Download The challenge of weather and climate checklist - Henley-in

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Challenge of Weather and Climate Checklist
Key Words
Air Mass
Anticyclone Precipitation
Cold Front
Relief Rainfall
Convectional Rainfall
Frontal Rainfall
High Pressure
Occluded Front
Low Pressure
Prevailing Wind
Ocean Current
Mid-Atlantic Drift
The characteristics of the UK climate can be explained by its global position.
o Can read a climate graph of the UK.
o Understands how latitude, altitude, pressure, winds, distance from sea, relief, ocean
currents influence the weather,
o Can explain how these impact temperature and precipitation on a climate graph.
Depressions and Anticyclones have an important and contrasting influence on UK weather:
o The stages (sequence of weather) in a depression and why they occur.
o The weather associated with an anticyclone in the summer and winter.
UK weather is becoming more extreme. This has an impact on human activity which may be
positive or negative.
o Examples which act as evidence to show that weather is becoming more extreme.
o Evidence for the weather getting more extreme- ice cores, vegetation
o Impact of extreme weather on people’s homes, lives, agriculture, health and transport.
o A range of ways to protect people against these- adequate warning, preparation, plans.
There is a debate about the evidence for and causes of global climate change.
o Evidence for and against climate change. Examples include
o Causes of global warning (Co2 through industrialisation, methane through meat,
population increase etc)
The consequences of global climate change will be significant and change the way we live.
o Economic, social, environmental and political consequences of global climate change for
the world and the UK.
There must be international/national/local, united response for the threat of global climate
o Local strategies include transport, congestion charting, conserving energy recycling.
o National strategies include taxing vehicles, public transport schemes.
o Global strategies include Kyoto Protocol and Carbon Credits.
Tropical revolving storms are a major climatic hazard. The effects and responses to them
which vary due to contrasting levels of wealth.
o Named example include Hurricane Katrina (MEDC) and Cyclone Nargis (LEDC).
o Sequence of events that lead to their formation and can identify it on a map.
o Social, economic and environmental effects
o Short term and long term responses (monitoring, prediction, protection and preparation)