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The goal of this project is to demonstrate your understanding of the parts of a eukaryotic cell, as well as the
function and the location of each. In addition to using your textbook and your analogies, feel free to reference
other science books, as well as reliable internet sites.
You have 2 options:
1. Design a board game that shows all the cell organelles using knowledge and pictures of plant or animal cells.
2. Write an illustrated creative children’s story book telling about an animal or plant cell and all its organelles.
Your project should clearly indicate if it’s a plant or animal cell. It should also address the location and
function of the following cell parts:
 For animal cell: plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus, ribosome, rough endoplasmic
reticulum, Golgi apparatus, vacuole, mitochondrion, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lysosome,
cytoskeleton, centriole, cilia/flagella (14)
 For plant cell: plasma membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleolus, nuclear envelope, ribosome, rough
endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, central vacuole, mitochondrion, chloroplast, smooth
endoplasmic reticulum, cytoskeleton, cell wall (14)
Option 1: BOARD GAME
Design a board game that addresses the appearance, location, and function
of cell parts found in either plant or animal cell. Through the game, you
need to show that you understand the function of each cell part, as well as
where it’s located in the cell. The board game should include pictures of
each organelle (it’s up to you how you incorporate these parts).
The final project will be the game; all needed game pieces and a set of rules explaining how the game is played.
If there are any questions in your game, answers should be included as well.
Write a story about a plant or animal cell. Feel free to use your
creativity and have the parts of the cell come to life. Throughout
your story, each cell part needs to be incorporated, and the story
should include the function of each organelle, where you would
find them, and illustrations of the organelles. This can be as
imaginative as you like (try to explain it to a five-year old) but
make sure you stay with correct information.
The final project will be an illustrated story book that through a story includes an explanation of the function of
each organelle, its location and a picture.
On the day the project is due, you will be sharing it with your group. You will be required to teach your group
how to play the game and play it with your group or read the story out loud to your group and show them your
pictures. Your group members will evaluate your project.