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The Most Important Thing—Chapter 26
AP European History
Mr. Cicerchi
There are many important things in Chapter 26, but the most important thing according
Lauren is the Great Depression. The Great Depression, caused by a downturn in domestic European
economies after the war and the collapse of the American stock market in 1932, caused widespread,
international economic crisis. These economic struggles led people to turn away from democracy, and
accept Communism as well as dictatorship, including the belief of fascism. This change in political support
allowed extremist parties to take control of the government in the following years, namely Fascist Italy
and Nazi Germany.
Sarah is the Great Depression because it resulted in the unemployment of millions of people, and
increased the attractiveness of simplistic dictatorial solutions, especially from a new authoritarian
movement known as fascism.
Hannah K.
Dana was the Great Depression because it resulted in the fascist movement and gave Hitler and the
Nazis motivation to rise and take control.
Alec is the rise of Hitler and the nazi party. He manipulated German citizens and used their struggles to
relate to them and gain their support. Hitler then of course took the country into world war 2.
Jereme is Hitler's control of the German Worker's Party. By 1921, Hitler acquired total control over the
party, and renamed it to the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nazi). Hitler developed the party
into a full political movement and even created a militia for it. Hitler's position in this party is what
would allow him to further organize the Nazi party into a position to fully control the German
Sam is the rise of the Nazi power. The Nazi rise to power brought an end to the Weimar Republic, a
parliamentary democracy established in Germany after World War I. Following the appointment of Adolf
Hitler as chancellor on January 30, 1933, the Nazi state, or Third Reich, quickly became a regime in
which Germans enjoyed no guaranteed basic rights.
Abhishek is the emergence of a world wide economic depression which was caused
by a downturn in domestic economies and Black Tuesday. The worldwide
depression led to unemployment, dissatisfaction with the government, and a
social change because women received more jobs then men did as servants or
house cleansers.
Hannah N. is the rise of the Nazis and the emergence if Adolf Hitler. Hitler
changes the course of history through his hatred for Jews and his leadership
in Germany after Germany is left poor and with no military after WWI. This
also ignites the spark that becomes WWII.
Chris is the Treaty of Versailles because it lead to the circumstances which allowed Adolf Hitler to take
control of a large portion of the government and eventually become chancellor of Germany. He became
chancellor because the President and other elite figures in the government believed they could control
Hitler. They allowed him to create a new government which lead the foundation of a Nazi Germany. It was
due to Hitler placing Nazi believes in positions of power such as Hermann Göring being the head of
Prussia. He also influenced the President to issue a decree for Emergencies which allowed hitler to
suspend all right of the people. He then passed the Enabling Act which allowed hitler to completely ignore
both the President and The Reichstag.
Dan is the emergence of new art forms. Art forms such as Expressionism, which
painted about WWI, became popular in Germany. Other art forms such as Surrealism,
which painted abstract and non material things, became a major art form in this time