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Essential Question:
How can I put the SMACK DOWN
on the World History Exam?
The Byzantines & Medieval
• Byzantine civilization preserved Greek and Roman learning and
passed it on to Western and Eastern Europe.
The Byzantines & Medieval
• Belisarius- Brilliant general who reconquered North Africa, Italy and
the southern Iberian peninsula for Justinian and the Byzantines.
• Unfortunately these victories were temporary.
• Theodora-Wife of Justinian. A shrewd politician, she served as advisor
and co-ruler to Justinian and even pursued her own policies.
• Improved women’s rights and promoted religious tolerance.
• John of Damascus-Protestor, popular among the common people
because of his writings on outlawing icons.
The Great Schism
• Great Schism- The official split between the Roman Catholic and
Byzantine churches that occurred in 1054.
• Pope and patriarch excommunicated each other.
• The split was partially causes over the debate whether priests should
have the right to marry or not.
• Now, they treated each other as rivals rather than as branches of the
same faith.
• Feudalism-Loosely organized system of government in which local
lords governed their own lands but owed military service and other
support to a greater lord.
• Feudalism developed in Europe in response to the need for protection
from outside invasion.
• Christianity helped promote cultural unity in Europe after the
collapse of the Western Roman Empire.
Great Famine of 1315-1316
• Caused by heavy rains and severe weather, destroyed crops and
started a long bout of hardship and starvation.
• People died by the thousands.
• Criminal activity increased as food sources continued to grow scarce.
The Black Death
• A disease called the plague, spread in Europe starting in 1347.
• One in three people died.
• It was carried by fleas and rats.
• Normal life broke down as people fled cities or hid in their homes to
avoid the plague.
• The economy suffered as workers and employers died. Goods were
limited and prices soared.
Western European Figures
• Chaucer- English writer who wrote the Canterbury Tales.
• Thomas Aquinas- concluded that faith and reason exist in harmony.
This is called scholasticism. Both lead to the same truth, that God
rules an orderly universe.
• Dante- Italian poet who wrote The Divine Comedy –takes the reader
on an imaginary journey through hell, purgatory, and heaven.
Evolving Traditions of
• Provisions in the Magna Carta formed the basis for both due process
of law and the right of habeas corpus.
• Due process of law- The requirement that the government act fairly
and in accordance with established rules in all that it does.
• Habeas Corpus- Principle that a person cannot be held in prison
without first being charged with a specific crime.
The Byzantine Empire at its Height
The Rise and Spread of Islam
The Rise and Spread of Islam
• Ottoman Janissaries- Elite force of the Ottoman army. They used advanced
gunpowder weaponry.
• The Prophet Muhammad- He founded Islam. According to Muslim belief,
when he was about 40 years old he heard a voice from the angel Gabriel
calling him to be a messenger of God. He founded Islam.
• Abu Ja’far Muhammad Iben Musa al-Khwarizmi – pioneered the study of
• Al-Razi- pioneered the study of medicine.
• Mansa Musa- Expanded Mali’s borders and encouraged foreign scholars to
come to his country
The Five Pillars of Islam
• Declaration of Faith
• Daily Prayer
• Alms for the Poor
• Fast During Ramadan (holy month)
• Hajj- (a pilgrimage to pray at the Kaaba in Mecca at least once)
The Rise and Spread of Islam
• Caliph- successor to Muhammad, a political and religious position for
government leaders.
• Pope Urban II- The one who called the Christians in Western Europe
to arms against the Muslims upon request from Byzantine Emperor.
The Renaissance
• Medici Family- Wealthy merchant family in Italy. Medici invited poets,
philosophers, and artists to the city and provided funding for artists
to work.
• Leonardo da Vinci- an artist and inventor. He studied botany, optics,
anatomy, architecture, and engineering. Famous for the Mona Lisa
and Last Supper.
• Michelangelo-was a sculptor, engineer, painter, architect, and poet.
• He is best known for sculptures such as David and for painting the
ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
The Reformation
• Martin Luther- German monk who triggered the revolt against the
Roman Catholic church in 1517
• Angered by the sale of indulgences in Wittenberg, Germany, Luther
drew up his 95 Theses.
• He argued that indulgences had no place in the Bible,
and Christians could only
be saved by faith.
The Reformation
• The Council of Trent- convened by the pope to reform the Catholic
church to try and bring back those who left in the Protestant
• The council failed because it reaffirmed Catholic views that
Protestants had challenged.
The Scientific Revolution
• Copernicus- Polish scholar who proposed the heliocentric, or suncentered model of the universe.
• Galileo- proved Copernicus’ theory of the heliocentric universe by
observing the orbit of Jupiter’s moons.
The Age of Exploration
• Columbian Exchange- the global exchange of goods, ideas, plants and
animals, and disease that began with Columbus’ exploration of the
• Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade- colonial trade routes among Europe and
its colonies, the West Indies, and Africa in which goods were
exchanged for slaves.
The Age of Exploration
• Hernan Cortes- Spanish conquistador who explored and conquered
the Aztec empire.
• Francisco Pizarro- Spanish conquistador who explored and conquered
the Inca empire.
• Aztecs- Had a single ruler or Emperor. Priests performed sacrifices
needed to please the gods. Spain found a lot of allies amongst the
conquered peoples.
• Mayans- Developed a hieroglyphic writing system and accurate
Essential Question:
How can I put the SMACK DOWN
on the World History Exam?