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Digestion and Nutrition – Chapter 6
The 6 Major Nutrients
It is necessary for our bodies to receive a balanced diet full of the major
nutrients required for daily activities. These nutrients are:
1. Proteins: are made up of chains of amino acids. Of the 20 essential amino
acids required for our bodies to function properly, 8 of these cannot be
synthesized by the body so we MUST have a source of nutrition to receive
them. They are essential because they participate in almost EVERY function
our cells perform. (metabolism, muscle function, immune response, cell
2.Carbohydrates: are an essential part of our diet because they provide and
store energy for our bodies. Most commonly we know carbohydrates to be
starches or sugars found in breads, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables.
Carbohydrates are also linked together to form chains called monosaccharide
(glucose), disaccharides (lactose) or polysaccharides (cellulose).
3.Fats: help our body to absorb vitamins, serve as insulation under our skin,
protect organs, provide coating on our nerves, and are an important part of
every cell membrane. Fats are made up of 3 fatty acids and one glycerol
molecule and are often called lipids.
4.Vitamins: assist your body in changing food to energy. Vitamins are either water
soluble (not stored in the body) or fat soluble (stored in fatty tissues). Some
essential vitamins are A, C, D, B1, B2, E and K.
*Q – Find a source for each vitamin, its function, and what happens if there
is a deficiency
5.Minerals : Minerals are similar to vitamins because they help the body obtain
energy from food and maintain normal body functions and structure. As many as
16 minerals are required in our bodies, some function as electrolytes. (iron,
sodium, magnesium, calcium)
6.Water : delivers nutrients to our cells, lubricates our joints, helps to maintain
body temperature, cushions organs, aids in digestion and absorption, among
many other functions. Our brains are 75% water, blood is 92% water, bones are
22% water and muscles are 75% water.