Download Here is the link to our district`s moodle. My class is Honors Psych. I

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Here is the link to our district’s moodle. My class is Honors Psych. I have it set to allow
guests without a password so you should be able to just click into the course. Below is
the document with a compilation of all of my assignments. Thanks for the course, I
learned a lot and now I have a lot more work to do before I run this class!
Mr. Mathew Colemer
Honors Psychology
This course will be an advanced psychology course that will follow my regular psych
course as a test prep for those interested in taking the AP test.
Students in this course will be Juniors and Seniors that have taken Psychology.
This will be a hybrid class that will require a mixture of regular classroom activities and
online activities in class and at home.
I currently teach a regular psychology course that is a traditional course with some
technology activities throughout. In the 4th term this year I have been asked to teach an
honors level version of this same course as an AP test prep, my curriculum is later to be
submitted and approved for classification as an AP class. This course is scheduled for
the last class of the day in the 4th term. This presents several problems. I coach track
and field, which means I need to leave school early at least once a week which results
in me missing a lot of class. Additionally, it is time for baseball, softball, and golf
seasons which means several kids rotate what days they miss school, but the bottom
line is that there is a serious attendance issue to deal with. Adding to the attendance
issue is the fact that the 4th term is considerably shorter for the seniors than the juniors.
They are expected to cover the same amount of material in a shorter time period
making it difficult to teach the whole class at the same pace.
I am planning to use moodle since we already have it set up at school and I have
already started to familiarize myself with it by transferring some materials I have on wiki
to a moodle course for a World History class I taught first term. I will create a new class
for honors psychology. In addition to moodle as a main host for the course I will try to
incorporate a wiki and edmodo as tools for facilitating this class.
This is a pretty rough list of topics and learning objectives. I am sure there will be a lot of
addition and subtraction to this set of information by the time I am done with this class. I
am waiting on a copy of the AP test for Psychology and will need to tweek my content to
reflect the demands of that test. Thanks, Matt
Honors Psychology:
Part A: Course Learning Objectives
Students will be able to implement the scientific method in psychological experiments.
Students will be able to organize activities that implement the concepts associated with
classical conditioning.
Students will be able to organize activities that implement the concepts associated with
operant conditioning.
Students will be able to identify major components of several classic studies in the field
of psychology.
Students will identify major contributors to the field of psychology.
Students will analyze theories of personality.
Students will analyze developmental theories.
Students will identify major parts of the human brain and their functions.
Students will investigate research findings concerning the human brain.
Students will analyze the function of social norms.
Part B: Course Outline
I. Evolution of Psych
A. Freud
B. Skinner
Research Enterprise in Psych
A. Scientific Method
B. Types of Research
The Biological Bases of Behavior
A. Nervous System
B. Brain and Brain Research
Sensation and Perception
A. Visual
B. Auditory
C. Taste and Smell
D. Other senses
Variations in Consciousness
A. Sleep and Sleep Cycle
B. Hypnosis and Meditation
C. Altering Consciousness with Drugs
A. Classical Conditioning
B. Operant Conditioning
C. Observational Learning
VII. Human Memory
A. Encoding
B. Storage
C. Retrieval
D. Forgetting
VIII. Language and Thought
A. Turning Thoughts into Words
B. Problem Solving
C. Decision Making
Motivation and Emotion
Hunger and Eating
Sexual Motivation and Behavior
Emotional Experience
Human Development Across the Lifespan
Prenatal Development
Psychological Disorders
Social Behavior
Interpersonal Attraction
Conformity and Obedience
Group Behavior
Mod 4 Assignment
Part A:
Welcome to Honors Psychology. This will be a hybrid course that will combine
traditional classroom activities as well as online requirements. The online portions of the
class will use Moodle. Most of the resources for the class will be online while daily
classroom activities will be used to support online learning. Honors Psychology is
designed for students that want to prepare themselves for college level courses and are
self motivated. Students taking this class are encouraged to take the Advanced
Placement Test for Psychology.
This class will require you to use Moodle in order to cover class material, complete and
turn in assignments, take quizzes and tests, and also participate in online class
discussions. You will use class time to work on this, but will probably need to also work
online from home. This will be a new and interesting learning experience for students
looking for a challenge. I hope you are looking forward to taking the class as much as I
am looking forward to teaching it.
Mr. Colemer
Part B: 5 Discussion Questions/Prompts
1. Explain which psychological perspective you feel is most interesting.
2. Weighing the potential positive outcomes for all people against the potentially
harmful impact on subject; where should ethical lines be drawn on biological brain
3. After completing the research on Sensory and Perception find and discuss examples
of artwork that demonstrate Gestalt principles. Include a link to your favorite example
and discuss which principles are being illustrated.
4. What are your thoughts on meditation and hypnosis? Could they be beneficial to
5. What principles of behavior modification have you used on yourself? Are there any
that you plan to use now that you have learned more about them?
Part A:
Inside the Brain: An Interactive Tour
The Brain from Top to Bottom
Part B:
Cyberlab for Psychological Research
Positive Reinforcement: A Self-Instructional Exercise
The Stroop Effect
Index of the Descriptive Mind
Tutorial on Operant Conditioning
I typed up the following as a traditional style fill in and short answer test. This same test
could be used on survey monkey, hot potatoes, or Quizstar. I could either create a word
bank to choose from or convert the questions to multiple choice. Hot potatoes would be
especially interesting because they could match up word bank answers with the
questions in sort of a kinesthetic way. Our moodle recently allowed hot potatoes so I’d
have to take a little time to mess around with it.
Psychology: Unit 6- Learning
Name: _________________
1.What type of conditioning involves a subject associating a neutral stimulus with an
unconditioned stimulus?
2. In Ivan Pavlov’s experiments identify:
the unconditioned stimulus:
the neutral stimulus:
the conditioned stimulus:
the conditioned response:
3. How can we eliminate the conditioned response?
3a. What is this called?
4. Which type of conditioning is more associated with decision making?
5. Taking away a child’s toy for bad behavior is considered _______________
6. Giving someone a tasty treat for good behavior is considered a ____________
7. Spraying a cat with water when it climbs on a countertop is an example of
8. Giving rewards after a set period of time is called __________________
______________ schedule.
9. Time based rewards that are delivered at irregular intervals are called
______________ schedule rewards.
Reinforcers delivered after irregular numbers of responses are
________________ ___________________ .
Money is an example of a ______________ reinforcer.
Food is an example of a ______________ reinforcer.
Watching another person perform a rewarding behavior and attempting to copy it
is called ___________________ learning.
What kind of modeling involves observing a person not receiving punishment for
a behavior resulting in reduced fear of the behavior for the subject?
This is the term for rewarding closer and closer approximations of a desired
behavior in order to achieve a complex set of behaviors.