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Evolution 101
1. What is biological evolution?
2. How does small-scale evolution differ to large-scale evolution?
…by which selective forces can act on genetic variation in order for evolution to occur
‘next’ – descent with modification:
3. Which example illustrates descent with modification (a change in gene frequency over time)
and why?
‘next’ – mechanisms of change:
4. Name the four mechanisms:
5. What do natural selection and genetic drift depend on in order to cause a change in a
population? Explain…
‘next’ genetic variation:
6. What are the 3 main sources of genetic variation?
‘next’ - mutations:
7. Why is it important that mutations are random?
8. What is the significance of germ line mutations to large scale evolution?
‘next’ – causes of mutations – Read
‘next’ – gene flow:
9. Explain the importance of gene flow to genetic variation
‘next’ – sex and genetic shuffling:
10. What are the positives and negatives of sexual selection?
‘next’ – development – Read
‘next’ – genetic drift:
11. What is the importance to evolution of genetic drift?
‘next’ – natural selection – Read
‘next’ – natural selection at work – Read
‘next’ – what about fitness?:
12. Give a good detailed description of biological ‘fitness’
‘next’ – sexual selection:
13. What are the positives and negatives of sexual selection?
‘next’ - artificial selection – Read
‘next’ - adaptation:
14. What is the difference between adaptations and vestigial structures?
‘next’ - misconceptions about natural selection - READ