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Swine Flu
Swine flu is a respiratory virus. It typically
spreads from pig-to-pig, but in some cases
people who are in contact with an infected
pig can contract it and spread it to other
In 2009, one strain of the virus, H1N1,
infected so many people that it was
declared a global pandemic. The pandemic
warning for H1N1 expired in 2010.
What are the symptoms of swine flu?
Swine flu symptoms are similar to those of
the regular seasonal flu. They include:
 fever
 cough
 lack of appetite
 headache
 chills
 fatigue
Some people have also reported runny
nose, sore throat, eye irritation, nausea,
vomiting and diarrhea associated with
swine flu.
Most infections cause mild, respiratory
illnesses, but some have resulted in
hospitalization. Just like seasonal flu, swine
flu may cause a worsening of underlying
chronic medical conditions.
People in high-risk groups, such as children
younger than 5, women who are pregnant,
seniors and people with chronic respiratory
illnesses, such as asthma and COPD,
should pay particular attention to the
symptoms of swine flu.
How is swine flu spread?
Swine flu spreads to humans the same way
as the seasonal flu. The flu is spread when
a person touches a contaminated surface
or breathes in the virus. Swine flu can also
spread with a person is in contact with
infected pigs in places like barns or fairs.
Swine flu is not a food borne illness and
won’t spread through properly handled pork
How can I protect myself from swine flu?
To protect yourself from swine flu, get
vaccinated for the seasonal flu. These
vaccines are not as effective for strains of
swine flu, but will provide some protection.
Take precautions if you are in contact with
pigs. Do not take food or drink into areas
with pigs, and wash your hands often to
avoid spreading the virus.
What do I do if I think I have swine flu?
If you experience symptoms of swine flu,
contact your healthcare provider to discuss
possible treatments. Antiviral drugs used to
treat infection with human seasonal flu are
expected to be effective for the H3N2 virus.
If you do have the swine flu, stay home
from work or school and limit contact with
others to keep from infecting them.