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Consulting & Counseling Associates
Description of ENOS
On Eating Disorders
Call 260-486-5251
Eating Disorders are serious mental health issues. Most that
have eating disorders have completely lost perspective,
which is a defining characteristic of mental illness. People
with this diagnosis may be seeing, thinking, hearing, and
feeling things that may not have much basis in reality. Eating
disordered patients most often demonstrate distorted, even
delusional thoughts regarding their size and shape, food, fat,
exercise, self and others. While eating disorders are a serious
mental illness, their affects on the body cause serious medical
complications, as physical systems break down after periods
of prolonged abuse.
Description of Anorexia Nervosa
Refusal to maintain minimal body weight through
restriction or binge/purge.
Patient intensely fears weight gain or obesity.
Self-perception of body is abnormal and denies the
seriousness of the current low body weight.
Due to weight loss, a female patient has missed at
least three consecutive menstrual cycles.
Displays features of cluster C Personality Disorders:
Avoidant, Dependent, and Obsessive Compulsive.
Description of Bulimia Nervosa
The patient repeatedly eats and binges and does so
at least twice a week for three months. (Purging
type, Nonpurging type.)
Consumes much more food than most people within
the same 2- hr. period.
They feel eating is out of control. Weight is controlled by purging: vomiting, fasting, exercising,
laxatives, Ipecac, and diuretics.
Believes self-worth requires being thin.
Body dysmorphic is present.
Display features of cluster B, e.g., impulsive,
affective, narcissistic, and borderline
This is the most overlooked eating disorder.
Fits the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa and still has
regular menses.
Fits the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa, and current
weight is in normal range.
Fits the criteria for Bulimia and purge/binge does not
occur twice a week over a three month period; may
eat small amounts of food and still purges;
repeatedly chewing and spitting out, but not
swallowing large amounts of food
Description of BED
The person binge eats frequently and repeatedly.
Feels out of control and unable to stop eating during
May eat rapidly and secretly or may snack and
Nibbles all day long.
Feels guilty and ashamed of binge eating.
Has a history of diet failures.
Tends to be depressed and obese.
CCA has therapists and a dietitian who specializes in treating
eating disorders. Careful diagnostic evaluations are done on
each person who presents with an eating disorder.
Individualized treatment is determined and close association
with the client’s physician is a must.