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LUNGS – Paired and cone shaped; right lung- 3 lobes, left lung – two lobes; fill pleural
divisions of the thoracic cavity; Pleural Membrane – a serous membrane that
encloses and protects, Parietal Pleura – outer layer, Pleural Cavity- small space
between membranes; Bronchiopulmonary segment to lobules (lymphatic vessels,
arteriole, venule) to bronchioles to alveolar ducts or atria to alveoli or alveoli sacsexchange of O₂ & CO₂
BRONCHI – Right and left primary branches (incomplete cartilage rings); epithelium
with cilia; Divide to form secondary (lobar) and then tertiary (segmental) to
bronchioles to terminal bronchiole;. Brachial Tree; Cartilage decreases as smooth
muscle increases as tubes reduce in size.
TRACHEA – Windpipe; tube, 4.5 inches and 1 inch diameter; anterior to esophagus;
epithelial cells with mucus producing goblet cells and cilia; provide protection from
dust entering lungs; smooth muscle and partial rings of hyaline cartilage (C – shaped)
LARYNX – Voice Box; Short passageway that connects pharynx with trachea; 9 pieces
of cartilage: thyroid cartilage (Adam’s Apple), epiglottis (covers glottis to prevent food
from entering lungs), cricoid cartilage, 3 pairs of cartilage; glottis – space between the
vocal cords, vocal cords – folds in the mucous membrane: false vocal cords, true vocal
cords; men’s vocal cords are thicker and vibrate slower for deeper pitch.
PHARYNX – Throat; 5-inch tube; skeletal muscle lined with mucous membrane;
passageway for air and food; resonating chamber for speech; 3 Parts – Nasopharynx,
Oropharnyx, Larynogopharynx; Connects nose to respiratory system
NOSE – External and Internal nose; Cartilage, bone, skin, mucous membrane; Nostrils or
external nares; Internal nares – connect to throat; four paranasal sinuses; nasal cavities
divided by nasal septum (cartilage); Vestibles – capillaries warm air, mucous moistens
air, cilia filter air; olfactory stimuli and speech.
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Respiratory System
Respiration – overall exchange of gases between the atmosphere, the blood and the cells