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J.K. McCoy
J. Kelly McCoy
Department of Biology
Angelo State University
San Angelo, TX 76909
[email protected]
B.S. 1990
Ph.D. 1995
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma State University
Dissertation: Mechanisms of Selection for the Evolution of Sexual Dimorphism
in the Collared Lizard, Crotaphytus collaris.
Academic Positions:
2009Professor, Biology Department, Angelo State University
Associate Professor, Biology Department, Angelo State University
2001Department Head, Biology Department, Angelo State University
Assistant Professor, Biology Department, Angelo State University
Visiting Assistant Professor, General Ecology, Oklahoma State
University/University Center at Tulsa
Adjunct Instructor, General Biology, Basic Math, Tulsa Junior College
Lecturer, General Ecology, Oklahoma State University
Adjunct Instructor, General Ecology, Northeastern State
University/University Center at Tulsa
Adjunct Instructor, General Biology, Tulsa Junior College
Teaching Assistant, laboratory for Herpetology, Department of Zoology,
Oklahoma State University
Teaching Assistant, laboratory for General Ecology, Department of Zoology,
Oklahoma State University
Museum Preparator, Department of Zoology, Oklahoma State University
Teaching Assistant, laboratory for Human Anatomy, Department of
Zoology, Oklahoma State University
J.K. McCoy
Husak, J.F., J.K. McCoy, S.F. Fox, and T.A. Baird. 2004. Is coloration of juvenile male collared
lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) female mimicry? An experimental test. Journal of
Herpetology 38(1):156-160.
Fox, S.F., J.K. McCoy, and T.A. Baird (eds.). 2003. Lizard Social Behavior: Variation Among
Individuals, Populations, and Species. Johns Hopkins University Press.
McCoy, J.K., T.A. Baird, and S.F. Fox. 2003. Sexual Selection, Social Behavior, and the
Environmental Potential for Polygyny. In: Lizard Social Behavior: Variation Among
Individuals, Populations, and Species. S.F. Fox, J.K. McCoy, and T.A. Baird (eds.). Johns
Hopkins University Press.
Campbell, J.H. and J.K. McCoy. 2002. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of gene flow among six
population of collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) in west-central Texas. Texas
Journal of Science 54 (2): 151-162.
Fox, S.F. and J.K. McCoy. 2000. The effects of tail loss on survival, growth, reproduction, and
sex ratio of offspring in the lizard Uta stansburiana in the field. Oecologia 122:327-334.
Husak, J.F. and J.K. McCoy. 2000. Diet composition of the collared lizard (Crotaphytus
collaris) in west-central Texas. Texas Journal of Science 52(2):93-100.
Baird, T.A., S.F. Fox, and J.K. McCoy. 1997. Population differences in the roles of size and
coloration in intra- and intersexual selection in the collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris:
influence of habitat and social organization. Behavioral Ecology 8(5):506-517.
McCoy, J.K., S.F. Fox, T.A. Baird, and H.J. Harmon. 1997. Geographic variation in sexual
dichromatism in the collared lizard Crotaphytus collaris (Sauria: Crotaphytidae). Copeia
McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. 1996. Is Barisia rudicollis (Sauria: Anguidae) arboreal? A
morphological analysis. Southwestern Naturalist 41(4):359-364.
McCoy, J.K., S.F. Fox., and T.A. Baird. 1994. Geographic variation in sexual dimorphism in
the collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris (Sauria: Crotaphytidae). Southwestern
Naturalist 39(4):328-335.
J.K. McCoy
McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. 1992. A redescription of the Mexican lizard Barisia rudicollis
(Weigmann) (Sauria: Anguidae). Copeia 1992:1114-1117.
2008. Strickland, J.L. and J.K. McCoy. A study of the demography of the western cottonmouth
moccasin (Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma) at the western limit of its range. Texas
Academy of Science Annual Convention, Texas A&M Corps Christi.
2008. Heath, B.A., J.K. McCoy, and C.P. Russell. Survey of student perceptions of methods of
content delivery as depicted in YouTube videos. SCST Poster section at annual meeting
of the National Science Teachers Association, Boston, MA.
2003. Holm, J.A. and J.K. McCoy. Activity patterns and thermal profiles of the ornate box
turtle, Terrapene ornata, in the Monahans sandhills of West Texas. Southwestern
Association of Naturalists, Norman, OK.
2001 Campbell, J.H., and J.K. McCoy. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of gene flow among six
population of collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) in west-central Texas. Southwestern
Association of Naturalists. Fort Hays State University. Hays, KS.
2001 Campbell, J.H., and J.K. McCoy. Mitochondrial DNA analysis of gene flow among six
population of collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris) in west-central Texas. Texas
Academy of Science Annual Convention.
1999 McCoy, J.K., T.A. Baird, and S.F. Fox. Interpopulation differences in the effects of sexual
selection on the social behavior of collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris). The
Herpetologists’ League, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, and the
Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. Pennsylvania State University, State
College, PA.
1997 Hall, P.M., B.B. Amos, and J.K. McCoy. A phytogeographic analysis of the endemic plant
species in Texas. Beta Beta Beta District Convention. Lake Texoma, OK.
1997 Hall, P.M., B.B. Amos, and J.K. McCoy. A phytogeographic analysis of the endemic plant
species in Texas. Southwestern Association of Naturalists. University of Arkansas.
Fayettville, AR.
J.K. McCoy
1996 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. Parasites, parasitism, and sexual selection in the collared lizard
(Crotaphytus collaris). The Southwestern Association of Naturalists. University of
Texas, Pan American, McAllen, TX.
1996 Fox, S.F., T.A. Baird and J.K. McCoy. Intensity of sexual selection in populations of
collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris): is best predictor sexual size dimorphism, sexual
color dimorphism, or environmental potential? The Herpetologists' League and the
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. University of New Orleans, New
Orleans, LA.
1996 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. Male reproductive success and sexual dimorphism in the
collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris (Sauria: Crotaphytidae). The Herpetologists'
League and the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. University of
New Orleans, New Orleans, LA.
1995 McCoy, J.K. Proximate causes of sexual dimorphism in the collared lizard, Crotaphytus
collaris (Sauria: Crotaphytidae). The Herpetologists' League and the American Society
of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.
1995 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. Female mimicry by juvenile male collared lizards
(Crotaphytus collaris): avoidance of aggression by adult males? Southwestern
Association of Naturalists. Centenary College of Louisiana, Shreveport, LA.
1995 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. Female mimicry by juvenile male collared lizards
(Crotaphytus collaris): avoidance of aggression by adult males? Graduate Student
Research Symposium. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK.
1994 Baird, T.A., S.F. Fox, and J.K. McCoy. The roles of male size and coloration in agonistic
contests and female choice in three populations of collared lizards. American Society of
Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
1994 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. Space use, sexual dimorphism, and sexual selection in the
collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris). The Herpetologists' League and the Society for the
Study of Amphibians and Reptiles. University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
1994 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. Discrimination between two populations of collared lizards
(Crotaphytus collaris) on the basis of social behavior. Southwestern Association of
Naturalists. Emporia State University, Emporia, KS.
J.K. McCoy
1994 Fox, S.F. and J.K. McCoy. The effect of tail loss on survival, growth, and reproduction in
the lizard Uta stansburiana in the field. Southwestern Association of Naturalists.
Emporia State University, Emporia, KS.
1994 Baird, T.A., S.F. Fox, and J.K. McCoy. The roles of male size and coloration in agonistic
contests and female choice in three populations of collared lizards. Southwestern
Association of Naturalists. Emporia State University, Emporia, KS.
1993 Fox, S.F. and J.K. McCoy. The effect of tail loss on survival, growth, and reproduction in
the lizard Uta stansburiana in the field. American Society of Ichthyologists and the
Herpetologists' League. University of Texas, Austin, TX.
1993 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. Comparison of the social organization between two
populations of collared lizards (Crotaphytus collaris). American Society of
Ichthyologists and the Herpetologists' League. University of Texas, Austin, TX.
1993 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. The evolution of sexual dimorphism to avoid competition:
empirical evidence using Drosophila melanogaster. Southwestern Association of
Naturalists. Southwest Missouri State University, Springfield, MO.
1992 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. The evolution of sexual dimorphism to avoid competition:
empirical evidence using Drosophila. Oklahoma Academy of Science. Cameron
University, Lawton, OK.
1992 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. Is Barisia rudicollis (Sauria: Anguidae) an arboreal lizard? A
morphological analysis. Graduate Student Research Symposium. Oklahoma State
University, Stillwater, OK.
1992 McCoy, J.K. Variation in sexual dimorphism in the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris).
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists and the Herpetologists' League.
University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign, IL.
1992 McCoy, J.K. Variation in sexual dimorphism in the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris).
Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Texas Tech University Station, Junction,
1992 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. Is Barisia rudicollis (Sauria: Anguidae) an arboreal lizard? A
morphological analysis. Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Texas Tech University
Station, Junction, Texas.
1991 Fox, S.F., J.K. McCoy, and T.A. Baird. Sexual selection in the collared lizard: foreplay.
Oklahoma Academy of Science. Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, OK.
J.K. McCoy
1991 McCoy, J.K. and S.F. Fox. The theoretical distribution of sightings within the home
ranges of territorial and non-territorial lizards. Oklahoma Academy of Science. Southern
Oklahoma State University, Durant, OK.
Research Grants:
2009 C.P. Russell (PI), J.K. McCoy, P. Swets, J. Osterhout, and A. Wallace (co-PI’s). Science
Partnership for Undergraduate Recruitment and Retention (SPURRS). National Science
Foundation. $999,996.
1999 B.A. Amos (PI), J.K. McCoy, R.C. Dowler, and T.C. Maxwell (co-PI’s). Database
development and internet dissemination for the biodiversity of the Concho Valley of
west-central Texas. National Science Foundation. $183,000.
1999 R.C. Dowler and J.K. McCoy. Characterization and documentation of the amphibian,
reptilian, and mammalian faunas of San Angelo State Park. Texas Parks and Wildlife $7000.
1998 R.C. Dowler, J.K. McCoy, and T.C. Maxwell. Characterization and documentation of the
amphibian, reptilian, mammalian, and bird faunas of the Devils River State Natural Area.
Texas Parks and Wildlife. $17,000.
1998 Phylogenetic analysis of community structure of lizards and their parasites in west-central
Texas. Faculty Research Enhancement Grant, Angelo State University. $12,473.
1997 Sexual dimorphism and reproductive success in the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris):
do bigger males really have greater fitness? Faculty Research Enhancement Grant,
Angelo State University. $14,861.
1992 The effect of tail loss on growth, survival, fitness and the sex ratio of offspring in the lizard
Uta stansburiana. Sigma Xi Grant-In-Aid of Research. $350.
1992 Social behavior and predation in the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris). American
Museum of Natural History, Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Fund. $450.
1991 Sexual dimorphism in the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) in Oklahoma. Payne
County Audubon Society. $500.