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Unit ( 1 )
Lesson (1)
Attempts of elements classification
1- choose the correct answer :
1-the number of known elements till now is ……..
2- the scientist ………had discovered the main energy level.
a-Moseley b-Bohr c-Hofmann c-Rutherford
3- the scientist who discovered the positive proton in the nucleus
a-Moseley b-Bohr c- Mendeleev c-Rutherford
4- the scientist who left gaps in his table is ………
a-Moseley b-Bohr c- Mendeleev c-Rutherford
5-element of d-block are called……………
a-transition elements.
d-noble gases
6- the element which occupy the middle block (d) in the periodic table
are called……….element.
a-transition element
b- alkali
c-alkaline earth
d- noble.
7-the inert gas which has the same electronic structure of sodium
ion(Na+) is……………
8-The transition elements starts to appear from the beginning of the
a- second
b-third c-fourth
9-the element which located in period (3)and group(3A) is…………
10- the element that lies in the same period with 12Mg is ………...
11- lanthanides and actinides are located in…..block.
12- an element 18X is located in……..block.
13- the p-block contain…………group.
14- the atomic number of an element that lies in period(4) and group
(2A) is………..
a- 4
b- 18
c- 20
2-put (√) or (x) in front of each element:
1-the scientist Bohr discovered energy sublevels.
2- the elements have been arranged in a periodic table to make their
study easier.
3- the elements with the same physical& chemical properties have been
put in horizontal periods
4- the number of known element tell now is 92 elements.
5- the element with the same physical and chemical properties have
been put in horizontal periods.
3- Complete the following :
1-Mendeleev arranged the element ascendingly according to
…………,while Mosley arranged them ascendingly according to
2- Mosley located …………and ……… elements below his table.
3- ………. block is located in the middle of the modern periodic table
and its contains …………. elements.
4- element of s-block are located on the …….. of the periodic table and
they arranged in …………group .
5-the modern periodic table consist of …… horizontal periods and …..
vertical groups.
6-the scientist ……… discovered the main energy level .
7- an element(Z), its atomic number is 20 , so it is locate in group
……… and period ……… .
8-the d-block contain ………..elements.
4- Write the scientific term :
1- elements of group zero in the modern periodic table. (………………)
2- they are indicted by the letter K,L,M,N,O
3- the number of electrons rotate in energy levels around the nucleus.
4- the block which contain group(1A)and (2A) in the periodic table.
5- elements which occupy the middle block(d)in the periodic table.
6-it is the number of protons inside the nucleus.
7- a scientist arranged the element in an ascending order according to
their atomic number.
8-it indicates the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of an
5- Give reason for:
-the elements of the same group have similar properties.
6- correct the underlined words:
1- Mendeleev discovered that the nucleus of the atom is positively
2- Rutherford discovered the main energy levels.
3-Moseley put lanthanides and actinides on the left side of the periodic
4-Moseley arranged the elements ascendingly according to their atomic
7- Compare between :
s-block elements
p-block elements
8-locate the position of an element its atomic number is 17 , then:
- find the atomic number of the element above it in the same group.
-write the name of the group in which both of them are present.
4-write down the electronic configuration of the following elements
then mention their group number and period no.
15P 17Cl
their group no
their period no
Unit ( 1 )
Lesson ( 2 )
Graduation of properties of
the elements in M.P.T
1- choose the correct answer :
1- each period in the periodic table starts with a/an …………. Element.
b-inert gas c-non metallic
d- metallic.
2- All of the following elements are metalloids except………...
a-tellurium b-silicon c-boron c-bromine.
3-………has the highest electronegativity.
b-fluorine c-nitrogen
4-when sodium react with water , …………..gas evolves.
5-burning of carbon air produce……………..
c-Ca O
6- the metallic property of 3Li atom is …..that of 8O atom.
a-equal to
b-less than
c-more than
7- which of the following is a metalloid?...........
8- the strongest metal lies in group ...........
b- (1A)
c- (1B)
d- (7A)
9- all of the following are from semi-metals except ………..
a- boron
b- silicon
c- bromine
10- metal oxides are……….. oxides
a- basic
b- acidic
c- neutral.
2-put (√) or (x) in front of each element:
1- the metallic property in group(1A)increases as we go from up to
2- metallic property of the same group increases by the increase of the
atomic number.
3- the atomic size increases in the same group by increasing the atomic
4- solutions of non metal oxides turn the violet litmus solution into red.
3- water and ammonia are from polar compound.
3- Complete the following :
1- during the chemical reaction ,metal atom tends to …….. electrons
and changes into …………ion.
3-the electro negativity in the modern periodic table increase from
…………to…………inside the same group.
4-the highest element in electro negativity is…….while the most
metallic element is ………
5- in the group , by increasing the atomic number , the electro
negativity………… .
6-as the atomic number increases in the same period ,the non metallic
7-each period in the modern periodic table starts with……element and
ends with ………elements.
8-the elements that have the properties of metals and nonmetal are
9-sodium oxide is from ………. Oxides, while carbon oxide is from
………. Oxides.
10-nonmetals Oxides dissolve in water giving ……… which turn the
litmus solution into ……..
11-metals are arranged in ……… order according to their …………. in
the chemical activity series.
12- sodium oxides is from ……….. oxides .
13- the ……. Is the unit used to measure the atomic size .
14- MgO +H2O
16-magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid giving ……..and………..
18- the measuring unit of atomic size of atom is……….
4- Write the scientific term :
1- it is the measuring unit of the atomic size of element. (…………..…)
2- a kind of elements in which their valency electrons contain more
than 4 electrons.
3-akind of elements in which their outermost energy level contains less
than 4 electrons.
4- element react with oxygen forming acidic oxides.
5- an atom of metallic element which loses one electron or more during
the chemical reaction.
6- the substances which have some properties of metals and some
properties of nonmetals .
7- a kind of oxides reacts as basic oxides or acidic oxides according to
the reaction conditions.
8- a group contains the strongest nonmetal.
9- a covalent compound in which the difference in electro negativity
between its elements is relatively high.
10- the ability of the atom in the covalent molecule to attract the
chemical bond electrons to it.
12- elements which have the properties of metals and nonmetals.
13-a series in which metals are arranged in a descending order according
to their chemical activity.
15- elements react with oxygen forming acidic oxides.
16- elements oxides that turn litmus paper into red. (…………………)
19-a descending arrangement of elements according to their chemical
5- What is the meant by :
Chemical activity series.
electro negativity
polar compound.
6- Give reason for:
1-in period by increasing the atomic number, the atomic size decrease.
2-water is a polar compound, while methane gas is anon polar
3-silicon slides are used in manufacture of electronic devices.
4-liquefied nitrogen is used in preservation of cornea eye.
5-cobalt 6o is used in food preservation.
6-water is a polar compounds.
7-ammonia is a polar compounds.
8-it is difficult to identify metalloids from their electronic structure.
9-water molecule is from polar molecules.
10- avoid keeping tap water in plastic bottles.
11-sodium is kept under kerosene surface.
12- atomic size increase from up to down in the group.
7- What happen when:
1-adding dil. HCl to apiece of copper.
2- dissolving magnesium oxide in water.
3- burning of a magnesium strips in the presence of oxygen gas.(show
by equation)
8- write the balance chemical equations for the following :
1-reaction of magnesium with diluted hydrochloric acid.
2-reaction of carbon dioxide with water.
3-reaction of magnesium oxide with water.
4- burning magnesium in oxygen.
5-reaction of copper with hydrochloric acid.
9- complete the following equation :
1- Mg+2Hcl
2- 2Mg+O2
3- CO2+H2O
10-correct the underlined words:
-Carbon dioxide is considered a basic oxide.
- mention one example for:
-polar compound.
-basic oxides
-an element that has the highest electro negativity.
- how can you differentiate chemically between each of the
-Copper and magnesium ,(using HCl)
- Which of the following compounds has higher polarity(explain
your answer):
Ammonia NH3 and Methane CH4 knowing that electro negativity of(N
is 3,C is 2.5,and H is 2.1)
Which graph represents relation between :
1)atomic size and period: ..................................
2)Electro negatively and period : ........................
Atomic number
Atomic number
- Compare between :
- basic oxides and acidic oxides.
basic oxides
acidic oxides
Lesson ( 3)
Main Group in the Modern periodic table
1- choose the correct answer :
1- …… is considered from halogens.
b- chlorine
d- calcium.
2- ……….form positively charged ions when they enter any chemical
a-inert gases
b-alkaline earth metals
d- nonmetals.
3-…………is/are used as semi-conductors in computers.
a-silicon slides
b-cobalt 60 c-liquefied nitrogen
2-put (√) or (x) in front of each element:
1- the alkaline earth metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.
2- halogens are monovalent metals.
3-iron and copper are alkaline earth elements .
- chlorine is found in a solid state.
- halogens are univalent metals.
3- Complete the following :
1 -elements of group(1A)are named as……….and they are from
………….block elements.
2-the valency of element in group (7A)is……. As they tend to
………….. electron.
2-sodium is kept under the surface of ……… so as not to react with
3- the element of group (17) are called ………., while the element of
group (18) are called ……….
4- the elements of group (7A) are called ……….. and elements of group
(zero) are called ………….
15- 2Na +Cl2
4- Write the scientific term :
- the halogen which exist in a solid state.
17-an element used to preserve tissue as eye cornea (…………………)
21-a liquid metal acts as a heat conductor in nuclear reactors for
generating electricity.
6- Give reason for:
-sodium fires don’t put off with water.
-elements of group(1A)are known as alkali metals.
-halogens do not exist in the elementary state.
10- correct the underlined words:
- elements of group(1A) known as inert gases.
4- mention four properties for halogens.
- Compare between :
Element of group (1A) and group (2A)
related to(name-valency-density-kind of formed ion)
Element of group (1A)
Element of group (2A)
formed ion
8- write the balance chemical equations for the following :
1- reaction of sodium with water
3- reaction of chlorine gas with potassium bromide solution
4- reaction of bromine with potassium iodide
5- reaction of chlorine with potassium bromide.
9- complete the following equation :
- Write the use(importance) of:
Cobalt 60
Silicon slides
Liquid sodium
Liquefied nitrogen
- mention one example for:
-Avery active metal.
Lesson ( 4 )
1- choose the correct answer :
1-The volume of hydrogen gas evolving from water electrolysis equals
……the volume of oxygen gas.
a-that of
d-four times
2- the type of bond between water molecules is ……….bond.
a-metallic b-ionic c-hydrogen c-covalent.
3- there are ………bonds among the water molecules.
a-metallic b-ionic c-hydrogen c-covalent.
4-The density of pure water in solid state is………...
a-less than its density in liquid state
b- equal to its
density in liquid state
c- equal to its density in gaseous state
d- greater than
its density in liquid state
5-The density of pure water in solid state is ……… liquid state
a-less than
b- equal to
c-more than
6-in the electrolysis of acidified water by using Hofmann's
Voltammeter, the volume of hydrogen gas that evolves is(40cm3) , so
the volume of oxygen gas that evolves is……….. cm3
7-increasing the concentration of …………in drinking water causes
b-arsenic c-mercury
8-…………causes blindness.
b-arsenic c-mercury
2-put (√) or (x) in front of each element:
1-Hofmann's Voltammeter is used for water ionization.
2- the pure water is considered as a weak ionized substance.
3- water and ammonia are from polar compound.
3- Complete the following :
1-there are………. bonds in water molecule, while
there are ……….bonds among water molecules.
2-when water molecule is ionized, hydrogen ions are responsible for
the………….property whereas, …………ions indicate the basic
3-the bond between hydrogen atom and oxygen atom in water molecule
is ………, while bonds among water molecules are
4- water can dissolve ………compounds that can form …………..bonds
with water.
5-water is a good polar ………as it has the ability to dissolve most
……. Compound.
6- the bond between oxygen and hydrogen in the water molecule is
7- 2H2O
17- increasing the concentration of mercury in drinking water causes
……..,while ………. increases the infection rate by liver cancer.
4- Write the scientific term :
- the process of converting the molecules of some covalent compounds'
into ions . (…………………)
5- What is the meant by :
6- Give reason for:
1-pure water does not affect litmus paper.
2-the boiling point of water is high.
3-water is a good polar solvent.
4- although sugar is a covalent compound ,it dissolve in water.
5-oil doesn't dissolve in water.
7- What happen when:
1-Storing water in plastic water.
2-the decrease of water temperature to 4 OC.
3-drinking water rich in mercury.
10- correct the underlined words:
-Nitrogen oxides are used in fire extinguishing.
oil is a covalent compound which dissolve in water.
4- Write the use(importance) of:
Hofmann's Voltammeter
4- mention one example for:
-chemical water pollutants.
4- explain each of the following:
-The density of water in the solid state is lower than that in the liquid
4- Compare between :
- biological pollution and chemical pollution of water.
biological pollution of
chemical pollution of
Unit ( 1 )
Lesson (1)
Attempts of elements classification
1- choose the correct answer :
1-the number of known elements till now is 118
2- the scientist Bohr had discovered the main energy level.
3- the scientist who discovered the positive proton in the nucleus is
4- the scientist who left gaps in his table is Mendeleev
5-element of d-block are called transition elements
6- the element which occupy the middle block (d) in the periodic table
are called transition elements element.
7-the inert gas which has the same electronic structure of sodium
ion(Na+) is 10Ne
8-The transition elements starts to appear from the beginning of the
fourth period.
9-the element which located in period (3)and group(3A) is 13Al
10- the element that lies in the same period with 12Mg is 15P.
11- lanthanides and actinides are located in f block.
12- an element 18X is located in p block.
13- the p-block contain 8 group.
14- the atomic number of an element that lies in period(4) and group
(2A) is 20
2-put (√) or (x) in front of each element:
1-the scientist Bohr discovered energy sublevels.
(√ )
2- the elements have been arranged in a periodic table to make their
study easier.
(√ )
3- the elements with the same physical& chemical properties have been
put in horizontal periods
(x )
In vertical group
- the number of known element tell now is 92 elements.
(x )
118 element
92 nature & the rest prepared artificially.
5- the element with the same physical and chemical properties have
been put in horizontal periods. In vertical group
3- Complete the following :
1-Mendeleev arranged the element ascendingly according to atomic
weight ,while Mosley arranged them ascendingly according to atomic
2- Mosley located lanthanides and actinides elements below his table.
3- d block is located in the middle of the modern periodic table and its
contains transition elements.
4- element of s-block are located on the left side of the periodic table
and they arranged in two group .
5-the modern periodic table consist of 7 horizontal periods and 18
vertical groups.
6-the scientist Bohr discovered the main energy level .
7- an element(Z), its atomic number is 20 , so it is locate in group 2A
and period 4
8-the d-block contain transition elements.
4- Write the scientific term :
1- elements of group zero in the modern periodic table.
(Inert (Nobel)gases)
2- they are indicted by the letter K,L,M,N,O
(Energy levels)
3- the number of electrons rotate in energy levels around the nucleus.
(atomic number)
4- the block which contain group(1A)and (2A) in the periodic table.
(S-block element)
5- elements which occupy the middle block(d)in the periodic table.
(transition elements)
6-it is the number of protons inside the nucleus.
(atomic number)
7- a scientist arranged the element in an ascending order according to
their atomic number.
8-it indicates the number of electrons in the outermost energy level of an
(no. of group)
5- Give reason for:
-the elements of the same group have similar properties.
Because their atoms have the same number of electrons in the
outermost energy level.
6- correct the underlined words:
1- Rutherford discovered that the nucleus of the atom is positively
2- Bohr discovered the main energy levels.
3-Moseley put lanthanides and actinides under the periodic table.
4-Mendeleev arranged the elements ascendingly according to their
atomic weight.
7- Compare between :
s-block elements
p-block elements
location in the left side
in the right side
It have two groups (1A)
includes and (2A)
It have six groups
8-locate the position of an element its atomic number is 17 , then:
no of energy level( 3)
= in period 3
electrons in outermost energy level ( 7)
= group 7A
- find the atomic number of the element above it in the same group.
atomic number of the element above it=9
-write the name of the group in which both of them are present.
group 7A (halogens group)
4-write down the electronic configuration of the following elements
then mention their group number and period no.
15P 17Cl
their group no
their period no
8 1
8 2
Unit ( 1 )
Lesson ( 2 )
Graduation of properties of
the elements in M.P.T
1- choose the correct answer :
1- each period in the periodic table starts with a/an metallic Element.
2- All of the following elements are metalloids except bromine
3- fluorine has the highest electronegativity.
4-when sodium react with water , H2 gas evolves.
5-burning of carbon air produce CO2.
6- the metallic property of 3Li atom is more than that of 8O atom.
7- which of the following is a metalloid? silicon
8- the strongest metal lies in group 1A.
9- all of the following are from semi-metals except bromine
10- metal oxides are basic oxides
2-put (√) or (x) in front of each element:
1- the metallic property in group(1A)increases as we go from up to
2- metallic property of the same group increases by the increase of the
atomic number.
3- the atomic size increases in the same group by increasing the atomic
4- solutions of non metal oxides turn the violet litmus solution into red.
3- water and ammonia are from polar compound.
3- Complete the following :
1- during the chemical reaction ,metal atom tends to lose electrons and
changes into positive ion.
3-the electro negativity in the modern periodic table increase from
down to up inside the same group.
4-the highest element in electro negativity is fluorine (F) while the most
metallic element is (Cs)cesium
5- in the group , by increasing the atomic number , the electro negativity
6-as the atomic number increases in the same period ,the non metallic
property increase.
7-each period in the modern periodic table starts with metallic element
and ends with non metallic elements.
8-the elements that have the properties of metals and nonmetal are
called metalloids(semi-metals)
9-sodium oxide is from basic Oxides, while carbon oxide is from acidic
10-nonmetals Oxides dissolve in water giving acidic solution which
turn the litmus solution into red
11-metals are arranged in a descending order according to their
chemical activity in the chemical activity series.
12- sodium oxides is from basic oxides .
13- the Picometre Is the unit used to measure the atomic size .
14- MgO +H2O
16-magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid giving magnesium
chloride and hydrogen gas.
18- the measuring unit of atomic size of atom is Picometre
4- Write the scientific term :
1- it is the measuring unit of the atomic size of element. (Picometre)
2- a kind of elements in which their valency electrons contain more
than 4 electrons.
( nonmetal)
3-akind of elements in which their outermost energy level contains less
than 4 electrons.
4- element react with oxygen forming acidic oxides.
5- an atom of metallic element which loses one electron or more during
the chemical reaction.
(positive ion)
6- the substances which have some properties of metals and some
properties of nonmetals .
7- a kind of oxides reacts as basic oxides or acidic oxides according to
the reaction conditions.
oxides as Al2O3)
8- a group contains the strongest nonmetal.
(7A halogens)
9- a covalent compound in which the difference in electro negativity
between its elements is relatively high.
(polar compound)
10- the ability of the atom in the covalent molecule to attract the
chemical bond electrons to it.
12- elements which have the properties of metals and nonmetals.
13-a series in which metals are arranged in a descending order according
to their chemical activity.
(chemical activity
15- elements react with oxygen forming acidic oxides.
16- elements oxides that turn litmus paper into red. (nonmetal)
19-a descending arrangement of elements according to their chemical
(chemical activity
5- What is the meant by :
Chemical activity series.
a series in which metals are arranged in a descending order according to
their chemical activity.
electro negativity
the ability of the atom in the covalent molecule to attract the chemical
bond electrons to it.
polar compound.
a covalent compound in which the difference in electro negativity
between its elements is relatively high.
6- Give reason for:
1-in period by increasing the atomic number, the atomic size decrease.
Because the attraction force between the positive nucleus and the
outermost electrons increases through the period by increasing the
atomic number.
2-water is a polar compound, while methane gas is anon polar
Because the difference in electro negativity between water elements is
high , while the difference in electro negativity between methane
elements is a small value
6-water is a polar compounds.
7-ammonia is a polar compounds.
Because the difference in electro negativity between the elements
forming their molecules is high.
8-it is difficult to identify metalloids from their electronic structure.
Due to the difference of numbers of the electrons in their valencies
12- atomic size increase from up to down in the group.
Due to the increase of the number of energy levels through the
group by increasing the atomic number
7- What happen when:
1-adding dil. HCl to apiece of copper.
No reaction
2- dissolving magnesium oxide in water.
Giving magnesium hydroxide which turn litmus paper to blue
MgO +H2O
3- burning of a magnesium strips in the presence of oxygen gas.(show
by equation)
8- write the balance chemical equations for the following :
1-reaction of magnesium with diluted hydrochloric acid.
dil. MgCl + H
2-reaction of carbon dioxide with water.
3-reaction of magnesium oxide with water.
MgO +H2O
4- burning magnesium in oxygen.
5-reaction of copper with hydrochloric acid.
Cu + HCl
no reaction
9- complete the following equation :
2- Mg+2Hcl
5- 2Mg+O2
MgCl2+ H2
6- CO2+H2O
10-correct the underlined words:
-Carbon dioxide is considered a cidic oxide.
- mention one example for:
-polar compound.
-basic oxides
-an element that has the highest electro negativity.
fluorine (F)
- how can you differentiate chemically between each of the
-Copper and magnesium ,(using HCl)
Cu + HCl
MgCl2+ H2
no reaction
- Which of the following compounds has higher polarity(explain
your answer):
Ammonia NH3 and Methane CH4 knowing that electro negativity of(N
is 3,C is 2.5,and H is 2.1)
Ammonia NH3 has higher polarity because the difference in
electronegativity between N and H is high (3-2.1=0.9) ,
while the difference in electronegativity between elements of Methane C
and H (2.5-2.1=0.4).
Which graph represents relation between :
1)atomic size and period: b
2)Electro negatively and period : a
Atomic number
Atomic number
- Compare between :
- basic oxides and acidic oxides.
basic oxides
acidic oxides
-they are metal oxides
-they are non metal oxides
-formed by the reaction of
-formed by the reaction of
metal with oxygen
non metal with oxygen
-some of them dissolve in
-they dissolve in water
water giving alkalis.
giving acids.
-their solutions turn litmus
-their solutions turn litmus
paper into blue.
paper into red.
Lesson ( 3)
Main Group in the Modern periodic table
1- choose the correct answer :
1- chlorine is considered from halogens.
2- alkaline earth metals form positively charged ions when they enter
any chemical reaction.
6- silicon slides is/are used as semi-conductors in computers.
2-put (√) or (x) in front of each element:
1- the alkaline earth metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.
(√ )
2- halogens are monovalent metals.
(X )
3-iron and copper are alkaline earth elements .
(X )
- chlorine is found in a solid state.
(X )
- halogens are univalent metals.
(√ )
3- Complete the following :
1 -elements of group(1A)are named as alkali metals and they are from
s block elements.
2-the valency of element in group (7A)is mono-valent As they tend to
gain one electron.
3-sodium is kept under the surface of kerosene or paraffin so as not to
react with moist air
4- the element of group (17) are called halogens , while the element of
group (18) are called Nobel (inert) gases
4- the elements of group (7A) are called halogens and elements of
group (zero) are called Nobel (inert) gases
15- 2Na +Cl2
4- Write the scientific term :
1- the halogen which exist in a solid state.
( iodine)
2-an element used to preserve tissue as eye cornea (liquefied nitrogen )
3-a liquid metal acts as a heat conductor in nuclear reactors for
generating electricity.
(sodium 11Na)
6- Give reason for:
-sodium fires don’t put off with water.
Because sodium reacts instantly with water and H2 gas evolves which
burns with a pop sound.
-elements of group(1A)are known as alkali metals.
Because their elements react with water forming alkaline solutions.
-halogens do not exist in the elementary state.
Because they are active element.
11-sodium is kept under kerosene surface.
To prevent it from the reaction with moist air as they are active metal
3-silicon slides are used in manufacture of electronic devices.
Because it semi-conductor , its ability to coduct the electricity depends
on the temprature.
4-liquefied nitrogen is used in preservation of cornea eye.
Due to the decrease of its boiling point(-196 C)
5-cobalt 6o is used in food preservation.
Because its emits gamma rays which prevent the reproduction of
microbial cells.
10- correct the underlined words:
- elements of group(1A) known as alkali metals.
4- mention four properties for halogens.
They are bad conductor of heat and electricity.
They are mono-valent.
They react with metal forming salts.
They exist in diatomic molecule.
They are active elements ,so don’t exist in nature in elementary state.
They tend to gain one electron during chemical reaction and convert inti
negative ion.
Each element replace the element below it in its salt solution.
- Compare between :
Element of group (1A) and group (2A)
related to(name-valency-density-kind of formed ion)
Element of group (1A)
Element of group (2A)
alkali metals
alkaline earth metals
most of them have low
their densities are higher
than alkali
formed ion positive ion carry one charge positive ion carry two
positive charges
8- write the balance chemical equations for the following :
1- reaction of sodium with water
2 Na+2H2O
2NaOH+ H2
3- reaction of chlorine gas with potassium bromide solution
2KCl+ Br2
4- reaction of bromine with potassium iodide
5- reaction of chlorine with sodium bromide.
2NaCl+ Br2
9- complete the following equation :
2NaOH+ H2
2KCl+ Br2
2NaCl +Br2
- Write the use(importance) of:
Cobalt 60
used in food preservation
Silicon slides
used in manufacture of electronic devices
Liquid sodium
acts as a heat conductor in nuclear reactors for generating
Liquefied nitrogen
used in preservation of cornea eye
- mention one example for:
-Avery active metal.
Sodium and potassium
Lesson ( 4 )
1- choose the correct answer :
1-The volume of hydrogen gas evolving from water electrolysis equals
double the volume of oxygen gas.
2- the type of bond between water molecules is hydrogen bond.
3- there are hydrogen bonds among the water molecules.
4-The density of pure water in solid state is less than its density in
liquid state
5-The density of pure water in solid state is less than liquid state
a-less than
b- equal to
c-more than
6-in the electrolysis of acidified water by using Hofmann's
Voltammeter, the volume of hydrogen gas that evolves is(40cm3) , so
the volume of oxygen gas that evolves is 20 cm3
3-increasing the concentration of mercury in drinking water causes
4- mercury causes blindness.
2-put (√) or (x) in front of each element:
1-Hofmann's Voltammeter is used for water ionization.
(√ )
2- the pure water is considered as a weak ionized substance.
3- Complete the following :
1-there are covalent bonds in water molecule, while
there are hydrogen bonds among water molecules.
2-when water molecule is ionized, hydrogen ions are responsible for the
acidic property whereas, hydroxide ions indicate the basic property.
3-the bond between hydrogen atom and oxygen atom in water molecule
is covalent bond, while bonds among water molecules are hydrogen
4- water can dissolve some covalent compounds that can form
hydrogen bonds with water.
5-water is a good polar solvent as it has the ability to dissolve most
ionic Compound.
6- the bond between oxygen and hydrogen in the water molecule is
covalent bond
7- 2H2O
H + OH-
17- increasing the concentration of mercury in drinking water causes
blindness ,while arsenic increases the infection rate by liver cancer.
4- Write the scientific term :
- the process of converting the molecules of some covalent compounds'
into ions . (ionization)
5- What is the meant by :
the process of converting the molecules of some covalent compounds'
into ions
6- Give reason for:
1-pure water does not affect litmus paper.
Because when it ionizes it gives equal numbers of:
positive hydrogen ion( H+ responsible for acidic property) and
negative hydroxide ion (OH- responsible for basic property) .
2-the boiling point of water is high.
Due to the presence of hydrogen bonds between its molecules
3-water is a good polar solvent.
Because it has the apility to dissolve most ionic compound
4- although sugar is a covalent compound ,it dissolve in water.
Because sugar molecules can make hydrogen bonds with water
5-oil doesn't dissolve in water.
Because oil is a covalent compound which can't make hydrogen bonds
with water molecules.
10- avoid keeping tap water in plastic bottles.
Because plastic reacts with chlorine gas ,leading to increase the
infection rate by cancer .
7- What happen when:
1-Storing water in plastic water.
plastic reacts with chlorine gas which increase the infection rate by
2-the decrease of water temperature to 4 OC.
Water molecules are collected together by hydrogen bonds forming ice
crystals of hexagonal shape and large volume
3-drinking water rich in mercury.
Causes blindness
10- correct the underlined words:
-Water are used in fire extinguishing.
sugar is a covalent compound which dissolve in water.
4- Write the use(importance) of:
Hofmann's Voltammeter
Used in electrolysis of acidified water
4- mention one example for:
-chemical water pollutants.
Discharging sewage in canals(lead,mercury,arsenic)
4- explain each of the following:
-The density of water in the solid state is lower than that in the liquid
When the temperature of water less than 4 OC, Water molecules are
collected together by hydrogen bonds forming ice crystals of hexagonal
shape large volume and large number of spaces between them.
4- Compare between :
- biological pollution and chemical pollution of water.
biological pollution of
chemical pollution of
-mixing of animals and
-Discharging sewage in
human wastes with water
-cause bilharzias
liver cancer
death of brain cells.