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Why do we need to study Islam?
1. To help us intelligently dialogue with people about Islam.
2. To help us be better ambassadors to Muslims.
3. Being prepared in advance!
Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today!
One out of every five people is Muslim.
There are more practicing Muslims than JW’s and Mormons combined!
There are more Muslims than Catholics!
The Origin of Islam
Islamic Beliefs and Practices
The Quran: Evidence It's Not the Word of God
Sharing the Truth in Love with Muslims
The Origin of Islam
Islam: Arabic word meaning to submit or surrender or commit oneself
Muslims: means “the one who submits”
Islam began with a man named Muhammad. Born 570 A.D. in the city of Mecca
While contemplating inside a cave on the outskirts of Mecca, Muhammad was supposedly visited by the
angel Gabriel.
Muslims believe the angel Gabriel brought Muhammad by night to Jerusalem on the back of a heavenly
In Jerusalem, it’s said that Muhammad conversed with Jesus, Moses and Abraham, before being taken
by a ladder to Heaven for a night
Several hundred people were convinced that Mohammed was a prophet of God Converted to
A plan was devised to assassinate Muhammad, Fled to a city called Medina,
After 8 years Muhammad came back to Mecca and conquered the city with 10,000 men.
Ka’bah: most holy place in Islam, and main sanctuary.
At 63 Muhammad died of natural causes, Division in the political and religious leaders of Islam 2 groups
called Sunnis and Shi’ties
Sunnis: make up 85-90% of all Muslims; believe that successors are to be elected democratically
Shi’ties: make up 10-13% of all Muslims; believe that successors are to be related to Muhammad.
Other sects of Islam:
Wahhabi: conservative, legalistic, and terrorism friendly. (Pure)
The Nation of Islam: founded in 1930 by Wallace Dodd Fard in Detroit.
Muslim armies spread the Islamic Empire into:
Central Asia,
into the confines of China,
across North Africa,
And all the way to the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in Southern France and Spain.
Charles Martel: Lead a battle called “Battle of Tours” defeated the Muslim armies.
Islam spread far and wide, but its growth happened much differently than the spread of Christianity.
Christianity, as you know, spread over the first three centuries through the simple preaching of the
Islam was forced up millions by military conquest (Jihad) it
is an undeniable fact of history that
Islam spread by the sword. Crusades????
Islam maintains itself in countries today: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Sudan, Pakistan, Yemen Qatar……
Threatening death and life imprisonment for converters from Islam.
This is Law!!!
Often people who evangelize Muslim’s will also lose their life. (Voice of the Martyrs) (gospel for Asia)
Based on teaching of Muhammad: According to the Quran, ("spreading mischief in the land" 5:32) are
subject to one of four punishments:
"...execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands, and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land.
That is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter." (Quran 5:33)
Is Islam a Peaceful Religion? …….The Quran advocates both!!......
The earlier teachings of Muhammad (known as: Meccan Surahs) when he was part of a religious minority
have a moderate tone of peace and tolerance toward other religions.
But in the later teachings of Muhammad (after he gained numerous followers and political power in
Medina) he began to contradict himself by advocating a much more hostile attitude toward people of other
Islamic Beliefs and Practices
1. Belief in One God Allah: Monotheistic religion one God. Call God Allah.
a. Allah: Arabic word that means: “The God”
b. Quran teaches that Allah is: fair, all knowing, mighty, compassionate, merciful, sovereign, and
1. Major differences between Allah and God of the bible.
a. Quran teaches that Allah is not triune in nature (Father, Son and Holy Spirit).
b. The Quran teaches that Allah has no Son.
The Quran states over and over that Allah does not love sinners.
d. No fatherly concept of God
e. Not about fellowship with God, about service, submission and allegiance to God.
Belief in Prophets
a. believe that Allah has sent 124,000 prophets
3. Belief in 4 Holy books.
a. The Law of Moses
b. The Psalms of David
The Gospel of Jesus
d. The Quran of Muhammad
The reason Muslims believe that the Quran has superseded all previous revelation is because the Quran
says these other books have been corrupted.
2 reasons that shows the Bible is accurate.
1. The manuscript evidence.
2. The writings of the church fathers.
The Quran
1. Contradicts Authentic Scripture
a. The Quran teaches that salvation comes by works, not by God’s grace, as the Bible teaches.
2. Contradicts known facts of science
3. Contradicts know facts of History
4. Has many internal Inconsistencies
5. No particular good reasons to accept the Quran
Witnessing to Muslims
1. Befriend and love them
2. Be prepared to defend the trustworthiness of Scripture
3. Respect gender distinctions
4. Be patient
5. Stay away from peripheral issues (no politics)
6. Be candid about the sins of supposed Christians
7. Emphasize God’s grace and His love
8. Invite them to church
9. Give them a bible