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Cataract Operation Day Surgery
Cataract Operation - Day Surgery
Go to the Scarsdale
entrance of the hospital.
Go to the Holywell Day
Surgery Unit.
Cataract Operation - Day Surgery
Go to the reception desk.
Tell the receptionist your
name, birthday and
This is where you will wait.
Cataract Operation - Day Surgery
Your blood pressure will be
Your blood sugar levels
may be checked.
A small tube might be put
in to your hand. Medicine
can be given through this.
Cataract Operation - Day Surgery
You will be taken in to
You will be given oxygen to
help you breathe whilst
lying down.
Cataract Operation - Day Surgery
You can be asleep or
awake for this operation.
Ask your doctor which is
best for you.
You will be covered over
whilst you have your
Cataract Operation - Day Surgery
After your operation you
will have a patch over your
eye to protect it.
The surgeon will make
sure you feel okay before
you leave the theatre.
Cataract Operation - Day Surgery
In the recovery area staff
will check that you feel
okay. Tell someone if you
feel poorly.
The doctor will see you
before you go home.
Cataract Operation - Day Surgery
Before you go home, staff
will give you some eye
They will explain how to
use the eye drops and how
to look after your eye.
Holywell Day Surgery Unit: 01246 512384
Date of your operation:
Arrive for:
Morning – 7:30am
Afternoon – 12 noon
If you would like to speak to someone about this
information please call The Eye Centre on
01246 516256.
Please tell us if you need help to communicate.
For more information please go to
Created by Healthcare Professionals at
Chesterfield Royal Hospital.
Created: March 2014
Version 1