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Lesson 7: Molecules Before you begin!
Homework Name
o Be prepared to share answers with your peers tomorrow
o Your ideas
 What is the difference between caffeine and chocolate?
Caffeine is a stimulant, but chocolate is not
Caffeine is a molecule, chocolate is not
Caffeine and chocolate are highly related molecules, differing by a single functional group
Caffeine is a drug, but chocolate is not
o Previously learned material
 One group of neurotransmitters is classified by the fact that all members have the same functional
group. What is that functional group?
You previously learned that the membranes surrounding cells are made up of lipids. In what way is
that lipid covering helpful to cells
What role do proteins have in biological membranes?
If you eat a mushroom, and ingredients in that mushroom acts upon serotonin receptors in a way
that is a lot like serotonin but there are important differences, you would characterize the
ingredients in the mushroom as being:
serotonin agonists
serotonin antagonists
partial serotonin agonists
partial serotonin receptors
Required Reading
Liska - "Receptor-Site Theory (1.6) Review from Lesson 1
A&P text book - on atoms, bonds, and molecules p. 26 sections 2.1, 2.2, 2.9-2.12
Guiding Questions
What is the relationship between atoms and molecules?
What are the biologically relevant molecules?
What types of molecules to drugs bind to?
How do related molecules compare to each other, how do they differ?
How does one read and interpret a molecular diagram?
Key Terms:
Bond, covalent bond
Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen
Nucleic Acid
Functional group
Methyl, hydroxyl, amine, acetyl, aldehyde
Recycling transporter
Enzyme, catalyst
Agonist, antagonist
In Lecture:
Remember to record answers to discussion questions:
What is a molecule?
How are molecules represented (drawn)?
Important functional groups:
What molecules can drugs influence?