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 Is the Works Cited presented on a separate page at the end of the
 Is the title centered, with no bold or underline?
 Is each source listed only once?
 Author’s name inverted? (Last Name, First Name)
 Are the book titles in italics?
 Are the titles of articles or chapters in books in quotation marks?
 Are the names of academic journals and newspapers in italics?
 Are sources listed alphabetically by author (or title—ignoring ‘a,’
‘an,’ and ‘the’—if there’s no author). No numbers or bullets.
 Is the first line of each entry at the left margin, but each
additional line indented (hanging indent)?
 Are dates in abbreviated form e.g. 9 Jun. 2003.
 Does every entry end in a period (full stop)?
 Is it double spaced?
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