotations from the scene! You can
use more than one! (AO1)
• Analyse your quotations! (AO2)
• Link to the context of the Jacobean era.
• How might a Jacobean audience react?
Make sure you write a minimum of one
• In Act 2, Scene 1, Macbeth’s state is
presented Macbeth _____. This is shown
clearly through his soliloquy as he
• This quotation specifically implies that
Macbeth is________.
• The Jacobean audience of the time would
have been _____
If you’re looking for a word to use in your
analysis, take a look at the words around the
Highlight on your work (or mark in the margin)
where you have used:
AO1: Argument and Quotes to support
AO2: Analysis – ‘This quote shows…’
AO3: Context – Discussion on Jacobean Audience,
Regicide, Devine right of Kings, gender roles and
norms for men and women etc.…