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Plant Cell Monogr (1)
DOI 10.1007/7089_003/Published online:
 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005
Endocytic Uptake of Nutrients, Cell Wall Molecules,
and Fluidized Cell Wall Portions
into Heterotrophic Plant Cells
František Baluška1,4 (u) · Edurne Baroja-Fernandez2 ·
Javier Pozueta-Romero2 · Andrej Hlavacka1 · Ed Etxeberria2,3 · Jozef Šamaj1,5
1 Institute
of Cellular and Molecular Botany,
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-University Bonn, Department of Plant Cell Biology,
Kirschallee 1, 53115 Bonn, Germany
[email protected]
2 Agrobioteknologia eta Natura Baliabideetako Instituta Nafarroako Unibertsitate
Publikoa and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Mutiloako etorbidea
zenbaki gabe, 31192 Mutiloabeti, Nafarroa, Spain
3 University of Florida, IFAS, Citrus Research and Education Center,
700 Experiment Station Road, Lake Alfred, FL, 33850, USA
4 Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Dúbravská cesta 14, 84223 Bratislava,
[email protected]
5 Institute
of Plant Genetics and Biotechnology, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Akademicka 2, 95007 Nitra, Slovakia
Abstract After arrival at the surface of heterotrophic cells, nutrients are taken up by these
cells via endocytosis to sustain metabolic processes. Recent advances in plant endocytosis
reveal that this is true for their heterotrophic cells, either cultivated in suspension cultures or for intact root apices. Importantly, sucrose appears to act as a specific stimulus
for fluid-phase endocytosis. Uptake of extracellular nutrients by endocytosis is not in direct conflict with transport through membrane-bound carriers given that cell homeostasis
can be better maintained if both these mechanisms operate in parallel. Besides nutrients,
plant cells also accomplish internalization of cell wall molecules, such as xyloglucans and
boron/calcium cross-linked pectins. Even large portions of apparently fluidized cell wall
together with symbiotic bacteria can be internalized into some plant cells, suggesting that
they can perform phagocytosis-like tasks despite their robust cell walls. Internalized cell
wall molecules allow effective adaptation to osmotic stress, and also may serve for nutritive purposes. Plant endosomes enriched with the internalized cell wall molecules are
used for new cell wall formation during plant cytokinesis. Moreover, rapid remodeling of
cell walls through endosomal recycling is likely involved in opening/closing movements
of stomata, and perhaps also in the formation of wall papillae during pathogen attacks
and in recovery of cells from plasmolysis.
F. Baluška et al.
Endocytosis is an inherent feature of all eukaryotic cells. The most notable role of endocytosis, elaborated especially in amebae and Dictyostelium
cells, is cell nutrition via internalization of extracellular nutritive molecules
and solutes (Marsch 2002). While vesicle-mediated nutrient uptake had been
demonstrated in other organisms, corresponding studies in plants were derailed by: (i) studies suggesting the possible involvement of ion channels in
the uptake of Lucifer Yellow when this fluorochome was actually intended to
serve as a fluid phase marker (Cole et al. 1991); and (ii) by the demonstration of sugar transporters at both the plasma membrane (Williams et al. 2000;
Lemoine 2000) and the tonoplast (Getz 1991).
Early reports on the engulfment of multilamellar and multivesicular compartments, now known to represent the plant late endosomes (Tanchak and
Fowke 1987; Tse et al. 2004), by the central vacuole (Herman and Lamb 1991),
as well as on their fusion with the plasma membrane resulting in so-called
paramural bodies (Roland 1972), were dismissed as fixation artifacts. Early
indications, that endocytosis may participate directly in the trapping, distribution, and sorting of extracellular components, were inherent in several papers
published from the seventies up to the early nineties. Unfortunately, these early
studies were not accepted by the mainstream plant cell biology community,
since the general view was, that the high turgor pressure makes endocytosis
in plant cells unfeasible (reviewed by Šamaj et al. 2004, 2005). As a result, the
role of endocytosis as an inherent part of the overall mechanism of nutrient uptake into heterotrophic plant cells remained a controversial issue until recently
(Echeverría 2000; Baluška et al. 2004; Etxeberria et al. 2005a, 2005b, 2005c).
The concept that dissolved nutrients in the extracellular milieu are potentially carried to the vacuole by an endocytic-related network was revived using a variety of membrane impermeable soluble dyes which eventually appeared in the vacuole, for instance in tobacco cultured cells (Emans
et al. 2002; Yamada et al. 2005). Moreover, new studies reported internalization of fluid-phase endocytosis markers into cells of onion and maize
root apices (Cholewa and Peterson 2001; Baluška et al. 2004), as well as
into tobacco suspension culture cells (Yano et al. 2004). These studies using
the fluorescent membrane impermeable dyes Alexa-568, 8-hydroxy-1,3,6pyrenetrisulphonate, and Lucifer Yellow (LY), helped to overcome previous
doubts and put to rest criticisms expressed on early experiments performed
with these endocytic tracers (see also Chap. I CEa ).
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Endocytic Uptake of Nutrients, Cell Wall Molecules, and . . . TSb
Endocytic Uptake of Solutes and Sucrose into Suspension Plant Cells
That a portion of the nutrients stored in the vacuole are taken up by endocytosis was recently established using sycamore cell cultures in conjunction
with the endocytic inhibitors wortmannin and LY294002, and Lucifer Yellow as the fluid-phase endocytosis marker (Etxeberria et al. 2005a). When
transferred into a sucrose-rich medium, cells accumulated sucrose rapidly for
approximately 60 min. Sucrose uptake during this period proved to be wortmannin and LY294002 insensitive. After 90 min incubation, the rate of sucrose
uptake increased rapidly in a linear manner for an additional 6 h. This second phase was strongly suppressed by the endocytic inhibitors wortmannin
and LY294002, which would be in conformity with the existence of an endocytic transport of sucrose into the cells. Complete cessation of sucrose uptake
by wortmannin occurred at a time when sucrose had already commenced to
accumulate rapidly, this strongly substantiates these observations.
Possible involvement of fluid-phase endocytosis in sucrose uptake was further investigated in experiments where LY was added together with sucrose.
LY accumulation followed a pattern very similar to that of sucrose after the
initial 90 min of culture, and inclusion of either wortmannin or LY294002
greatly inhibited LY uptake. If both sucrose and the membrane impermeable
LY were transported together into the vacuole by the same non-selective endocytic mechanism, the fluorescent marker would be expected in the vacuole
of cultured cells. Incubation of starved cultured cells with sucrose and LY
confirmed this scenario (Etxeberria et al. 2005a). A strong fluorescence appeared within the entire vacuolar space, after starved cells were supplemented
with sucrose. Wortmannin completely abolished accumulation of LY within
the vacuoles, as was the case in control samples incubated in LY without
added sucrose. Shorter incubation times allowed the visualization of early uptake events including formation of endocytic vesicles that progressed towards
larger compartments of various sizes and configurations with the eventual
appearance in the central vacuole (Etxeberria et al. 2005a).
A peculiarity noticed during the studies described above was the tight
dependence of endocytosis to the presence of sucrose. Although low levels
of endocytosis were observed in the presence of other simple sugars (i.e.,
trehalose, glucose and fructose, or a combination of both), uptake of LY at
equimolar concentrations of sucrose was approximately 10 times higher than
that for hexoses. At this point we can only speculate that, although is likely
that heterotrophic cells come into contact with various sugars in the apoplastic milieu, sucrose has evolved as a favored regulatory molecule (Etxeberria
et al. 2005a).
Any claim that endocytosis as a mechanism of nutrient uptake in sycamore
cultured cells may be a unique feature of this artificial cell system and not
applicable to in planta conditions was dismissed by a series of succeeding
b Please give short title.
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F. Baluška et al.
experiments using Citrus juice cells (Etxeberria et al. 2005a, 2005b, 2005c)
and turnip storage roots (unpublished data). Citrus juice cells are enclosed in
sac-like structures (juice sacs) that can be easily excised and experimentally
manipulated. When samples of juice sacs were incubated with two membrane impermeable fluorescent endocytic markers differing in size and ionic
properties (Alexa-488 and 3000 mw dextran-Texas red), a similar sequence of
events as those described above for sycamore was observed. Early endocytic
vesicles contained both endocytic markers, and their co-localization demonstrated the non-specific nature of the uptake system characteristic of fluid
phase endocytosis.
Importantly, uptake of extracellular nutrients by endocytosis is not in
direct conflict with transport through membrane-bound carriers given that
cell homeostasis can be better maintained if both these mechanisms operate in parallel. For example, “reserve” sucrose to be accumulated in the
vacuole is transported in bulk flow through a mechanism that bypasses the
cytosol, whereas “transitory” sucrose immediately needed by the cytosolic
metabolism is transported by plasma membrane-bound carriers and funneled directly towards sites of catalytic activities. In this manner, the highly
regulated cytosol is not disrupted by the constantly changing flow of metabolites arriving from source cells. The elusive tonoplast associated sucrose carrier (Lalonde et al. 1999) likely operates in the fine regulation of cytosolic
sucrose concentration and in the export of vacuolar sucrose at times of high
demands (Etxeberria and Gonzalez 2003).
A dual system for extracellular nutrient uptake is highly compatible and
may well explain inconsistencies observed in numerous studies of sugar uptake into plant cells, where biphasic kinetic uptake curves have been obtained
(Felker and Goodwin 1988; Getz et al. 1987; Saftner et al. 1983). Common to
all these studies is a concentration uptake curve in which a hyperbolic phase
at low external sugar concentrations is followed by a linear phase at increasingly higher concentrations. We can only speculate at this point, but a highly
regulated uptake system at low external sugar concentrations does not appear compatible with a sudden non-regulated, “open flow gates” diffusionlike uptake at high external concentrations. This second linear phase likely
corresponds to an endocytic system triggered, when the external sugar concentration exceeds minimum nutrient requirements and becomes sufficient
to support vacuolar storage, and/or when osmotic conditions trigger uptake
changes for intracellular osmotic adjustments. A linear increase in the uptake,
which is proportional with external concentrations, is a characteristic feature
of an endocytic transport system.
Endocytic Uptake of Nutrients, Cell Wall Molecules, and . . . TSb
Fluid-Phase Endocytosis is Accomplished Preferentially
by the Inner Cortex Cells Located near the Unloading Phloem Elements
Heterotrophic plant cells, such as root and suspension culture cells, as well
as dark-grown plant cells are dependent on external nutrient supply. Sucrose
starvation induces autophagy and formation of autolysosomes in plant cells
(Yano et al. 2004). Within the plant body, phloem elements redistribute assimilates synthesized in leaves and transport them towards sink tissues. One
of the best studied sink tissues is that of root apices. In root apices, unloading phloem elements release large amounts of sucrose, literally flooding the
neighboring cells. Sucrose is transported from cell-to-cell symplastically via
plasmodesmata (Oparka and Cruz 2000; Baluška et al. 2001c, Sadler et al.
2005). However, calculations made for maize root apices revealed, that the
number of plasmodesmata can not satisfy the high demand for sucrose established by their large meristems and by the root caps (Bret-Harte and Silk
1995). Another popular scenario is that sucrose is enzymatically cleaved by
cell wall invertase and the products are then loaded into cells via plasma
membrane sugar transporters (Williams et al. 2000).
Detailed analysis of maize root apices submerged into LY solution revealed
that endocytic LY uptake was accomplished preferentially in the inner cortex cells located in the transition zone interpolated between the meristem
and elongation region (Baluška et al. 2001a, 2004). As these cells are exposed
to a large amount of sucrose released from the unloading phloem, it is not
surprising to find that they internalize LY into endosomes and subsequently
into vacuoles via the fluid-phase endocytosis to fulfill nutritive function for
actively growing root apices. Interestingly in this respect, mycorrhizal arbuscules develop specifically in cells of the inner root cortex via invagination of
the plasma membrane and intracellular ramification of fungal hyphae (for
recent review see Harrison 2005). Additionally, root nodules possessing internalized symbiotic bacteria develop preferentially from inner cortex cells in
leguminous plants (Goormachtig et al. 2004).
Exogenous Sucrose Regulates Growth
of Roots Both in Culture Cells and in Intact Seedlings
If supplied with the adequate nutrition and oxygen, excised roots grow efficiently and can be maintained almost infinitely in culture conditions. This
suggests that the symplastic pathway, although a major route within the intact
plant body (Oparka and Cruz 2000; Baluška et al. 2001c, Sadler et al. 2005),
is not essential and that either the plasma membrane sugar transporters
(Williams et al. 2000) or endocytic processes (Echeverría 2000; Baluška et al.
F. Baluška et al.
2004; Etxeberria et al. 2005a, 2005b) can fully satisfy all nutritive requirements of growing roots. Arabidopsis roots are extremely sensitive to sucrose
and, in fact, slow their growth if supplies of external sucrose drop down. For
instance, addition of 4.5% sucrose into the medium increased the number
of dividing cells and enlarged the size of the apical meristem of Arabidopsis
roots (Hauser and Bauer 2000). In particular, the basal size limit of the apical
meristem was clearly shifted up from about 162 to about 300 µm measured
from the root cap junction upwards (Hauser and Bauer 2000).
Similar, but less striking is the size dependence of the maize root apical
meristem on the exogenous supply of sucrose (Muller et al. 1998). Exogenous
sucrose also induces formation of adventitious roots in Arabidopsis, regulates
cell cycle (Riou-Khamlichi et al. 2000), cytosolic calcium levels (Furuichi et al.
2001) and diverse signalling cascades interacting with those induced by plant
hormones. Obviously, sucrose has evolved as a major regulatory molecule not
only for the fluid-phase endocytosis but also for a myriad of other processes
(Gibson et al. 2004).
Endocytic Internalization of Cell Wall Molecules
Topologically, the endosomal interior belongs to the extracellular space.
Therefore, it should not be surprising at all to find cell wall molecules
within endosomes. The importance of endocytosis and endocytic membrane
networks for cell wall assembly and remodeling is evident in the mutant
emb30/gnom and the double mutant of ADL1A and ADL1E dynamins which
have aberrantly organized thickened cell walls (Shevell et al. 2000; Kang
et al. 2003). Particularly, JIM5- but not JIM7-reactive pectins are affected in
emb30/gnom mutant cells (Shevell et al. 2000). This corresponds well with the
finding that JIM5- but not JIM7-reactive pectins are internalized into cells of
maize root apices (Baluška et al. 2002).
JIM5-reactive pectins accumulate in BFA compartments and within cell
plates together with boron and calcium crossed-linked RGII pectins. (Baluška
et al. 2002, 2005; Šamaj et al. 2004). In addition, they were reported to localize also to plasma membrane invaginations and adjacent multivesicular bodies
in stylar transmitting tissue of Datura (Hudák et al. 1993). In contrast, Golgiderived JIM7-reactive pectins did not show this endocytic localization. Hudák
et al. (1993) showed that plasma membrane invaginations as well as multivesicular bodies contain carbohydrates and are filled with fibrillar material
resembling cell wall components. Similar fibrillar material of cell wall origin, identified as arabinogalactan-type pectins, was reported in multilamellar
compartments invaginating into vacuoles of bean root cells and accumulating
within cell plates (Northcote et al. 1989). Besides cross-linked cell wall pectins,
arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs) were also reported to be internalized via mul-
Endocytic Uptake of Nutrients, Cell Wall Molecules, and . . . TSb
Fig. 1 Endocytosis of arabinogalactan-proteins (A) and fluid-phase marker LY (B–E) into
plant cells. (A) Arabinogalactan-protein (AGP) epitope JIM13 is internalized from the
plasma membrane into small and bigger vacuoles via pre-vacuolar compartments (indicated by arrows) as revealed by immunogold labeling with the JIM13 antibody in the
Drosera glandular cell. Note, that this AGP epitope is associated with tonoplast in both
small and big vacuoles (indicated by arrowheads). (B–E) Endocytic internalization of LY
as revealed by immunogold EM labeling with LY-specific antibody (B, D and E) and LY
precipitation via BaCl2 (C) in maize root cortex cells. Note, that LY is preferably internalized from plasmodesmata domains via tubulo-vesicular protrusions (arrowheads in
B and D) into vesicles (arrowhead in E) and small vacuoles (arrowheads in C)
tivesicular bodies (Herman and Lamb 1991; Šamaj et al. 2005). Interestingly in
this respect, AGPs coat vacuolar membranes as well as transvacuolar strands
(Šamaj et al. 2000, Fig. 1A). Fusion of AGP-enriched endosomes with vacuoles
is one possible mechanism how AGPs reach the tonoplast.
F. Baluška et al.
Boron and calcium are also transported into plant cells together with internalized cell wall pectins. This is apparent from the fact that antibodies
specifically recognizing boron and calcium cross-linkages label endosomes
and endocytic BFA-induced compartments (Baluška et al. 2002, 2005; Šamaj
et al. 2004). An attractive possibility is that heavy metals such as lead and cadmium, and the toxic element aluminum, being often complexed with pectic
networks, are also taken up into plant cells via endocytosis. In support of this
notion, subcellular localization of aluminum in cells of maize root apices revealed that its internalization was accomplished at the cross-walls, where it
was abundant within multilamellar compartments (Vázquez 2002). As pectic
matrix has unique physical properties (Ridley et al. 2001), it might be speculated that it even acts as some sort of “smart matrix” (for recycling synaptic
vesicles see Reigada et al. 2003) exerting essential functions within endocytic
vesicles and endosomes, which are then important for endosomal functions.
It is therefore not surprising that aluminum affects processes dependent on
endosomes and endosomal recycling. Importantly, aluminum inhibits the
basipetal transport of auxin in root apices of Arabidopsis (Kollmeier et al.
Endocytic Internalization of Whole Portions of Fluidized Cell Walls
and Bacteria
One of the most spectacular examples of internalization into plant cells is
the endocytic uptake of Rhizobium bacteria, embedded within fluidized cell
wall portions (Brewin 2004), into the newly divided cells of nodule primordia (Verma 1992). Besides this, bacteria can be internalized also by plant
protoplasts (Davey and Cocking 1972). Endocytosis of Rhizobium bacteria is
dependent on the action of endosomal Rab GTPases and on the generation
of endosomal PI(3)P (Cheon et al. 1993; Hong and Verma 1994). Bacteria
seem to be participating in this cell wall fluidization (van Spronsen et al.
1994). However, there must be also some plant-specific mechanism for the cell
wall fluidization (Brewin 2004) allowing cell wall endocytosis as evidenced by
the internalization of so-called “infection-thread wall degradation vesicles”
(IWDV), which lack bacteria and are apparently filled only with the fluidized
cell wall portions (Basset et al. 1977; Roth and Stacey 1989a). In soybean mutants which fail to internalize bacteria, the IWDVs massively internalize large
portions of fluidized cell walls into cells of nodule primordia (Roth and Stacey
1989b). Internalized cell wall complexes are presumably degraded within endosomes as can be inferred from their very loose arrangement (Roth and
Stacey 1989a,b) as well as from the fact that cysteine proteases were localized
both to these vacuolar bodies (Vincent and Brewin 2000) and to endosomes
(Yamada et al. 2005). They can be used for regulation of osmotic balance and
Endocytic Uptake of Nutrients, Cell Wall Molecules, and . . . TSb
serve also for nutritional purposes as sucrose starvation induces autophagy
and formation of autolysosomes (Yano et al. 2004).
Large-scale internalization of apparently fluidized cell wall material into
small vacuoles is a characteristic feature also for the cell wall thinning during
bulge formation in trichoblasts initiating root hairs (Ciamporova et al. 2003).
Internalization of polysaccharide-based material and fluids from the extracellular space (apoplast) via both multilamellar and multivesicular carriers
was also described for root cells of zucchini (Coulomb and Coulomb 1976)
and rice, where this process was proposed to be relevant for the uptake of
nutrients (Nishizawa and Mori 1977).
These endocytic processes and structures are especially prominent in osmotically stressed root cells (Ciamporová and Mistrík 1993) and those under
chilling stress (Stefanowska et al. 2002), suggesting possible roles of multilamellar and multivesicular endosomes in stress adaptation. Interestingly in
this respect, bulge formation during root hair initiation might represent some
sort of “physiological wounding” experiencing both osmotic and mechanical
stress (Baluška et al. 2002), and stress-activated MAP kinases are recruited to
these subcellular domains in large amounts (Šamaj et al. 2002; Ovecka et al.
2005). Intriguingly, boron deficiency inhibits both internalization of cell wall
pectins into root cells (Yu et al. 2002) as well as uptake of Rhizobium bacteria
into host nodule cells (Bolanos et al. 1996).
Plasmodesmata/Pit-fields as Subcellular Domains Specialized
for Endocytosis of Cell Wall Molecules and Fluidized Cell Wall Portions?
Plasmodesmata and pit-fields are known to be enriched with pectins and depleted of cellulose microfibrils (reviewed by Baluška et al. 2001c). Recently, we
established a link between fluid-phase endocytosis and plasmodesmata/pitfields (Baluška et al. 2004, Fig. 1B–E). This link between endocytosis and
plasmodesmata/pit-fields gets further support from the recent studies of
plant-viral movement proteins which target plasmodesmata and interact with
endosomal KNOLLE (Laporte et al. 2003; Uemura et al. 2004). Moreover,
these proteins co-localize with Ara7 endosomal Rab GTPase within endosomes (Haupt et al. 2005) and endosomal Rab11 was reported in the plasmodesmata (Escobar et al. 2003).
Obviously, callose- and pectin-enriched plasmodesmata not only recruit
vesicle trafficking pathways but also acts as effective platforms for rapid endocytosis (Baluška et al. 2004, 2005a; Oparka et al. 2004). In this scenario,
endocytosis and recycling of cross-linked pectins would allow flexible remodelling of the cell wall at plasmodesmata (Baluška et al. 2001c). Unique cell
walls around plasmodesmata sleeves must be capable of large-scale movements in order to allow architectural re-arrangements of the inner plasmod-
F. Baluška et al.
esmal structures. This scenario is inevitable for performing active gating of
these cell-cell channels which are embedded within the cell walls. It is of great
interest in this respect, that pectin methylesterase interacts physically with viral movement proteins which gate the plasmodesmata for cell-cell transport
of macromolecules (Chen et al. 2000). Moreover, this enzyme which modifies
cell wall pectins de muro (within cell walls) is also essential for the systemic
spread of tobacco mosaic virus (Chen and Citovsky 2003).
Cytokinesis, Guard Cell Movements, Papilla Formation, and Re-Plasmolysis:
Processes Relying on Endosomes Enriched with Cell Walls Molecules?
For over four decades, plant cell cytokinesis has been considered to be driven
via fusion of Golgi-derived vesicles to form the cell plate, a primordial cell
wall. It is astonishing that this popular concept is based solely on the similarity between phragmoplast vesicles and vesicles seen in the vicinity of
Golgi stacks. However, there are several problems with this popular concept.
First, plant cytokinesis is completed in a matter of minutes. During this time
almost one third of the original cell surface is rebuilt, in a time window,
when Golgi stacks have to fulfill another task, namely to divide and partition into the daughter cells. Secondly, vesicles initiating and driving cell plate
formation are performing homotypic fusions via finger-like tubular protrusions (Samuels et al. 1995). This feature is characteristic for endosomes but
not for Golgi-derived vesicles, which can fuse only with the parent plasma
membrane. Our detailed analysis of dividing maize root cells revealed that
all cell wall pectin epitopes, which accomplish endocytic internalization, are
also abundant in both early and late cell plates, whereas Golgi-derived JIM7reactive pectins do not accumulate within cell plates (Baluška et al. 2005b).
Moreover, growing cell plates also accumulate the endocytic tracer FM464 (Belanger and Quatrano, 2000) as well as LY (Baluška F., unpublished
Stomatal guard cells are performing dramatic changes in their surface
areas within a short time period in order to open or close stomata. Their
cell walls are well-known to be very rich in pectins (Majewska-Sawka et al.
2002). Indeed, analysis using FM4-64 confirmed that endocytosis was responsible for decreases of their surface area (Shope et al. 2003), while secretory
endosomes filled with cell wall pectins would be ideally suited to allow rapid
recovery of the original surface areas, if opening of stomata would be needed.
Furthermore, rhamnogalacturonan 1 (RG-1) pectins decorated with galactan
and arabinan side chains were reported to be essential for proper guard cell
movements (Jones et al. 2003), when both RG-1 pectins and pectins enriched
with arabinan side chains are among those undergoing endocytic internalization in root apex cells (Baluška et al. 2005b).
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Endocytic Uptake of Nutrients, Cell Wall Molecules, and . . . TSb
Another situation in which plant cells require extremely rapid secretion
of large amounts of preformed cell wall molecules is encountered at the
sites of pathogen attack, which are effectively sealed off by so-called papillae (Schulze-Lefert 2004). In barley, this polarized secretion is accomplished
via unusually large secretory compartments, having up to 1 µm in diameter, that are enriched with reactive oxygen species and hydrogen peroxide
(Hückelhoven et al. 1999; Collins et al. 2003). Moreover, these secretory vesicles are also associated with PEN1 (Assaad et al. 2004) which is a close
homologue of the SNARE SYP122 (VAMP721) and a component of the plasma
membrane and endosomes in Arabidopsis (Uemura et al. 2004; see Chap.
XI CEc ). Our own preliminary data have revealed that GFP-PEN1 is also localized to endosomes, BFA-induced compartments, and cell plates of Arabidopsis root cells (B. Voigt, Thordal-Christensen H., and Baluška F., unpublished
data). Last but not least, endosomes represent a ready source of plasma membrane supply to satisfy the cell’s need for membrane replenishment during
rapid replasmolysis of plant cells (Oparka et al. 1994).
Conclusions and Future Prospects
Indisputably, plant endocytosis is presently undergoing explosive development (Geldner 2004; Šamaj et al. 2004, 2005). Although studies devoted to the
endocytic internalization of plasma membrane proteins and their recycling
are more advanced (reviewed by Murphy et al. 2005), endocytic internalization of external fluids and nutrients also emerge to be inherent both to
suspension plant cells as well as to intact organs such as growing root apices
and storage roots. Additionally, plant cells can internalize several cell wall
molecules such as pectins, xyloglucans, and AGPs, as well as whole portions of apparently fluidized cell wall, and use endosomes filled with these
molecules for secretion in situations where extremely rapid cell wall assembly
is needed, such as cell plate formation in cytokinetic cells, stomata movements, and perhaps papilla formation during pathogen attack.
Electron microscopy studies in the 1960s and 1970s reported fusions of
multivesicular compartments with the plasma membrane forming so-called
paramural bodies and on engulfment of multilamellar and multivesicular
compartments by the central vacuole (Roland 1972). Unfortunately, all these
observations were considered to be classical examples of fixation artifacts. Today, both engulfments of late endosomes known as multivesicular bodies by
the lysosomes, as well as their fusions with the plasma membrane, releasing
exosomes, is well-known for animal cells.
Internalized cell wall pectins co-localize with recycling plasma membrane
proteins within endocytic BFA compartments (Šamaj et al. 2004), suggesting that they accomplish rapid recycling too. This would implicate that plant
F. Baluška et al.
cells can actively remodel existing cell walls using the endocytic machinery. Such reports do not exist in animal, Dictyostelium, or yeast literature
yet. Obviously, despite lagging considerably behind these more developed
model objects, endocytic plant research can obtain pioneering achievements
in some specialized areas of the field.
Acknowledgements We thank Irene Lichtscheidl for providing us with high-pressure
freezed Drosera samples and Ursulla Mettbach for excellent technical assistance. This
work was supported by a grant from the Slovak Grant Agency APVT (grant no. APVT51-002302) and Vega (Grant Nr. 2/5085/25), Bratislava, Slovakia.
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