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AP Psychology
1) What is the name of the sugar that is our blood sugar?
2) I’m late for lunch and therefore I’m hungry! What part of the hypothalamus tells our
body it’s hungry.
3) What hormone stimulates hunger?
4) This eating disorder is when individuals are less than 85% of their ideal body weight.
They basically starve themselves.
5) This part of the hypothalamus tells your body when it is full.
6) This theory of emotion says we experience emotion after a Physiological response.
7) This theory says we have a cognitive appraisal of emotion
8) This part of our brain produces a fear response.
9) This theory says we experience the feeling of emotion at the same time we have a
physiological response.
10) People who are motivated for no obvious reason are said to be __________ motivated.
11) I’m a lawyer because I like to make money. I am ______ motivated.
12) Excessive extrinsic motivation will do this to intrinsic motivation.
13) An unlearned behavior that is passed down from generation to generation is this.
14) This is the idea we are driven by basic biological needs. Satisfying these needs brings us
back to homeostasis. _______ _______ Theory
15) This theory explains why we want to ride roller coasters and jump off of cliffs.
16) This term describes how our hypothalamus maintains our weight like a thermostat
17) This “law” says we perform better under an optimal level of arousal.
18) This “hypothesis” says if we force ourselves to smile, we will actually feel better.
19) He studied emotions and facial expressions around the world.
20) Although there are 6 basic facial expressions that are culturally universal, this is the
emotional difference between cultures.