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Test 2
Which of the following is an example of a type of minor anomaly called Association? (more than one
answer may apply)
a. Charge
b. Malformation
c. Transformation
d. Vacterl
e. None of the above
Grooves between cotyledons are formed by:
a. decidua basalis
b. decidual septa
c. decidual parietalis
d. decidual plate
e. none of the above
The decidua that covers the chorionic frondosum is called:
a. decidua basalis
b. decidua capsularis
c. decidual plate
d. decidual septa
e. none of these
Amniotic fluid serves all of the following functions except:
a. acts as a protective cushion
b. absorbs jolts
c. exchange of metabolic waste
d. prevents adherence of the embryo to the amnion
e. allows for fetal movement
At the end of pregnancy, the placenta undergoes a number of changes that may reduce exchange
between maternal and fetal circulation. These include which of the following:
a. increase fibrous tissue in core of villus
b. obliterative changes in small capillaries of villi
c. increase thickness of the basement membrane in fetal capillaries.
d. Deposition of fibrinoid on the surface of the villi in the junctional zone and chorionic plate
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
Chromosomal abnormality that results in a condition known as Down Syndrome is called:
a. trisomy 18
b. trisomy 21
c. trisomy 13
d. trisomy 23
e. none of the above
A chromosomal abnormality in which there is an extra chromosome present is called:
a. euploid
b. diploid
c. trisomy
d. monosomy
e. none of these
The syndrome that exhibits webbed neck, short stature, broad chest and absence of sexual maturation
is known as:
a. Klinefelter syndrome
b. Triple-x syndrome
c. Turner syndrome
d. Angelman syndrome
e. None of the above
The effects of teratogens are dependent upon which of the following:
a. stage of development
b. maternal genotype
c. dose and duration of exposure
d. fetal genotype
e. a, b and c only
f. all of the above
g. none of the above
10. Klinefelters Syndrome is characterized by all of the following major clinical features except:
a. sterility
b. hyalinization of the seminiferous tubules
c. gynecomastia
d. mental retardation
e. testicular atrophy
f. none of the above
11. Infants born with short palpebral fissures, hypoplasia of the maxilla, limb deformations and
cardiovascular valve defects make up a syndrome called:
a. alcohol syndrome
b. Down syndrome
c. Klinefelters syndrome
d. Angelman syndrome
e. Preder-Willi syndrome
12. The decidual layer over the abembryonic pole is known as:
a. decidual basalis
b. decidua parietalis
c. decidua capsularis
d. decidual septa
e. none of these
13. The membrane that ruptures during labor (breaking of the water) is called:
a. placental membrane
b. amniochorionic membrane
c. decidual membrane
d. syncytial membrane
e. none of the above
14. Minor congenital anomalies serve as clues for diagnosing more serious underlying defects. There are
several types of these anomalies. Which of the following is not an example of them:
a. malformations
b. disruptions
c. transformation
d. deformation
e. syndrome
f. none of these
g. all of these
15. The fetal surface of the full term placenta is covered entirely by:
a. the amniochrionic membrane
b. chorionic plate
c. decidua basalis
d. decidual plate
e. none of the above
16. From the 4th month on, the placental membrane becomes much thinner and allows for greatly increased
exchange. This membrane is composed of: (more than one answer)
a. syncytium
b. cytotrophoblast
c. connective tissue
d. endothelium
e. none of the above
f. all of the above
17. Which of the following prenatal screening techniques are used to determine the presence of open
neural tube defects?
a. ultrasonography
b. amniocentesis
c. chorionic villus sampling
d. b and c only
e. none of the above
18. The line of reflection between the amnion and the embryonic ectoderm (amnioectodermal junction) is
a. primitive umbilical ring
b. primitive umbilical cord
c. umbilical herniation
d. intestinal loops
e. none of the above
19. Which of the following hormones is not produced by the placents:
a. progesterone
b. estriol
c. somatomammotropin
d. prolactin
e. none of these
20. Exchange of gases across the placental membrane occurs by a process of:
a. facilitated diffusion
b. active transport
c. simple diffusion
d. pinocytosis
e. none of the above
21. Exchange of maternal antibodies with the fetus occurs across the placental membrane by a process
called _____________ and is performed by _____ cells.
a. facilitated diffusion, decidual cells
b. simple diffusion, syncytiotrophoblast
c. pinocytosis, fetal endothelium
d. pinocytosis, syncytiotrophoblast
e. none of the above
22. Twins which have two amnions, one chorion and one placenta are refered to as:
a. dizygotic twins
b. monozygotic twins
c. conjoined twins
d. fraternal twins
e. none of the above
23. Which of the following viruses is not considered to be a major teratogen?
a. rubella virus
b. cytomegalovirus
c. HIV virus
d. Varicella virus
e. All of the above
f. None of the above
24. Generally prenatal diagnostic techniques are not routinely used, but are reserved instead for high-risk
pregnancies. List the indications that would require the use of these test.
a. __________
b. __________
c. __________
d. __________
e. __________
The following question are either TRUE or FALSE. If True, simply mark the answer in the space provided
to the left of the question. If the question is FALSE, mark the question with FALSE and correct the
statement to make it TRUE.
25. ___ At the time of birth the head is about one-third the crown-heel length (CHL).
26. ___ Syncytial knots are thin, large pieces of syncytium that break off and drop into the intervillous
blood lakes.
27. ___ Syncytial knots are associated with the formation of a number of congenital anomalies.
28. ___ Amniotic bands are responsible for congenital abnormalities such as limb amputations.
29. ___ The teratogenic effects of ionizing radiation can be expressed in future offspring due to its effect
on germ cells.
30. ___ Aneuploidy results from disjunction during meiosis.
31. ___ During the 6th week of development, intestinal loops cause a large swelling in umbilical cord that
is usually resolved by the 12th week.
32. ___ During the fetal period increased weight is the most striking event seen during the 3rd, 4th and 5th
33. ___ A fetus born during the 6th or beginning of the 7th month, will not have any difficulty surviving
since the respiratory and central nervous systems are already differentiated.
34. ___ Decidual septa penetrate the chorionic plate, there by maintaining contact between intervillous
spaces in various cotyledons.
35. ___ Cigarette smoking has been linked to the formation of major birth defects.
36. ___ Birth defects induced by the cytomegalovirus and the toxoplasma gondii virus can be prevented
because infections can be easily detected in the mother.
37. ___ Syndrome refers to a group of anomalies occurring together that have the same etiology.
38. ___ Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) can be used to detect the presence of alpha-fetal protein (AFP).
39. ___ Cotyledons are observable on the maternal side of the placenta.
40. ___ The only part of the chorion involved in the exchange process is the chorion frondosum.
41. ___ The chorion frondosum and the decidua capsularis together make up the placenta.
42. ___ The zygotes of dizygotic twins implant individually and therefore develop separate placenta.
43. The endodermal germ layer provides for the development of which of the following: (more than one
answer may apply).
a. epithelial lining of the auditory tube
b. urogenital system
c. spleen
d. adrenal cortex
e. epithelial lining of the urinary tract
44. By the beginning of the 4th week, cells forming the ventral and medial wall of the somite lose their
compact organization become polymorphous, and shift their position to surround the notochord. These
cells are collectively known as:
a. nephrotomes
b. sclerotomes
c. mesenterosomes
d. dermomyotomes
e. none of the above
45. The process of formation and subsequent re-arrangement of segmental sclerotomas into definitive
vertebrae is most susceptible to tetratogens during which period?
a. embryonic period
b. fetal period
c. gastrulation period
d. implantation period
e. none of the above
46. Intermediate mesoderm, which temporarily connects paraxial mesoderm with the lateral plate,
differentiates in the cervical and thoracic regions into:
a. nephrotomes
b. sclerotomes
c. myotomes
d. dermotomes
e. dermomyotomes
47. Which of the following is not an important component of the mesoderm layer? (more than one answer
may apply).
a. paraxial
b. intermediate
c. neural plate
d. medial plate
e. lateral plate
f. none of these
48. Which of the following is not formed from the mesoderm germ layer?
a. vascular system
b. lymphatic system
c. spleen
d. pancreas
e. arteries
f. heart
49. Epithelial lining of the tympanic cavity and the parenchyma of the thyroid is formed by what germ
a. ectoderm
b. epiderm
c. endoderm
d. myoderm
e. mesoderm
* these answers have not been verified and may not be correct
1. AD 2. B
3. A
4. C
5. E
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. F
10. D 11. A 12. C
13. B 14. C 15. B 16. AD 17. AB 18. A 19. D 20. C 21. D 22. B 23. C
24. a)increased maternal age b)alcohol/drug use c)diabetic d)existing x-linked disorder e)nutritional state
25. F
26. T
27. F
28. T
29. T
30. F
31. T
32. F
33. F
34. F
35. F
36. F
37. T
38. F
39. T
40. T
41. F
42. T
43. AE 44. B 45. A 46. A 47. CD 48. D
49. C