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Biography of Dr. David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD.
Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. is a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician,
researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer. The uniqueness of his contribution to humanity
comes from the advanced state of spiritual awareness known as " Enlightenment," "Self–
Realization," and "Unio Mystica.. “Rarely, if ever has this spiritual state occurred in the life of
an accomplished scientist and physician. Therefore, Dr. Hawkins is uniquely qualified to
present a spiritual path that is scientifically compelling to modern society.
The classical hallmarks of this state are pristine awareness of Ultimate Reality, compassion
for all beings, tireless dedication to alleviate suffering, radiant joy, and humor. People from
all walks of life, nationalities, and spiritual orientations honor Dr. Hawkins as a teacher of
advanced awareness, exemplified in the title "Rae Ryeong Seon Kak Tosa" (Foremost
Teacher of the Way to Enlightenment) bestowed upon him in Korea.
Founding Director of the Institute for Spiritual Research, Inc. (1983) and Founder of the
Path of Devotional Nonduality (2003), Dr. Hawkins has lectured widely at such places as
Westminster Abbey; Oxford Forum; Universities of Notre Dame, Michigan, Argentina,
Fordham and Harvard; University of California (SF) Medical School; Institute of Noetic
Sciences; and Agape Spiritual Center (Los Angeles). In addition, he has been an advisor to
Catholic, Protestant, and Buddhist monasteries. He has conferred with foreign governments
on international diplomacy and has been instrumental in resolving long–standing conflicts
that were major threats to world peace.
He is featured in recent documentary films, magazines, and radio interviews (e.g., Oprah
Radio and Institute of Noetic Sciences) for his work in the areas of health, healing, recovery,
spirituality in modern life, consciousness research, and meditation.
Dr. Hawkins entered the field of medicine to alleviate human pain and distress, and his work
as a physician was pioneering. As Medical Director of the North Nassau Mental Health
Center (1956–1980) and Director of Research at Brunswick Hospital (1968–1979) on Long
Island, his clinic was the largest practice in the United States, including a suite of twenty–
five offices, two thousand outpatients, and several research laboratories. In 1973, he co–
authored the ground–breaking work, Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate
chemist Linus Pauling, initiating a new field within psychiatry.
His clinical breakthroughs brought appearances on The Today Show, The Barbara Walters
Show and The Mcneil/Leher News Hour. In the 1970s, he co–founded several psychiatric
organizations, including the Editorial Board of the Journal of Schizophrenia and the
Attitudinal Healing Center in New York.
Many awards followed, such as The Huxley Award for the "Inestimable Contribution to the
Alleviation of Human Suffering," Physicians Recognition Award by the American Medical
Association, 50–Year Distinguished Life Fellow by the American Psychiatric Association,
the Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame, and a nomination for the prestigious Templeton
Prize that honors progress in Science and Religion. In 1995, in a ceremony officiated by the
H.H. Prince Valdemar of Schaumburg–Lippe at the San Anselmo Theological Seminary, he
became a knight of the Sovereign Order of the Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem
(founded in 1077) in recognition of his contributions to humanity.
A trademark of Dr. Hawkins's research is his pioneering, internationally–known and
applied "Map of Consciousness," presented in the ever–popular book Power vs. Force
(1995), translated into over twenty–five languages. The "Map of Consciousness"
incorporates findings from quantum physics and nonlinear dynamics, thereby confirming the
classical "stages" of spiritual evolution found in the world’s sacred literature as actual
"attractor fields."
These spiritual levels had been delineated by saints, sages, and mystics; yet there
had never been a scientific framework by which to understand the inner terrain. The
"Map of Consciousness" is clinically sophisticated in its depiction of each level’s emotional
tone, view of God, and view of life. For example, "Fear" views God as punitive, whereas
"Love" views God as loving.
The "Map of Consciousness" illumines heretofore unknown aspects of
consciousness. With each progressive rise in the level of consciousness, the "frequency"
or "vibration" of energy increases. Thus, higher consciousness radiates a beneficial and
healing effect on the world, verifiable in the human muscle response which stays strong in
the presence of love and truth. In contrast, non–true or negative energy fields which
"calibrate" below the level of integrity induce a weak muscle response. This stunning
discovery of the difference between "power" and "force" has influenced numerous fields of
human endeavor: business, advertising, education, psychology, medicine, law, and
international relations.
Thus we see that the uniqueness of Dr. Hawkins’ work is that an individual of advanced
spiritual consciousness also possesses the intellect and clarity to express and communicate
the characteristics of these highly evolved states of awareness that few have experienced.
Dr. Hawkins’s writings constitute the first modern demarcation of the highest levels of
human consciousness (SelfRealization, the Void, Nothingness vs. Allness, Full
Enlightenment) and their differential phenomena. In his books, he explains each level of
consciousness (energy field) in language that is free of dogma, and is inspirational to all
walks of life.
He established the Pathway of Devotional Nonduality – a direct course to Enlightenment
via clarification of core essentials that merely await activation by decision, intention, and
dedication of the will. His book, "Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality,"
is basically an instruction manual for the serious spiritual devotee, revealing information that
is known only by those who have transcended the ego to reach Divine Realization.
He is the author of the best–selling trilogy, Power vs. Force (published in 25 languages);
The Eye of the I; and I: Reality and Subjectivity; and seven additional books, including Truth
vs. Falsehood; Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment;
Discovery of the Presence of God: Devotional Nonduality; Reality, Spirituality and Modern
Man; Healing and Recovery, Along the Path to Enlightenment; and Dissolving the Ego,
Realizing the Self. released in 2009. His books are published in numerous languages and
sold worldwide.
Dr. Hawkins’s honors are vast. His background is detailed in Who’s Who in America and
Who’s Who in the World, and his work has been acclaimed by many world leaders and
Nobelists, including Mother Teresa. His life is completely devoted to the upliftment of
Now in his eighties, Dr. Hawkins maintains a demanding schedule of lectures, radio
interviews, and book projects. Similar to other advanced teachers (Mother Teresa, Ramana
Maharshi), seekers come from all over the world to be in his presence, stating that the
"aura" or "radiance" has a transformative effect via "silent transmission." He insists that
what others witness in him is really their own true nature.
The teachings of Devotional Nonduality emphasize the core truths of the world’s great
spiritual traditions: kindness and compassion to everything and everyone (including
oneself), humility, forgiveness, reverence for all of life, and surrender to God. It is a direct
path to Enlightenment in which each internal progression of love and integrity uplifts the
whole of existence: "We change the world not by what we say or do but as a consequence
of what we have become," states Dr. Hawkins.
Recent Accomplishments
Recent accomplishments include: Speaking Engagements at Mishka Productions/Hay
House "Celebrate Your Life" Conference in Phoenix, Arizona in November, 2010; Agape
Revelations Conference in Los Angeles headed by Reverend Michael Beckwith; the Hay
House "I Can Do It" Conference in Las Vegas in 2007 and 2008 as a featured author and
presenter; all–day presentations at the Hyatt Regency in Long Beach, California to an
audience of 800, and in Cottonwood and Prescott, Arizona to audiences of 900. He
conducts regular local seminars and Satsangs (question–and–answer sessions) to sold–out
audiences in Arizona and California, and participated in numerous domestic and
international film documentaries exploring multifaceted spiritual topics and his current
consciousness research findings. The Satsangs have been offered at no charge as a public
service to mankind. The seminars reveal data about our technological society and how to
live a fulfilled spiritual life within its complexities; titles include: "God vs. Science: Limits of
the Mind," "Relativism vs. Reality," "What is Real?", "he Human Dilemma," "Spiritual
Survival: Realization of Reality" and "Spirituality: Reason and Faith," to name a few.
Seminar attendees include people from numerous countries who travel to the U.S. solely to
experience the unique combination of the realization of scientific and spiritual knowingness
exemplified by Dr. Hawkins; a contingent of South Koreans, headed by Reverend J. H.
Moon of the International Meditation Association, traveled to Sedona in 2007, 2008, 2009,
2010, and 2011, exclusively for a seminar and audience with Dr. Hawkins. He recorded a
segment entitled "In The World But Not Of It" for a Nightingale–Conant CD set, focusing on
integrating spiritual practice in our modern–day world. His most recent CD Set with
Nightingale–Conant, recorded in 2010, is a top–selling interview entitled "Healing," which
encompasses spiritual principles and applications related to healing; canceling limiting
beliefs; practical tools for relief in major crises, stress and illness. He participated in
numerous radio interviews, including Oprah Radio and Noetic Sciences. In 2008 Dr.
Hawkins completed his book "Reality, Spirituality and Modern Man," based on the
revelations of consciousness research, describing how to discern truth from falsehood and
the illusion of appearance from the core of inner reality.
His recent book, published in 2009, is entitled "Healing and Recovery," and is based on a
group of lectures conducted by the author at the request of spiritual and self–help groups.
The book reveals why the body may not respond to traditional medical approaches, and
provides specific instructions and guidelines that can result in healing from disease. Our
society lives with constant stress, anxiety, fear, pain, suffering, depression, and worry.
Alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, sexual problems and cancer are constantly in the news.
This timely book provides information about how to address life’s challenges without
necessarily resorting to drugs, surgery or counseling, and explains the importance of
including spiritual practices in one’s healing and recovery.
Two additional books published in 2011 by Hay House, Inc. are: Along the Path to
Enlightenment: 365 Daily Reflections from David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.; and Dissolving
the Ego, Realizing the Self: Contemplations from the Teachings of David R. Hawkins, M.D.,
Ph.D. Along the Path to Enlightenment discusses blocks to spiritual progress, and how we
can transcend them. As a mystic, Dr. Hawkins has infused the truths found in the precepts
of Western religion with the core of Eastern philosophy, bridging the familiar, physical world
with the nonlinear, spiritual domain. The passages in this book, selected from Dr. Hawkins's
extensive writings, offer a new contemplation for each day. Any one of these passages, fully
understood, can elevate one‘s level of consciousness. Dissolving the Ego, Realizing the
Self covers how one traverses the spiritual landscape to move beyond suffering, to
experience the peace and love of God, to transcend illusion and realize the state of
enlightenment. The reader is reminded of the illusory nature of the ego, along with the direct
pathways to transcend its trappings. These pocket editions are reliable companions on the
spiritual aspirant's quest toward higher truth.
September, 2011, Dr. Hawkins presented a very special lecture to an audience of over 1700
attendees who traveled from around the world to see him. He lectured on the topic of
“Love” as the substrate of the universe and as a “way of being” in the world. Considered to
be the culmination of Dr. Hawkins life work, this event was truly inspiring for those who were
present and in his presence.
This year, 2012, Dr. Hawkins directed his attention to answering specific spiritual topics in
greater depth than can be explained in a lecture setting. Video-taped in a small, private
setting in Sedona, Arizona, Dr. Hawkins and his wife, Susan, discuss in greater depth and
detail profound subjects pertinent to the spiritual aspirant. “How to Live Your Life Like A
Prayer,” “What You Are Changes the World,” “What is Real Success?” and “Permanent
Inner Peace” are the enlightening discussion talks released this year. These discussions
both raise and answer the relevant questions all sincere spiritual seekers must face.
New book by Dr. Hawkins - Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender. This book describes the
simple and effective means by which to let go of the obstacles to enlightenment.
Dr. Hawkins primary aim is to seek the most helpful way to relieve human suffering in all its
many forms. The technique of “Letting Go” (Surrender) was found to be a valuable way to
free consciousness from suffering and is described in this book.
The author demonstrates that as the individual heals on the inside, healing can occur on the
outside, much like the rising of the sea lifts all ships, so the radiance of unconditional love
within a human heart lifts all of life.
Dr. Hawkins receives so many requests for projects, radio and film interviews, and speaking
engagements, both domestic and international, that he must turn down the vast majority;
countries include Canada, Mexico, India, South Korea, Germany, England, Ireland, Japan,
Israel and Dubai, as well as from coast to coast in the U.S. Dr. Hawkins is bombarded with
daily inquiries from around the world from people who seek answers, and know that the
inspiration as well as proven techniques and spiritual practices Dr. Hawkins can provide will
set them on the road to authentic and lasting relief.
Milwaukee State Teachers College (now part of University of Wisconsin), 1948
The Medical College of Wisconsin (established as Marquette University School of
Medicine), 1953
Columbia Pacific University (Doctor of Philosophy), 1995
Life Events of Interest
Awards and Recognition
Inducted into the 2006 American Psychiatric Association 50–year Distinguished Life
Fellows honor
Inducted into the 2006 Orthomolecular Medicine Hall of Fame
Established Devotional Nonduality as a major spiritual pathway and the Science of
Consciousness Research
Published numerous articles in spiritual periodicals, 1990 – current
Has appeared on The Today Show, Science, Barbara Walters, the McNeil–Leher
News Hour and talk radio shows worldwide, including Oprah Radio
Presents lectures and workshops throughout the U.S. and the world, along with
monthly full–day seminars, 2002 – current
Gave annual Landsberg Lecture at the University of California Medical School at
San Francisco
Listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World
Appointed consultant to the Unity School of Religious Studies and post–graduate
curriculum, including establishment of the Unity School of Consciousness Studies,
Published research on Science of Consciousness in series of books in 14 languages
Establishment of worldwide independent study groups
Nobelists and world leaders accorded recognition in support of world value of
research and writings: Dr. Linus Pauling; Mother Teresa; Lee Iacocca; Sam Walton;
Bill W. (founder of Alcoholics Anonymous); numerous clergy and businessmen (spirit
in business).
Consultant to government leaders, South Korea, 2000
Received title "Tae Ryoung Sun Kak Dosa" (Teacher of Enlightenment), Seoul,
Korea, 2000
Knighted by the Sovereign Order of the Hospitaliers of St. John of Jerusalem by
authority of the Priory of King Waldemar the Great. The Order was established in
1070 and arrived in Denmark around 1164. The ceremony was conducted by H. H.
Prince Waldemar of Schaumburg–Lippe on October 7, 2000. He was elected to the
Order in October 1996 and was sponsored by Fernando Flores, then an ambassador
to the United Nations. The Danish Order then established a branch in the Americas,
which supports humanitarian projects in third–world countries.
Physicians Recognition Award, American Medical Association, 1992
Elected to Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem (Founded 1077), 1989
Invited to become Commissioner of Mental Health, State of New York, February,
Citation from Medical College of Wisconsin for "Contribution to Medicine"
Taught classes on Advaita
Published articles with Bill W., cofounder of Alcoholics Anonymous
Taught classes based on A Course in Miracles
Consultant to clergy, cloistered nuns, Episcopal and Catholic dioceses, the Zen
Monastery (NYC), and spiritual groups
North Nassau Mental Health Center Award for "Dedication to the Alleviation of
Human Suffering," 1978
Huxley Award for "Inestimable Contribution to the Alleviation of Human Suffering,"
Published Orthomolecular Psychiatry with Nobelist Linus Pauling, 1973
Published numerous scientific papers in the American Journal of Psychiatry amongst
other fine publications, 1953 – current
Founder and Director, The Mental Health Center (largest practice in New York City),
1958 – 1980
Training Psychoanalysis by Prof. Lionel Oversey, M.D., at Columbia University
Psychoanalytic Institute
Supervising Psychiatrist, New York State Department of Mental Hygiene, 1957
Awarded Fellowship in Psychiatry, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York, 1956
Intern, Columbia Hospital, New York School of Psychiatry, 1954
Mosby Book Award for Scholastic Excellence, 1953
Alpha Omega Alpha – National Medical Scholastic Honor Society, 1952
North Nassau Mental Health Center, Inc., 1958
Federation of Mental Health Centers, 1963
North Nassau Clinical Laboratories, 1970
North Nassau Research Division and Laboratories, 1971
An Integrated System for the Care of Schizophrenics, 1971
Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry, 1971
Institute for Applied Spiritual Studies, 1980
Schizophrenics Anonymous (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
Schizophrenia Foundation of New York State (Incorporator; Director)
Schizophrenia Foundation of Long Island (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
Institute for Scientific Communications (Incorporator; Board of Directors)
Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry (Editorial Board)
Journal of Schizophrenia (Editorial Board)
St. George’s Day Activities Center (Medical Advisor)
The Attitudinal Healing Center of Long Island (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
Christ Church Day Activities Center (Medical Advisor)
The Masters Gallery of Fine Arts (Co–Director)
Mental Health Fairs
The Gateposts Halfway House (Medical Advisor)
Garfield House (Halfway House)
Day Activities Center of Port Washington (Medical Advisor)
Brunswick House (Alcoholism; Psychiatric Consultant)
New York Association of Holistic Health Centers
Life Support Systems (Board of Directors)
Space Form (Ecologic Communities and Low–Energy Housing)
Became Director Emeritus of the North Nassau Mental Health Center in 1980 and
gave up psychiatric practice to spend full time on spiritual research.
American Medical Association (Life Member)
American Psychiatric Association (Life Member)
New York State Medical Society
Nassau County Medical Society
Nassau Physicians Guild
Nassau Academy of Medicine
New York Academy of Science
The American Association for the Advancement of Science
New York State Psychiatric Association
Qualified Psychiatrist, New York State Department of Mental Health
Nassau Psychiatric Society
New York State Clinical Directors Association
American Association of Psychiatric Administrators
Academy of Orthomolecular Psychiatry (Founding President; Chairman of the Board)
International Academy of Preventive Medicine
American Holistic Health Association
The Huxley Institute for Biosocial Research (Board of Directors)
Academy of Religion and Mental Health
New York State Association of the Professions
The Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine
Schizophrenia Foundation of New York State (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
The Attitudinal Healing Center of Long Island (Board of Directors; Medical Advisor)
North Nassau Mental Health Center (Director Emeritus)
Medical Society of the Brunswick Hospital (Director of Psychiatric Research)
Attending Staff, Gracie Square Hospital
Youth Consultation Services, Episcopal Dioceses, Long Island (Psychiatric
Editorial Board, Journal of Orthomolecular Psychiatry
Editorial Board, Journal of Schizophrenia
Editorial Board, (Alcoholism), Journal of Psychotherapy
American Schizophrenia Association (Scientific Advisory Board)
National Society for Autistic Children (Professional Advisory Board)
Long Island Council on Alcoholism
The Federation of Mental Health Centers (Co–founder)
American Medical Society on Alcoholism
Arizona Medical Society
Arizona Psychiatric Society
Brunswick House (Director of Research, Alcoholism)
The National Acupuncture Research Society
American Geriatric Society
International Council on Applied Nutrition
The Academy of Preventive Medicine
Canadian Psychiatric Association (Associate Member)
American Society for Psychological Research
Monroe Institute for Applied Science
International Kirlian Research Association
National Council on Alcoholism
The Association for the Advancement of Psychotherapy
The Society for the Study of Addictions
American Institute for Scientific Communications (Co–founder)
International Society for General Semantics
Consultant on Alcoholism, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
American Ontoanalytic Association
Consultant, New York Foundling Hospital
New York Paleontological Society
Consultant, Operation Hotline
Non–Medical Memberships
The First Zen Institute of America, 1960
The Institute for Applied Spiritual Studies (Founder, Chairman), 1983
Institute for Advanced Spiritual Research, Inc. [501© (3) Public Charity], 1983
Sovereign Order, St John of Jerusalem, 1995
Devotional Nonduality Community (Founder, 2003)