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Press release – XXXXX 2013
2013 – Research
Hospital doctor’s research study will help save lives
Doctors in the Gastroenterology Department at Hereford’s County Hospital are helping to lead the
way in NHS research with recent findings from two studies, which will help save lives of patients with
bowel cancer across the country and improve the quality of life for many other patients.
Leading the five year innovative studies are Dr Sarah Townsend and Dr Bev Kok, whose findings
have the potential to save and improve the lives of many patients in Herefordshire and throughout
the UK.
One of the studies, carried out by Dr Sarah Townsend and Dr Rupert Ransford, has shown that a
standardised investigation pathway, developed in Hereford, is highly effective in identifying bowel
cancer in patients referred to the hospital with iron deficiency anaemia.
In addition, patients with normal investigations can be strongly reassured that their risk of developing
bowel cancer in the next five years is extremely low.
“Colon Cancer is very treatable if found early and these findings help to support diagnosing patients
sooner so they can get timely treatment,” said Dr Sarah Townsend.
In a separate innovative study led by Dr Bev Kok into patients referred to hospital for specialist
investigations into very loose stools and possible irritable bowel syndrome, it was discovered that a
significant number of these patients were in fact suffering from problems with absorbing bile salts
which help you digest fat in your diet.
Once this condition has been accurately diagnosed, treatment is very effective and results in a major
improvement in the quality of life for many people, enabling most patients to return to a normal
Dr Sarah Townsend, whose research has been awarded a distinction for being in the top ten per
cent of clinical research submitted across the country in the last year, said: “We’re very excited to be
at the cutting edge of clinical research to find better ways of delivering patient care. It’s rewarding to
know that we are making a real difference to people’s lives”.
Study findings were presented at the British Society of Gastroenterologists national conference,
where new clinical research is considered and then implemented throughout the NHS.
Dr Rupert Ransford, Consultant Gastroenterologist at Wye Valley NHS Trust, said: “We’re extremely
pleased to receive this national award which demonstrates our quality of research is at an excellent
“This reflects the ambition and drive of our Gastroenterology Department which is undertaking a
number of clinical research studies to promote high standards of patient care and discover new
knowledge to benefit patients with digestive disorders in Herefordshire and across the country”.
A provider of health and social care
Notes to Editors WVT:
Wye Valley NHS Trust is the provider of acute and community services across Herefordshire
and beyond. The Trust exists to improve the wellbeing, independence and health of the
people we serve. We are the leading provider of health care in Herefordshire.
By working closely with our partners, we can make good our promise to deliver a quality of
care we would want for ourselves, our families and our friends.
With an estimated annual turnover of around £160 million, we employ around 2,700 plus
staff. We aim to build new relationships between our staff, patients, service users and their
carers with the wider community.For further information please contact:
John Burnett, Communication and Engagement Manager, Wye Valley NHS Trust: 01432 372928 or
Fiona Gurney, Communications Assistant 01432 355444 ext. 5105.
A provider of health and social care