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Biotechnology – what is it?
Some scholars say biotechnology dates back to approximately 6000BC. Over the last two decades, it has
transitioned, drastically changing lives by giving rise to new possibilities. Biotechnology involves
“biology” which references the study of life and technology which is simply scientific applications or
applied science. Biotechnology can therefore be taken as the use of technology and living things,
scientifically referred to as organisms, to create new products or improve on existing products. This
technology has several applications; industrially, agriculturally and medically among other technological
Today biotechnology can be characterized primarily by two periods in history, giving rise to traditional
biotechnology and modern biotechnology. Traditional biotechnology utilises desired characteristics and
properties of living things (microbes, plants and animals) to create new products or to improve on the
existing life. The application being traditional in this instance means probability is a factor to be
considered, thus it provides very little control over the outcomes. The technology has its limitations and is
often kept within like species.
1. Traditional Biotechnology
Some traditional application of biotechniology industrially and agriculturally are:
o Fermentation
Yeast is one of the oldest microbes commonly used in the fermentation process
for bread baking and the brewing of alcoholic beverages (wines, rum, beer etc).
Other products produced as a result of microbial (eg. Bacteria) interactions using
the fermentation processes are cheese, pickles, yoghurt and sauerkraut.
o Breeding and Selection in plants and animals
Breeding and selection was earlier used to obtain higher yields, preferred
characteristics and other benefits from the plant or animal stock. For example, a
farmer may wishes to obtain tomato ‘C’ having smooth bright red skin and has little acid. To achieve this,
he chooses to cross-breed tomato varieties ‘A’ that has red skin, irregular and
very acidic and tomato ‘B’ that orange-red skin and is less acidic. After
breeding over several generations he is able to obtain the variety of tomato
(variety C) he desires.
A well known example in the instance of selective breeding of animals is the
female horse and male donkey which essentially produces a mule, a cross
between a horse and donkey. The mule is often larger than the donkey, having
the characteristic of the horse, a bit smaller than the horse and able to transport
heavy loads, the characteristic of the donkey, the beast of burden.
2. Modern Biotechnology and the cell
Modern biotechnology employs some traditional methods but it is founded on known facts about the
living cell (the cell is considered the smallest unit of living things). Further, it explores the molecular
components of the cell, specifically the Deoxyribonucleic Acid
(DNA). DNA is thought of as the blueprint of the cell and by
extension, life. Segments of the DNA molecule codes for a gene that
are responsible for the way a plant looks and feels, for example the
taste, the colour, the red pigment in the skin of the tomatoes,
toughness and texture of the skin among other things. Modern
biotechnology is considered much more controlled, precise and safe.
Modern biotechnology incorporates techniques such as genetic
engineering and recombinant DNA.
Why is it termed genetic engineering? Just as a construction engineer
may make changes to the plan of an old building or construct a new
house using a plan as a guide, so that it become much more
environmentally friendly (for instance to utilise natural light thus
reducing dependence and wastage of other sources energy). The
same can be translated to the DNA material of the cell which is
genetically engineered, since it houses the plan or blueprint of the
Applications of modern biotechnology
The changes to the plant can result from the addition or removal of genes responsible for its physical
characteristics (the way the plant looks, feels or tastes). The plant is now referred to as a Genetically
Modified Organism (GMO) or a living modified organism (LMO). This is because some of the plant’s
original characteristics have been taken away or substituted. Referring to the farmer and tomato in the
earlier example, modern biotechnology can be taken a step further. In that there is no need to wait for
cross breeding. The genetic material desired is simply isolated and added to the plant that is undergoing
the modification. The offspring produced from the genetically modified plant will from then onwards
express the characteristic it was engineered to express. Additionally, the plant can be modified to produce
fruits with high nutrient (vitamin) content, as much as an orange. Even oranges can be engineered to
produce larger quantities of vitamin C and one may just need to consume just one orange to obtain their
daily intake.
Taken further, current changes in the global climatic condition have given rise to diverse issues, such as
droughts and floods that have resulted in major challenges for agriculturists and farmers. Hence, modern
biotechnology has now become relevant to counteract this growing phenomenon. Plants can be
engineered to be resilient in environments prone to droughts and floods.
Biotechnology Applications in Guyana
o The main forms of biotechnology practiced in Guyana are plant tissue culture and natural
products chemistry. The National Agricultural Research and Extension Institute (NAREI) has
taken the lead in biotechnology and research in the agriculture sector in Guyana with the use of
plant tissue culture. Much research has been conducted on the development of laboratory
protocols for in-vitro micro-propagation and storage of cassava, pineapple, yams, sweet potato
and plantains. Just recently, cassava was successfully cultured in-vitro in order to facilitate crossborder transfer of genetic material of Cassava. Research has also been conducted on inducing salt
tolerance in rice.
Industrial biotechnologies are also being utilized by Banks DIH Ltd. and Demerara Distillers Ltd.
The Institute of Applied Science and Technology (IAST) also produces biodiesel from new and
used vegetables oils and animal-derived oils. However,, despite these initiatives, the application
of biotechnologies is employed in the industrial, medical and environmental sectors are limited
due to the lack of technologies and expertise.
Join us next week as we continue our series on Biotechnology, Biosafety and Biosecurity. We
will focus on global, regional and local initiatives that can and will influence the quality of life we