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BrHeartJ 1981;46: 224-5
R wave amplitude during exercise
ductance, and, finally, transient hyperpolarisation of
The excellent paper of Baron et al. ' demonstrates that cardiac cells.
the increase of the R wave amplitude during stress
Although a certain.caution in extrapolating results
testing is an important diagnostic sign ofcoronary artery from an experimental model to events occurring in man
disease. On the basis of the well-known interrelation is necessary, we believe that our hypothesis can explain,
between the R wave voltage and the ventricular volume, much better than others, the basis ofthe increase ofthe
the authors seemed to conclude, reasonably, that the R wave voltage during positive exercise testing.
When two phenomena are interrelated, one need not
increase of the R wave amplitude results from an augmentation of the ventricular volume, which, in turn, is depend on the other: both can be provoked by a third
provoked by abnormalities of ventricular contraction. factor. In the case of a positive stress test, such as in that
Surprisingly, however, neither in this article nor of spontaneous angina, the precipitating factor is reprein other reports on this topic (see Ref.'), has it ever sented by myocardial ischaemia which, altering the
been considered that the increase of R wave amplitude myocardial metabolism, on the one hand provokes
observed during a positive exercise test could be an alterations in [Ca2+]i, potassium conductance, and the
identical phenomenon to that present in animals and in depolarization of cardiac cells, that is the increase of R
man during hyperacute ischaemia. In variant angina,2 wave voltage, and on the other hand, abnormalities of
acute myocardial infarction,3 and in any type of experi- ventricular contraction, that is the augmentation of
mental ischaemia4-6 an augmentation of the R wave ventricular volume.
voltage has been repeatedly observed. This increase is
P U Carbonin,
proportional to the reduction of the coronary flow
M Di Gennaro,
rate,4'6 and is brief: it ceases as soon as the coronary flow
R Valle,
rate returns to normal in transient ischaemia, or when
Istituto di Patologia Medica,
Q waves develop in myocardial infarction. Until now
Universita Cattolica, Rome, Italy.
the mechanism of this R wave voltage change has not
been convincingly explained.7
We4 recently showed that the ischaemic increase in References
the R wave voltage also occurs in global ischaemia.
Baron DW, Ilsley C, Sheiban I, Poole-Wilson PA,
Since ST changes are not seen in global ischaemia,4 and 1 Rickards
AF. R wave amplitude during exercise. Relation
can be present with a high coronary flow rate,8 the
to left ventricular fimction and coronary artery disease. Br
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augmentation of [Ca2+]i, increase of potassium con224
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This letter was shown to the authors of the paper who in myocardial ischaemia or during exercise can probably
reply as follows:
be accounted for by volume changes, whereas the later
fall in R wave amplitude during ischaemia may reflect a
decrease in the amplitude of the action potential.
P A Poole-Wilson,
We are grateful to Carbonin and co-workers for drawing
our attention to their work and hypothesis concerning
A F Rickards,
the influence of myocardial ischaemia on R wave ampliNational Heart Hospital,
tude. The experiments to which they allude' were
Westmoreland Street, London WIM 8BA
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Langendorf technique with a physiological fluid and References
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the cell. An alternative possibility is that geometrical
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We6 agree with Carbonin and co-workers and with 5 Influence
of left ventricular dimensions on endocardial
others7 that several factors contribute to the change of
and epicardial QRS amplitude and ST-segment elevations
R wave amplitude in man recorded from the surface of
during acute myocardial ischemia. Circulation 1980; 61:
the chest during exercise. These factors include not
only electrophysiological changes, but also blood con- 6 Baron DW, Ilsley C, Sheiban I, Poole-Wilson PA,
Rickards AF. R wave amplitude during exercise. Relation
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of the heart, and movement of the chest wall and
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diaphragm. The importance of ventricular volume, 7 HeartJ7
Body surface distribution of exercise-induced
however, should not be underestimated. We have
QRS changes in normal subjects. Am J Cardiol 1980; 46:
recently shown that the height of the R wave changes
appropriately when ventricular volume is manipulated 8 Ilsley C, Poole-Wilson PA, Rickards AF. R wave
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amplitude on the electrocardiogram: change with left venpacing.8 Part of the increase of R wave amplitude early
tricular volume (abstract). Clin Sci 1980; 59: 21P.
Downloaded from on August 13, 2017 - Published by
R wave amplitude during exercise.
P U Carbonin, M Di Gennaro and R Valle
Br Heart J 1981 46: 224-225
doi: 10.1136/hrt.46.2.224
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