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Copyright 2014 by David Meade
What's up to four times as big as Jupiter, is so controversial that many astronomers don’t know
much about it, and is the most high-concept conspiracy theory in existence?
With a personal background in investigative research when I first heard of Planet X, the concept
interested me. First, it appeared that close to a million people a month were searching for
answers on Google. Next, I heard an episode on the JR Moore National Radio Show where he
had spoken with some top Naval brass (retired) and they had indicated that the reason they had
moved to the Ozarks was for safety. Then I ran across a video on YouTube with a fifteen-minute
interview with an insider who used the code name ―Arizona‖ who had actually seen Planet X.
The title of the video was striking: ―The Red Devil Planet Revisited.‖ The trump card was
locating a Russian news program (also on YouTube) which featured a discussion of Planet X.
The subject is freely discussed in that country. The Russians believe the object exists, is inbound
and they have built massive amounts of shelters in Moscow and throughout the country in
preparation. The mysterious death, allegedly by throat cancer, of Dr. Robert Harrington, the
chief astronomer of the US Naval Observatory, when he was on the verge of going public, added
fuel to the fire.
Having studied astronomy in college, I found the subject captivating. I entered upon a year-long
pursuit of knowledge, available in the public domain, on the topic of Planet X. After completing
my research I wrote a book entitled Planet X by David Meade, my pen name. This article is an
excerpt from the book I have written. It has dramatic and global implications. A reporter from
the Daily Mail (UK) states:
Astrophysicists have compiled evidence that a gigantic gas giant—similar to Jupiter—is
somewhere at the very edge of the solar system in a region of space called the Oort
Cloud. The Cloud itself is huge-a sphere with a radius of six trillion miles that reaches
one-quarter of the way to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri. One astronomer who thinks it
does exist is Professor Daniel Whitmire from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Whitmire believes that acquired observation might be all that's needed to prove once and
for all that Planet X does exist. He thinks it can be proven from analysis that will take
less than two years. The professor believes Planet X is comprised mostly of hydrogen and
helium gas, similar to a Brown Dwarf Star (a late-stage sun). He estimates that it would
be much like Jupiter, although magnitudes larger, and might well have spots, rings, and
clouds. "You'd also expect it to have moons. All the outer planets have them." The Oort
Cloud contains billions of objects including comets. Those far flung visitors come
zooming from the Cloud and enter the inner solar system to slingshot around the sun
before whipping back out towards their home on the fringe of the solar system. For some
time it's been hypothesized that the region may contain one or more gigantic planets. The
ancient Syrian legends of a planet they called "Nibiru" has fueled much speculation the
last few decades amongst space enthusiasts that such a world enters our part of the
system every several thousands of years causing destruction and terror before leaving.
The comet connection is strong as both Whitmire and Matese deduced the existence of
Planet X from the angle that comets were being ejected from the Cloud. Since 1898 about
20 percent of the comets that entered the system were higher above the ecliptic than
Planet X may potentially cause extreme destruction. The question is to what extent and how
soon is this object headed to the earth?
Dr. Robert S. Harrington, the chief astronomer of the U.S. Naval Observatory, died before he
could publicize the fact that Planet X is approaching our Solar System. Many feel his death is
part of a cover-up. One in which government agencies quickly moved to conceal the most earthshaking discovery in history.
Why did NASA shut down IRAS, the infrared telescope?
From an Insider: Planet X had been imaged by NASA’s IRAS infrared sensing satellite in 1983
and the mechanical failure story was used as a cover story. Once the IRAS data started pouring
in, that’s when they found Planet X. It was approaching from south of the ecliptic.
This was not good news because the majority of the world’s observatories are north of the
Equator, and the decision was made to devote the remaining lifespan of the IRAS spacecraft to
the observation of this one object.
After releasing the mechanical failure cover story, controllers used the IRAS’s remaining fuel to
maintain a constant track on the object until control over the spacecraft was entirely lost.
The decision was then made to spend billions of dollars to construct a telescope at the South
Pole. It would be far more powerful and survivable than the 1983 IRAS spacecraft and Hubble
Space Telescope put together, and this manned observatory would begin tracking Planet X /
Nibiru from the skies of Antarctica.
Why else would a telescope requiring huge expenditures of logistics and funds be built in such a
desolate location? Why not Chile, for example!
It was reported in 2001 that $2.2 Trillion was missing from the Pentagon’s budget. There are
reports (one of them from Jesse Ventura’s show) about a Deep Underground Military Base
below Denver International Airport. It is highly likely this ―missing money‖ was used to
construct this, and a multitude of other military bases in anticipation of the arrival of Nibiru.
I hope at this point it’s obvious – they’ve known about this object for years.
Beginning January 1, 2011, Earth entered the electromagnetic field lines between the Sun and
Nibiru. It was at this point that massive deaths of electromagnetically sensitive animals, birds
and fish started to occur and escalate worldwide. People began to notice sudden and erratic
fluctuations in their compasses. Then on 11 January 2011, the increased infusion of Nibiru’s
reverse polarity magnetism caused Earth’s rotational axis to shift slightly, making the Sun rise
two days early in Greenland.
Nibiru (aka Planet X and referred to by the Vatican as Wormwood) according to research has a
diameter of 179,028 to 183,191 kilometers. Its mass is 3.34 times the mass of Jupiter. The
object is huge, but it is a red dwarf star visible only in the infrared spectrum. Its composition is
cesium, iron oxide, iron, oxygen, and ozone. It has seven planets (moons) orbiting it and
innumerable asteroids. The Vatican is so interested in this object they’ve funded and participate
in an observatory in a remote part of Arizona, where they watch the object approach the earth.
The Wormwood terminology is from the Book of Revelation (the Apocalypse).
Planet X is not going to destroy the earth but it’s going to affect for a period of years every living
person on the planet. It’s going to cause massive destruction, and shortly we’ll go over the
seismic, solar flare and pole shift effects it is having and that will intensify upon its final
Planet X is the reason we have the Seed Vault in Greenland. Governments don’t spend several
trillion dollars without a very good reason.
On 4 July 2011: Saturn was well within the radius and grip of the outer magnetic field. Supermassive storms are now raging across Saturn’s atmosphere. Lightning 10,000 times more
powerful than earth’s lightning. These storms normally occur every 30 years – they aren’t
scheduled to occur for another 20 years but they are now happening. This is as unusual as
having a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico in January! Pictures of Saturn reveal the storm has
grown tremendously and circled back on itself.
In addition, Saturn (the solar system’s second largest planet) is now tilting away from normal by
significant degrees.
Until the discovery of Planet X astronomers had regarded the writings of the ancient Sumerians
about this object as legend. When Planet X was discovered in 1983 they suddenly learned that
the Sumerians were not the primitive people they have been made out to be.
What these modern scientists discovered is that Planet X is a huge DARK planet which is much,
much larger than the earth. It is so large we refer to it as a planet, yet it has an elliptical orbit
more like that of a comet than a planet. Its orbit is so elongated that it spends most of its time in
the darkness of outer space and it comes back into our inner solar system every 3,630 years!
Because it is so large, Planet X also has an electromagnetic field surrounding it that is second
only to that of the Sun in the solar system. In other words, it acts as a powerful magnet in space,
pushing all kinds of space debris out in front of it as it advances through space, and trailing a
million miles or more long tail of space debris behind it.
The astronomers and scientists who lived in 1983 also learned that Planet X was INBOUND to
our solar system. In view of the gigantic size of Planet X and its powerful electromagnetic field
the scientists knew that when it approaches the earth it will cause all kinds of destruction to each
of the planets of the solar system. Saturn is one example.
Venus is another. In the last year a sudden brightening of Venus is being observed. It is so
astonishing that people are questioning if it is actually Venus. The brightening is due to Nibiru’s
(I use Planet X and Nibiru interchangeably) magnetism entering Venus’s magnetosphere and
condensing into high-frequency electricity (plasma).
A scan of a 1987 issue of New Science and Invention Encyclopedia shows that the trajectory of
Pioneer 10 was intended to take it towards but to the right of our tenth planet (Planet X). NASA
has indeed known about and been tracking these objects since at least 1984 (actually since 1983
when the IRAS telescope detected the heat signature of Nibiru).
When Pioneer 10 was sent out to study Planet X it encountered a mysterious force – dubbed the
Pioneer anomaly by baffled NASA scientists. It was gently pushed against (by the force of the
magnetosphere of Planet X) and moved in the opposite direction back towards the Sun. Its
forward momentum was decelerated.
Pioneer was travelling towards the right of Nibiru at this point when the massive object was 66.8
AU (Astronomical Units, or the distance from the earth to the sun) from the Sun. This tells us
two things: (1) that Nibiru’s outer magnetic force is so strong it can affect objects 46.8 AU from
Nibiru (Pioneer’s approximate distance at the time), way beyond the central and certainly much
stronger magnetic field that we’ve calculated spans 16AU with a reach or radius of 8AU; (2) that
Nibiru’s magnetism rotates in a clockwise fashion, because that is the only way it could push
Pioneer back when the deep space probe was flying to the right of it. If it rotated anticlockwise
and the Pioneer 10 was travelling in the same direction it would push the probe slightly forward
and to the right of its trajectory. The effect would have been the opposite as the probe would
have been seen to accelerate, not decelerate, in its drift.
I’m grateful for these conclusions to a scientist who must remain anonymous who has related the
data (which was at one time privately published).
Let’s get back to summarizing in simple terms – the far greater electromagnetic fields of Planet
X will cause great earthquakes (greater than the highest level of 9.5 known to date), volcanic
eruptions, tsunamis and a shift of some magnitude (unknown at this time) of the magnetic poles.
The real reason for the Hubble Space Telescope was NOT to explore the solar system and the
Universe, as some claim from time to time. The real reason for spending billions of dollars to
construct the telescope, place it in orbit, and then immediately replace parts on it was for the
purpose of viewing inbound Planet X.
Even the Vatican hierarchy in Rome have their hands in this. They have spent millions of dollars
quietly building one of the most technologically advanced observatories in southern Arizona
specifically for the purpose of viewing and tracking Planet X on its inbound journey to our solar
system. They have deliberately kept their involvement in this enterprise quiet. Some sources
have gone to the trouble of searching out the location of this observatory in the mountains of
Arizona, and even photographing it, so its existence is carefully documented. But why the
secrecy? The Vatican hierarchy in Rome regards Planet X as the prophesied and much dreaded
―wormwood‖ of Revelation 8:10-11. They believe it is coming, and they are spending millions
of dollars to track it on its inbound journey.
The situation will only get worse once Nibiru’s magnetic sphere envelops the Sun and will from
that point quickly escalate. At that time the solar storms should intensify to over 40 times their
normal levels, and continue to strengthen.
The worst case scenario would happen when a violent CME (Coronal Mass Ejection from the
sun) that accompanies a Y-Class solar flare would both come at us in a 1-2 punch. A Y-Class
Solar Flare would send the part of the earth exposed to it back to the 1850s. It would have an
EMP effect on all circuitry and electronics. I worked for a while at the Pentagon and I can tell
you only hardened military electronics would survive.
La Palma Tsunami
Islands of volcanic origin, such as the Canaries, have an especially large potential for triggering a
tsunami. That the Canaries constitute a danger was shown 300,000 years ago when a part of the
island El Hierro slid into the sea, triggering a mega-tsunami which carried rocks as high as a
house for many hundreds of meters into the interior of the east coast of what is today the USA.
The danger of a similar island collapse is seen by scientists particularly at the island of La Palma
in the Canaries. Here, following a volcanic eruption in 1949 almost half of the mountain range of
20 km moved westwards towards the sea, leaving a large tear in the volcanic basalt. In the event
of a fresh eruption, a huge part of the volcano could loosen itself due to differences in the types
of rock and diverse water deposits within the now active volcano. As a result, the densely
populated east coast of America would be massively threatened. According to a computer
simulation by Stephen N. Ward and Simon Day, a tsunami would rush across the Atlantic at the
speed of a jetliner if the slopes of the Cumbre Vieja volcano were to collapse into the sea. The
tsunami is initially projected at 1500 feet and would be 200-300 feet upon its arrival.
Very importantly – do your own research! Let this be a guide for you. Virtually everything
we’ve gone over so far can be validated through research. You can research on the Internet.
You can buy an 8-inch Meade scope, set it up (though usually setup is a two-month project to
become proficient) and you can see it for yourself.
You have to think like an intelligence officer to understand how the government operates. In
terms of the South Pole Telescope, for instance, a good cover is ―We need to study cosmic rays
in an undiluted atmosphere in order to understand the age of the earth.‖ Sounds ridiculous,
doesn’t it? Well, that’s one of their supposed reasons for the SPT.
You have to use your intuition as well as rational thought. You have to train yourself in critical
thinking and analysis. Buy and read a good book on the Intel community and how they operate.
Remember, the government(s) have taken care of their own. You have to take care of you.
Russia is just finishing 5,000 shelters in Moscow. They’re much more open (in this regard
anyway) on this topic than many other governments. Russia has some underground bases that
can accommodate over 100,000 people (at the base of mountains). These are entire underground
cities that have been under construction since the 1980s. These underground sanctuaries that
have been built are stocked with food and water, gold and silver bars, wrapped currency,
medicines and whatever it takes to live in comfort when they are entered. Why? If Planet X did
not exist there would be no need to build them.
This article is written from the perspective of an Intelligence Analyst. A lot of public domain
information exists, but it must be carefully filtered and evaluated. Because my day-to-day work
itself involves sifting of large amounts of data from a variety of sources (I’m a researcher and a
writer) – I have studied and applied intelligence-gathering and analysis techniques in the filtered
data obtained from years of research on this topic. If you do any research at all you will run into
different levels of disinformation. Some of this is from uneducated members of the public, and
some of it is very likely on purpose. You have to use your head when you do research. 90% of
all governments use covers, legends and a variety of other intelligence techniques in their
everyday operations. The book I wrote doesn’t judge them – it interprets and provides clarity. It
teaches critical thinking about high-level principles. It games out scenarios. Then it is up to the
reader to decide not only my evaluation but his evaluation – does the evidence lead him to a
conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt, to a moral certainty?