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DANAGENE TURBO Tissues & Cells Kit
This kit allows the purification of PCR-ready
genomic DNA from tissue and animal cell samples,
mouse tails, hair shafts and bacteria in just 2 steps
taking only 15 minutes.
Apart for the reagents for the extraction process, the
kit includes a ready to use HOT STAR Polymerase
2X that allows the amplification of any fragment from
the extract in an easy way as the customer only has to
add water and primers. It requires 10 minutes
activation step at 95ºC in order to remove nonspecific products, such as primer-dimer. It also
contains a red dye which allows an easy
visualization and direct loading onto a gel avoiding
the need of mixing with a loading buffer.
It allows a fast isolation of genomic DNA
ready for PCR in just 15 minutes.
It allows to process a high number of
samples for genotyping, SNP analysis, etc.
Protocols for tissue and animal cells
samples, mouse tail, hair and bacteria are
It includes all necessary reagents for doing
the total process, even a ready to use HOT
STAR Polymerase..
It can be automated.
DANAGENE TURBO Tissues & Cells Kit
For 100 extractions and amplifications from
tissues, mouse tail o cells
PCR from isolated and amplified DNA using the
DANAGENE TURBO Tissues & Cells Kit
DNA was isolated from mouse tails and an amplification
of the Myf-5 gene was carried out giving a 200 bp for
normal mice and mutant mice who take a sequence
LoxP 275pb.
1 – Molecular weight marker.
2 – Normal mouse.
3 – Heterozigous mouse.
4 – Heterozigous mouse.
5 – Negative contro.l