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U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
Journal Writing
In your notebooks, write about the following:
What are some of the difficulties in trying to
understand someone from a different culture?
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
Tuesday, 8-30 and Wednesday, 8-31
We will meet in the library
You will be working on the Native American
Tribes before European Colonization Chart
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
Practice Quiz
1. Why is it a misnomer to say that the Europeans
“discovered” America?
2. In general, characterize the various Native American
tribes? How were they similar? How were they
3. Describe the Anasazi living conditions.
4. What tribes did the first British settlers meet when
they arrived in the New World?
5. What was unusual about the system of government
used by the Iroquois ?
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
When the British staked their claim to the east
coast of the modern United States, they could
not have dreamed of the complexity of the
peoples they were soon to encounter.
• There are between 140 and 160 different
Native American Tribes.
• There is no single Native American language.
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
• How did European explorers respond to the language,
clothing, customs, dwellings, and food of the Native
American peoples?
• How did the Native Americans respond to the
language, clothing, and customs of the explorers?
• What are some of the difficulties in trying to
understand someone from a different culture?
• Why was it difficult for European explorers of the 15th
and 16th centuries to understand the diversity of the
native peoples who lived in the Americas?
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
It is important that we explore tribal nuances.
Within every continent, there is tremendous
diversity. The tribal differences that caused the
Apache and Navajo peoples to fight each other
are not so different from the reasons Germans
fought the French. Recognizing tribal diversity is
an important step in understanding the history of
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
The Anasazi
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
The Algonkian
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
The Iroquois
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
In the
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
By the time British arrived in the New World and
established their first permanent settlement at Jamestown
in 1607, much of the continent had already been claimed
by other European nations.
Many factors contributed to Britain's tardiness. England
was not the most powerful European nation in the 16th
century. Spain was most influential. Along with Portugal,
Spain dominated New World exploration in the decades
that followed Columbus. France, the Netherlands, and
Sweden all showed greater interest in the Western
Hemisphere than England did.
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
• Problems at home
• Spain is the undisputed sea power
• Sea Dogs and the Spanish Armada
In 1588, one of the greatest turning points in world
history occurred when Spain's "invincible” Armada
of 130 ships sailed into the English Channel. Despite
their numerical inferiority, the English ships were
faster and easier to maneuver than the Spanish fleet.
With the aid of a great storm, Elizabeth's ships
humiliated Philip's navy, which returned to Spain
with fewer than half their original number.
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
Tuesday, 8-29 and Thursday, 8-30
Meet in the library
Go to my web page, look in assignments, and pull
up the Native American Tribes before European
Colonization Chart
U.S. History
Monday, 8-29-16
Native America before European Colonization
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