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The decay, division and devolution of our culture is, at its core, a
SPIRITUAL ISSUE. Since the cause is spiritual in nature then the
cure must be spiritual in nature as well. That is why we believe
when the church decides to operate in unity and unison on a
kingdom-based agenda that we will usher in true and lasting
hope for our land.
However, in order for there to be ongoing meaningful change
in our culture, the church must do something it has rarely
consistently done before in an historical context: FULLY COME
TOGETHER across social, cultural, racial and denominational lines
around a common vision designed to simultaneously develop
disciples while positively impacting our culture and communities
through good works.
Scripture is clear that the
is defined as the visible
more God is marginalized in
the culture, the worse things demonstration of the
get (2 Chronicles 15:3-6).
comprehensive rule of God over
Scripture also tells us that
every area of life. The church
God works through biblically has been given the unique
committed churches to
responsibility and authority to
address the spiritual forces at
manifest this agenda in history
work in the world (Ephesians
(Matthew 16:18-19).”
3:10). In addition, God has
made it clear that it is only
through the church functioning in BIBLICAL UNITY that the world
will see the uniqueness of Christ, and His people will experience
the full manifestation of His glory (John 17:20-24).
For far too long, believers have looked to political, economic,
social, and education-based agendas to address the personal,
family and social decay now engulfing us. It is time we looked
to God and JOIN TOGETHER as local churches to lead the
way in transforming our communities and our land based on a
kingdom agenda.
I believe God has given us a simple yet strategic plan for churches
to collectively implement in their communities. It is a threepronged KINGDOM AGENDA STRATEGY for Community
Transformation, utilizing existing infrastructure to
produce the greatest possible impact in the most
efficient, effective and expedient manner.