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SCENAR: again on its effectiveness
Ya. Grinberg
B. Kulizhky
The effectiveness of SCENAR-therapy in terms of physical influencing factors was
already considered in some works [1-6]. These articles identified the reason for stimulating
pulse dynamics, showed that stimulation energy of SCENAR is concentrated mainly on the
thin layer of epidermis, and analyzed potential influence of the intercellular fluid. One of the
main physical factors in SCENAR-therapy is skin vibration (manifested as skin sounding).
Our skin begins to sound under the influence of the pulse signal. The skin transforms
SCENAR-signal like electrostatic loudspeaker. SCENAR-therapy can be identified as a
new class of electric therapy – high-voltage pulse electric therapy.
However, still we can’t find simple answers to some questions.
Variety of stimulation modes (modulations). Modulation (frequency or amplitude) and
pulse modifications (damping) do not determine energy concentration, dynamic properties
of a signal, skin vibration (though they influence the vibration spectrum). Our experience of
using simple devices (with no additional modulations) proves that they are effective.
However, we recommend to use other operating modes that are proven in practice to be
effective if you have no results during the treatment. Our customers often say they
managed to get treatment dynamics using some specific mode (swing, informational
modulation, etc.). What can explain the effectiveness of these modes that were selected
Device settings. We say our devices have specific settings. It has almost no connection
with physical factors that we mentioned. Then what are these settings for? Why those
devices that have no specific settings provide worse therapeutic effect?
Dynamic properties of a signal are used for diagnostics. Each signal is different and that
helps to avoid body addiction to it. Are there other mechanisms of pulse dynamics?
The objective of our research is to explain and provide scientific background for the
operating modes that were intuitively selected following the treatment results of medical
Uor approach is based on the phenomenon of electroporation (by B.
Electroporation is a significant increase in the permeability of the cell plasma
membrane caused by externally applied electrical field. Cell membranes can concentrate
electric field (according to laws of electrical engineering) and that is the basic principle of
electroporation. Intercellular environment can be considered as low-conductivity
electrolyte. If we place such electrolyte between two parallel live flat electrodes (let’s call
this space a cell), field intensity will evenly spread in the space between them. If we place
bilayer membrane, difference of potentials will concentrate on the membrane. The reason
for this effect is in very high resistance of the membrane (if compared with electrolyte). The
membrane can be considered as non-conductivity dielectric. Pay your attention, the same
is the SCENAR-electrode placed on dry skin. As we have already mentioned all the
energy is concentrated on the thin corneal layer of epidermis. When between the
electrodes there are cells with about 10 microns in diameter, external field will be screened
by the mobile ions that make the diffused plates of electric double layers. Therefore, cell
electroporation requires greater voltage. In laboratory practice pulses of electric field are
applied to cell suspension with 10.000-100.000 V/cm in a pulse lasting from a few
microseconds to a millisecond. That causes the sharp increase of membrane conductivity
[7]. In some period of time, from several seconds to several minutes, the cell conductivity
normalizes [8]. If we take tissue cells, e.g. skin, we can increase the cell membrane
permeability (for medicines or nutritional agents) for a piece of tissue in the interelectrode
Let’s take the introduction of DNA fragments into cell. DNA cells and fragments that should
be introduced are added into the electroporation medium (see Figure). High-voltage pulses
are transmitted through the medium and that creates holes in the plasma membrane. Time
during which these holes exist and their size is enough to uptake the macromolecules,
such as DNA, under the influence of osmotic forces.
DNA Solution
It should be noted that electroporation can transfer the macromolecules that are in
diameter greater than the diameter of electric holes through membranes [9]. The transfer
of the DNA molecules shows that they can make the holes larger and after electoporation
the holes slowly (~ 100 sec.) relax to the initial state. Electric field gradually and slowly
presses the plasmid DNA into the small hole thus making it larger. Intensity and duration of
the electric field for each system of cells is selected empirically.
Electroporation is also used to prepare competent cells and provides the cells of the
highest competency available for today. Cell competency is the ability to “decode” induced
signals correctly. Electroporation is widely used in cosmetology to introduce highmolecular substances (hyaluronic acid) into the skin. Methods for electroporation of
immunoglobulin, vaccine solutions and insulin are now investigated. [10].
Specifications of electroporators and SCENAR device.
Electroporators: amplitude (in different devices) - 20-3000 V; pulse duration 15 msec —
5 msec; pulse shape is exponential (more often controlled), in cosmetology the current is
5-100 Hz with neural bipolar pulse shape (due to its physiological features and favorable
tolerability by patients, if compared with other pulse shapes).
SCENAR: no-load amplitude up to 500 V (limited according to safety standards), in
treatment mode - 100-200 V (on normal skin); pulse shape is exponentially damped
sinusoid (neural bipolar pulse) with 14-340 Hz frequency; duration of the second phase
first pulse (pulse of maximum amplitude in the damping signal) is about 10 msec — 150
msec; duration of the whole damping signal is up to 1000 msec.
As we see, the specifications of electroporators and SCENAR devices are much similar.
Let’s come to explanation of the approaches based on the results of using SENARs in
Various stimulation modes. When the body suffers from any pathology, it produces
biologically active substances and fragments that surround the cells. The aim of these
substances is to induce cells to promote body healing. SCENAR-stimulation provides
additional production of bioactive substances, including those of peptide nature. Without
any help they slowly penetrate into the pathological focus and need much time to fight with
the pathology. SCENAR, which generates high-voltage (high-amplitude) pulse signal, is at
the same tame the electroporator. High-amplitude stimulation increases biomembrane
permeability, biologically active substances penetrate into cells and we observe faster
activation of sanogenesis processes in the body. As we have already mentioned, intensity
and duration of electric field for each system of cells is selected empirically and great
variety of stimulation modes enables the user to apply this empirical mechanisms.
Specific device settings. The key factor here, as before, is the empirical character of
elecroporation. Literature considers [11-12] field intensity and pulse duration. Still, we can’t
forget that pulse shape is also important in providing such effect. We can suppose that
appropriate settings of the device increase cell competency in relation to bioactive
substances produced in sanogenesis.
Dynamic properties of a signal are known to be connected with the following
processes: formation of the double layer capacity and simultaneous pulse stimulation.
Formation of the double-layer capacity is connected with the phenomena occurring on the
border of the first (metal) and second (organic and inorganic electrolyte) class conductors.
In fact, when the electrode is placed on the skin we observe width-pulse modulation. As a
rule the pulse is stretched, i.e. a series of stretching pulses impact the cell. And we can
expect the increased effect of electroporation.
Physiological effects in “soft” reverse electroporation and electropermeability
(increase of permeability) occur on cellular and tissue levels [13,14]. Electroporation of
separate cells contributes to better metabolism in them and their activation [15] with the
increase in production and acceleration in proliferation.
Electroporation and, as a result, permeability of the tissue improves functionality of
microvasculature [16], increases the perfusion of tissue fluid and consequently the nutrition
and oxygen supply [17]. Tissue electroporation accelerates the movement of formed
elements and macrophages in the intercellular space [18], and that results in faster and
localized immune reaction [19]. That provides great increase in the level of antioxidative
enzymes, decrease of the inflammatory process, and inhibition of oxidative stress. Same
physiological effects (or their consequencies) are observed in SCENAR-therapy. [3,20-22
Skin vibration. We didn’t consider the effect of vibration on electroporation before.
When we read about electroporation we find no data on any scientific research of the
vibration effect. At the same time practical use of electroporation in cosmetology shows
the impact of electric pulses and vibration: electric pulses enable the substances to
penetrate inside, while vibration stimulate certain receptors (Merkel’s cells). It should be
also noted that while preparing competent cells using chemical procedure, shaking is
necessary. Therefore, we can expect that skin vibration in SCENAR-therapy enhances the
effect of electroporation.
1. SCENAR-therapy as high-voltage pulse electric therapy has the properties of
2. Electropiration explains many physiological effects of SCENAR-therapy.
3. Mechanisms and principles of electroporation provide the background for some
solutions and decisions made when developing SCENAR devices empirically.
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